Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 10 ppt

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 10 ppt

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 10 ppt

... vegetation on the landscape for as long possible while weav- ing corridors and small reserves into the built portion of the landscape (see Fig- ure 6-1 0). Fortunately, this land transformation model ... habitat, intensive pro- duction areas, and urban areas (see Figure 1 0-2 ).* Although the LCDP is our term for a plan that blends traditions of conservation planning and large-s...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

31 241 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 2 pptx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 2 pptx

... sala- manders and other species in their community.They would ask which species eat the salamanders, which ones the salamanders eat, and which ones compete with the salamanders for food and other ... and engineering-oriented individuals, and an ethical argument that avoids discus- sions of money and appeals directly to human intuition. For land use planners and the constitue...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

15 394 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 3 pptx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 3 pptx

... however, the town-become-city now ex- tends well out into the neighboring farmlands, rangelands, and mountains and has become part of a larger metropolitan complex (see Figure 3-1 ). Exponentia ... native habitat. This is a zero-sum game with three players: natural habi- tats, agricultural lands, and urban land uses. As one land use expands—typically, human-inhabited areas—one or both...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

15 325 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 8 pptx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 8 pptx

... natural and semi-natural areas of various types; in the next chapter, we will discuss how damaged lands can be restored and how natural and semi-natural lands can be managed for long- term ecological ... urban and suburban areas will almost always be multiple-use lands, providing some level of utility for plants and animals as well as for humans. Yet, how these lands are plan...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

18 232 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 1 potx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 1 potx

... HUMANS, NATURE, AND INTERACTIONS Figure 1-1 . This sample site map shows a fifty-acre (20 ha) farm, including fields, farm buildings, a stream and wetlands, and some forest. Like many maps and plans, ... their lives in the wetland. Land use planners, designers, and developers usually work within unam- biguous geographic boundaries and over relatively short time periods. In con...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

16 381 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 4 potx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 4 potx

... once again forested. Stands of white pine covered many abandoned fields and pastures, while other open-land specialists—gray birch, aspens, and cherries—filled other abandoned farmlands. The turn ... species, and how energy and nu- trients flow through the landscape. These topics relate directly to land use and offer planners and designers specific recommendations for improving the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

21 272 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 5 docx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 5 docx

... into a handful of guide- lines for ecologically based planning and design. First, as we plan human land uses, it is important to understand the patterns of native populations and meta- populations ... bullfrogs and mosquitofish, also compete with red-legged frogs for specific food sources. Both bullfrogs and mosquitofish were introduced to California by humans for food and mosqui...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

21 291 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 6 pdf

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 6 pdf

... give -and- take, and land development is marked by risk-averse formulas for financial success. As a planner, designer, developer, or involved citizen, you stand at the epicenter of this conflict. For ... and to preserve nature’s mag- nificent legacy for its own sake and that of future human generations. The Ecology of Landscapes 127 Figure 6-5 b. High-speed two-lane roads have t...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

36 404 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 7 pot

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 7 pot

... Land cover data usually distinguish among various types of forests, grasslands, or wetlands (e.g., coniferous forest versus mixed forest versus hard- wood forest) and are especially helpful for ... scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to pro- vide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unim- paire...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

22 228 0
Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 9 docx

Perlman - Practical Ecology for Planners, Developers and Citizens - Chapter 9 docx

... mechanics.The information pro- vided here is intended to help planners and designers assess when and how restoration might play a part in their projects, understand and critique restora- tion plans and designs ... example, ecologists use fire and clearing (tree and shrub cutting) to change forests to more open ecosystem types, such as savannas, shrublands, and grass- lands. Once...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

17 282 0