Dictionary of Engineering Episode 1 Part 10 pot
... on a scale of 1 to 10 0: reliable prime mover and approved by the Na- 1 to 11 is no fire danger; 12 to 35 medium danger; tional Board of Fire Underwriters. { fı ¯ r pəmp } 40 to 10 0 high danger. ... inks, force of magnitude 1 poundal acting at a perpen- into a plastic part so that the foil is visible below dicular distance of 1 foot from the axis of rota- the surf...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
... indentation of either a steel ball or alarge-size holes in soft to medium-hard rocks. { ra ¨ k bit } 12 0Њ conical diamond with rounded point, 1/ 16, 1/ 8, 1/ 4, or 1/ 2 inch (1. 5875, 3 .17 5, 6.35, 12 .7 rockbolt [ ENG ] A ... equal to 1/ 4 acre, worker carries and lays rope in a manufacturing or 10 ,890 square feet, or 10 11. 714 105 6 square plant. { ro ¯ pwo ˙ k} meters...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
... control of the position of a printed design with respect bomb of the vapor pressure in pounds pressure of a sample of gasoline at 10 0ЊF (37.8ЊC). { re ¯ dto reference marks or some other part of ... in millimeters are 430, of a device, from the output to the input. { ra ¯ t fe ¯ dbak } 610 , 860, and 12 20; for sheets of paper, the sizes are RA0, 860 ϫ 12 20; RA1,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 2 Part 7 potx
... equal to the pressure drop for flowing fluids. { pı ¯ p 1/ 64 U.S. bushel, or 10 7,5 21/ 3200 cubic inches, ska ¯ l} or approximately 5.50 610 ϫ 10 Ϫ4 cubic meter. pipe sleeve [ ENG ] A hollow, cylindrical ... having the value of 1 in centimeter-gram-second electro- pharmaceutical chemistry [ CHEM ENG ] The chemistry of drugs and of medicinal and pharma-static units, and of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 2 Part 4 potx
... the Kirchhoff’s current law [ ELEC ] The law that at size of the figure is a function of the potential any given instant the sum of the instantaneous and polarity of the lightning discharge. values of ... mo ¯ иshən} of a piece of work as it is fed to a rotary saw. kinematics [ MECH ] The study of the motion of { kikbak } a system of material particles without reference...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 1 Part 9 pps
... conservative 10 0 feet (30.5 meters) or 50 feet (15 .25 meters) long. Also known as chain. { enиjənirzforce; equal to the sum of the kinetic energy of the particle and the potential energy of the force ... source of multiply charged heavy ions which uses an in- electronegative [ ELEC ] 1. Carrying a negative electric charge. 2. Capable of acting as the neg-tense electron beam...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 1 Part 8 pps
... ster } disassemble [ ENG ] To take apart into constit-factor expressed in decibels; it is 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the directivity factor. uent parts. { disиəsemиbəl} disc See ... blasting. having a capacity of 12 11 0 gallons (45– 416 { dra ¨ p bo ˙ l} liters). [ ELECTR ] A computer storage device drop bar [ ELEC ] Protective device used to consisting of a ra...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 1 Part 7 pdf
... ENG ] 1. A steel tube 10 –60 inches chine consisting of one or a series of rotary cylin- (25 15 2 centimeters) in diameter with a wall at drical filters on which wet paper sheets are least 1/ 8 inch ... } curling dies [ MECH ENG ] A set of tools thatabout the axis of rotation; the rate of rotation of the cups, which is a measure of the wind shape the ends of a piece of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 1 Part 6 ppt
... ENG ] 1. One of a pair of an end- creep test [ ENG ] Any one of a number of meth- ods of measuring creep, for example, by sub-less chain of plates driven by sprockets and used instead of wheels ... formulation of an optimization problem, one of the parame-state of statistical control, that is, the extent of variation of the output of the process does not ters whose...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20
Dictionary of Engineering Episode 1 Part 5 ppt
... senиte ¯ a ¨ r} around the center of force, in the effective poten- centibar [ MECH ] A unit of pressure equal to tial governing the radial motion of a particle of 0. 01 bar or to 10 00 pascals. { sentиəba ¨ r} nonvanishing ... ska ¯ l} ədиe ¯ } centigram [ MECH ] Unit of mass equal to 0. 01 center of inertia See center of mass. { senиtər əv gram or 10 Ϫ5 kilogram....
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 15:20