... CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the indus- try-standard ... on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory pro- grammer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU wi...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 05:17
... context. package { import flash. display.*; import flash. events.Event; import flash. filters.*; import flash. events.Event; import flash. events.KeyboardEvent; import flash. ui.Keyboard; ... VAN DER SPUY AdvancED Game Design with Flash All the essential techniques that every game designer should know. Physics for games, pathfinding, game structure with the MVC...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Teaching With Animation - a booklet about animation potx
... academically weak and provides them with an alternative way of expression. • In the modern information and communication society of today, people are working with idea and concept and the expectations ... UK and Denmark. The aim of the project is to make teaching with animation an integrated part of the European school system along with the more traditional ways of teaching...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20
... variable taking values a 1 ,a 2 , ,a m with probability p 1 ,p 2 , ,p m , respectively and let X 1 ,X 2 , be a sequence of independent random variables with the same distribution as X.LetS = ∞ n=1 ρ n X n ,for0< ... M. Ngai, Iterated function systems with overlaps, Asian J. Math. 4(2000), 527 - 552. 4. T. Hu, The local dimensions of the Bernoull i convolution associated with the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20
Professional C# Web Services: Building .NET Web Services with ASP.NET and .NET Remoting potx
... that are declared with the delegate. With the first argument, an AsyncCallback delegate can be passed to this method. With the asynchronous callback, we can define a method with an IAsyncResult ... System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging. We can add data to the context with CallContext.SetData(), and reading the data can be done with CallContext.GetData(). We cannot pass basic data type...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:20
Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (7th Edition) potx
... which is a collection of eight bits, is known as a byte. Bytes are grouped together to make words. On most computers a word contains four bytes. Each word is assigned a unique number known as an ... Figure 1-3 shows a group of memory words with their addresses. In the illustration, sample data is stored in memory. The number 149 is stored in the word with the address 16, and the number...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:22
Báo cáo khoa học: Human lactoferrin activates NF-jB through the Toll-like receptor 4 pathway while it interferes with the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated TLR4 signaling potx
... interfere with the formation of the CD14–LPS complex, resulting in the attenuation of LPS signaling. As LF is known to interact with LPS, the binding of LPS with LBP may also be interfered with in ... occurs in mouse macrophages stimulated with hLF. (A) Wild-type and TRAF2 ⁄ 5 ) ⁄ ) MEFs were treated for 60 min with endotoxin-depleted hLF (500 lgÆmL )1 ) or with endotoxin-deplet...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20
... may sympathize with the ‘victims’. But this may depend on whether they think that the person who lost the job is a ‘source of pollution’ or not. A rich person may sympathize with the poor workers ... environmental risk. The loss, or potential loss of one’s job is ranked as one of the highest stress experiences (Castro, Romero and 1 Public perceptions of urban air pollution with a...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20
Tạo hiệu ứng lạ khi chụp ảnh với đèn flash pot
... phơi sáng dài. Kỹ xảo ảnh Stroboscopic Flash Tạo hiệu ứng lạ khi chụp ảnh với đèn flash Chỉ bằng cách phối hợp đèn flash với một số điều chỉnh thông số chụp, ... đến bất ngờ. Dưới đây là 3 kỹ thuật sử dụng flash từ trang Photopoly: Ảnh nhòe chuyển động (Motion Blur): Là kết quả của việc kết hợp giữa flash và tốc độ màn trập chậm, thời gian...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
CoffeeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js potx
... comments, and strings Most programming books start with comments, and I thought I would end with them. In CoffeeScript, single line comments start with #. The comments do not end up in your generated ... himself admitted that the language was prototyped within about 10 days, and even though what he came up with was impressive, JavaScript isn't without (many) warts. These too...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21