Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 3 ppsx

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 3 ppsx

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 3 ppsx

... Given) ISO BS UNS DIN CuNi30MnlFe CN 107 C71500 CuNi30Fe 2. 08 82 Copper Minimum Rem. Rem. Rem. Rem. Maximum Nickel Minimum 29 .0 30 .0 29 .0 30 .0 Maximum 32 . 0 32 . 0 33 .0 32 . 0 Iron Minimum 0.4 0.4 0.4 ... acetylene. Table 8. 13 presents corrosion- resistance ratings for some coppers (C11000, C 122 00), brasses (C 220 00, C 230 00, C26000, 28 000), leaded brasses (C36000, C385...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

40 342 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 3 pot

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 3 pot

... Given) ISO BS UNS DIN CuNi30MnlFe CN 107 C71500 CuNi30Fe 2. 08 82 Copper Minimum Rem. Rem. Rem. Rem. Maximum Nickel Minimum 29 .0 30 .0 29 .0 30 .0 Maximum 32 . 0 32 . 0 33 .0 32 . 0 Iron Minimum 0.4 0.4 0.4 ... TABLE 8. 13 Corrosion- Resistance Ratings * for Coppers (C11000, C 122 00), Brasses (C 220 00, C 230 00, C26000, 28 000), Leaded Brasses (C36000, C38500), and Tin Brasses (C...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

40 350 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 11 ppsx

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 11 ppsx

... evaporation of the water. 964 Appendix B 07651 62_ AppB_Roberge 9/1/99 6:51 Page 964 a chemical compound) as there are atoms of carbon in 0.0 12 kg of the pure nuclide C 12 . The weight of one mole of an ... plating. immunity A state of resistance to corrosion or anodic dissolution of a metal caused by thermodynamic stability of the metal. impingement corrosion A form...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

40 292 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 1 Part 3 docx

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 1 Part 3 docx

... 50.1 1 .33 Cl Ϫ 1 76 .3 2. 03 K ϩ 1 73. 5 1.95 NO 3 Ϫ 1 71.4 1.90 Ca 2 2 119.0 0.79 ClO 4 Ϫ 1 67 .3 1.79 Cu 2 2 107 .2 0.71 SO 4 2 2 160.0 1.06 Zn 2 2 105.6 0.70 CO 3 2 2 138 .6 0. 92 O 2 —— 2. 26 HSO 4 Ϫ 1 ... (OH) 24 46 44 6 2 34 4 Cu Cl(OH) , Cu CO (OH) , Cu NO (OH) 23 2 32 23 3 ZnO, Zn (OH) (CO ) , ZnCO 56 32 3 Zn(OH) , ZnSO , Zn 5 Cl 2 (OH) 8 .H...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

34 357 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 1 Part 3 pot

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 1 Part 3 pot

... 5 .25 Li ϩ 1 38 .7 1. 03 F Ϫ 1 55.4 1.47 Na ϩ 1 50.1 1 .33 Cl Ϫ 1 76 .3 2. 03 K ϩ 1 73. 5 1.95 NO 3 Ϫ 1 71.4 1.90 Ca 2 2 119.0 0.79 ClO 4 Ϫ 1 67 .3 1.79 Cu 2 2 107 .2 0.71 SO 4 2 2 160.0 1.06 Zn 2 2 ... cooling system 122 2. 2.5 Software systems 1 23 Scaling of cooling water 124 Scaling of deep well water 126 2. 3 Seawater 129 2. 3. 1 Introduction 129 Salini...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

34 440 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 1 ppt

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 1 ppt

... Alloy 20 -25 -4Mo (904L) 2. Alloy 20 -25 -6Mo (25 4SMO/6XN) 3. Alloy 20 -38 -3- 3Cu (20 Cb3/ 825 ) 4. Alloy 30 -44-5-3W (G -30 ) 5. Aluminum (30 03/ 5154) 6. Austenitic (17- 12- 3) stainless steel (31 6L /31 7L) 7. ... (686) 17. Ni -22 Cr-16 Mo (C 22/ 59) 18. Ni - 23 Cr-16 Mo-1 Cu (C20000) 19. Ni -30 Mo (B -2) 20 . Nickel (20 0) 21 . Nickel cast iron (15 -35 Ni) 22 . Nickel-chromi...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

35 290 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 1 pot

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 1 pot

... (25 4SMO/6XN) 3. Alloy 20 -38 -3- 3Cu (20 Cb3/ 825 ) 4. Alloy 30 -44-5-3W (G -30 ) 5. Aluminum (30 03/ 5154) 6. Austenitic (17- 12- 3) stainless steel (31 6L /31 7L) 7. Austenitic (18-8) stainless steel (30 4 /30 4L /34 7) 8. ... (686) 17. Ni -22 Cr-16 Mo (C 22/ 59) 18. Ni - 23 Cr-16 Mo-1 Cu (C20000) 19. Ni -30 Mo (B -2) 20 . Nickel (20 0) 21 . Nickel cast iron (15 -35 Ni) 22 . Nic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

35 302 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 2 pptx

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 2 pptx

... D 20 24 T3 L A A A LT B D B ST D D D 20 24 T4 L A A A LT B D B ST D D D 20 24 T6 L A A LT B A ST B D 20 24 T8 L A A A A LT A A A A ST B A B C 20 48 T851 L A LT A ST B 21 24 T851 L A LT A ST B 22 19 T351X ... Marine 0 .2 (800 ft) 5050 H34 Kure Beach-80 NC, USA 5 Marine 0.4 (80 ft) 50 52 H34 Arenzano Italy 1.75 0.5 50 52 H34 Aruba Dutch Antilles 7 Marine 0 .2 50 52 H34 Bohus-Malmon...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

40 347 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 2 pptx

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 2 pptx

... flake 30 0 30 0 600 30 0 Ferritic nodular RT-150 RT-150 600 20 0 Ferritic whiteheart malleable RT * RT * 600 20 0 Pearlitic flake 30 0 33 0 30 0 33 0 600 35 0 Pearlitic nodular 20 0 33 0 20 0 33 0 600 30 0 Pearlitic ... D 20 24 T8 L A A A A LT A A A A ST B A B C 20 48 T851 L A LT A ST B 21 24 T851 L A LT A ST B 22 19 T351X L A A LT B B ST D D 22 19 T37 L A A LT B B ST D D 22...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

40 351 0
Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 4 doc

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering Episode 2 Part 4 doc

... 0.0 904L N08904 2. 5 5.0 31 7LM S31 725 2. 5 2. 5 G N06007 25 .0 25 .0 G -3 N06985 25 .0 25 .0 C-4 N06455 37 .5 37 .5 625 N06 625 35 .0 40.0 C -27 6 N1 027 6 60/0 65/0 C -22 N06 022 60.0 65.0 07651 62_ Ch08_Roberge 9/1/99 ... Nil Bromine Vapor 20 0. 025 Chromium 25 % CrO 3 , 12% H 2 SO 4 92 0. 125 plating solution Chromium 17% CrO 3 , 2% Na 5 SiF 6 , 92 0. 125 plat...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:20

40 556 1