Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''''''s archiveEmail Do’s and Don’t''''''''s pot

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveEmail Do’s and Don’t''''s pot

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveEmail Do’s and Don’t''''s pot

... underlines 9. Email feels private, but it's anything at all Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Email Do’s and Don’t's 1. Joan Lloyd, of Joan Lloyd & Associates, ... it tells me the seizes ticks 6. Because the tone and are missing, it is more important to use friendly language, descriptive adjectives and carefully chosen words....

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 14:20

9 366 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveAdvertising pdf

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveAdvertising pdf

... Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Advertising 1. In order to make a sensible among the ... customer demand for summer clothing. satisfy satisfaction satisfies satisfying 3. A good team leader must be able to his colleagues to face the challenge of a downturn in business. consumption

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 545 1
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveMoney pdf

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveMoney pdf

... return up Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Money 1. It's useful when you go to an auction if you're ready with cash in pocket purse case hand 2. I prefer ... obviously useless and if I were you I'd get your money back making massing creating 7. There doesn't seem to be anyone working really hard for the business...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 497 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveFinance (2) pps

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveFinance (2) pps

... been , they decided to sell it and buy a bigger one. valued Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Finance (2) 1. When you go to an auction and you want to buy a particular

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 421 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveFinance (1) pdf

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveFinance (1) pdf

... are hoping that sales of holiday items will take on take up take off take to Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Finance (1) 1. The one big fear of all world economies ... combined resources will produce greater profits. merge double mix blend 9. When someone dies and their reach a certain figure, their family has to pay an additional tax.

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 496 1
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveBusiness pptx

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveBusiness pptx

... Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Business 1. I was pleased to receive your response to my proposal ... detail measure business work activity tasks 8. The chairman was obliged to bring the meeting to a because a fire broke out in the adjoining room. cessation standstill suffered ... report has just been that gives details of the causes of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 413 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveJob Interview pdf

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveJob Interview pdf

... Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Job Interview 1. Tell us something about your in the ... temper and shouts at you in front of others, how would you with this? take do handle deal 8. What would you say to a member of your staff who always his work in late? delivered handed ... foreground background knowledge history 5. Give us some idea...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 375 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveCredit Card Holders potx

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveCredit Card Holders potx

... Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Credit Card Holders 1. The stock market has hit new ... lows bottoms depths ends 2. The government has decided to hold an into the latest financial scandal. offered ejected 4. I was totally of the increased taxes. unknowing unclear incredulous

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

7 367 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveSpin Doctors pot

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveSpin Doctors pot

... essential to have air in your car when you drive in a hot climate. control blowing Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Spin Doctors 1. Most of the money was donated to charity. ... openings handling dealings contacts 6. Voters find it difficult to believe politicians because the latter

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

7 361 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveDental Care Expressions doc

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveDental Care Expressions doc

... 25. be born Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Dental Care Expressions 1. Most dentists are practitioners, which means they own their own business and work alone or ... corrective on gums and supporting bones to treat gum diseases. brushing surgery replacement flossing 3. Dentists wear masks, gloves, and safety glasses to protect themselv...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20

8 505 0