The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 6 doc
... 118 109 16$ $CH6 10-21-04 08:00:49 PS 111Videos: Using Them to Their Best Advantage should they want to review the materials, show them to colleagues, or see the entire program. • Determine the appropriate ... to the message, even though they may not be at the highest level. ✓ Prepare them in advance for the time requirement, with the un- derstanding that seldom is the first t...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
... compared with others in the field. ✓ Whether the quoted prices are inclusive, or whether there are additional costs for duplication of materials, travel, and other items. ✓ If and how often the consultant ... employees in the target training group. ✓ Divide the total anticipated savings by the number of parti- cipants to identify the savings per participant. 4. Compare the cost...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
... opportunity to learn from others. ✓ Do one thing each day that will take them closer to their goal. ✓ Set goals that are important to them, as much as they may please others. ✓ Treat failure as ... proposals, 61 63 resistance to training, 1 16 118 fear of appearing foolish, 117 group resistance, 1 16 resistance to change, 1 16 unclear goals and objectives, 117 role plays, design and condu...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 9 ppt
... people to apply their learning back on the job. Part X examines the role of the line manager as a partner in this process. PAGE 183 109 16$ PT10 10-21-04 07:58:35 PS 1 86 Sustaining the Impact of ... appreciate the impact these will have on trainees. • Assign facilitators to deliver individual sections to the group after a comprehensive review of the manual. Allow them enough...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 8 pdf
... built into the system. The key to the success of any program evaluation is the planning process. Evaluators need to become familiar with the nature of the program, the people served, and the goals ... Publishers, 1998). PAGE 162 109 16$ $CH8 10-21-04 08:00:55 PS 169 Auditing the Training Function developed with stakeholders at the draft reporting stage and then later fin...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 7 ppsx
... Challenge participants ✓ Respect them ✓ Listen to them, knowing that they have much to contribute ✓ Allow them to influence the process and content of the session ✓ Give them the opportunity to learn ... 109 16$ $CH6 10-21-04 08:00:53 PS 128 Conducting Training • Welcome the trainees officially when they are seated. Let them know what to expect. Remind them of your agenda, the expecte...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 5 potx
... simple tool for written observations (rather than col- lecting only verbal impressions). The tool should emphasize the intended outcome of the course (one or two key learning objec- tives) as the ... so that they can learn on their own. Synchronous training, on the other hand, is training that is offered on the Web that is done in a virtual classroom and is led by a facilitato...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 4 ppt
... each other. These chapters provide the program designer with the tools to make certain that the learners appreciate the process, retain the information, and are motivated to apply it back on the ... result of the feedback. • Role plays work best when: ✓ The scenarios are realistic. ✓ There is adequate time to debrief the process. ✓ The role play is followed by theory to re...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 2 pptx
... Profile There are many ways to determine the key skills a person needs to improve. Gather input from those with whom the individual inter- acts: the manager, peers, and direct reports. The following ... back to them, they will expect these costs to be competitive. • Respect adult-learning principles. Adults want to be treated as equals by the course leader. They will value training i...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 1 pot
... training course ducted before and after a train- ing course PAGE 10 109 16$ $CH1 10-21-04 08:00:19 PS The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition Cy Charney and Kathy Conway American Management Association New ... as the key • the workplace as the key learn- learning arena ing arena • trainers and facilitators as the • coaches, role models, mentors, key learning agents and subj...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22