E-Marketing, 3rd editionJudy Strauss, Adel I El-Ansary, and Raymond FrostChapter 3: The potx

E-Marketing, 3rd editionJudy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost doc

E-Marketing, 3rd editionJudy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost doc

... goals,  Improve supply chain management. Tier One E-Marketing Strategic Planning: Identifying brand differentiation variables and positioning strategies  The understanding of the competition + the ... e-marketing mix tactics.  product/service offering  pricing/valuation  distribution/supply chain  integrated communication mix Design relationship management tactics. Design i...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

50 209 0
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 2 potx

Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 2 potx

... basic concepts and definitions such as as signal classification, spectral density, random process, linear systems and signal bandwidth. Lecture 2 7 Aliasing effect LP filter Nyquist rate aliasing Lecture ... quantization  It is achieved by uniformly quantizing the “compressed” signal.  At the receiver, an inverse compression characteristic, called “expansion” is employed to avo...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

22 409 0
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 5 potx

Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 5 potx

... transmitted symbol sent) inside lienot does sent)Pr( Pr() ˆ Pr( iiii mZmmm z=≠ sent) inside liessent)Pr( Pr() ˆ Pr( iiii mZmmm z== ∫ == i Z iiiic dmpmZmP zz z z )|(sent) inside liesPr()( )(1)( icie mPmP ... that the average probability of error in the decision is minimized. m ˆ i m Modulator Decision rule m ˆ i m z i s n z z Lecture 5 10 Detection rule (ML)…  It can be simplifie...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

21 416 0
Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 10 potx

Digital Communication I: Modulation and Coding Course-Lecture 10 potx

... 16 State diagram – cont’d  A state diagram is a way to represent the encoder.  A state diagram contains all the states and all possible transitions between them.  Only two transitions initiating ... 10 Effective code rate  Initialize the memory before encoding the first bit (all- zero)  Clear out the memory after encoding the last bit (all- zero)  Hence, a tail of zero-b...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20

20 387 0
I haven''''t and I don''''t have- Khác nhau thế nào?

I haven''''t and I don''''t have- Khác nhau thế nào?

... hiểu ta i sao họ la i không dùng I haven't. Giữa I haven't và I don't have thì ca i nào là đúng vì đ i khi nghe thấy ngươ i ta dùng I don't have mà không hiểu ... I haven't and I don't have- Khác nhau thế nào? Giữa I haven't và I don't have thì ca i nào là đúng vì đ i khi nghe thấy ngươ i ta dùng I...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 12:10

2 508 0
Digital Communications I: Modulation and Coding Course

Digital Communications I: Modulation and Coding Course

... Tttth c −+= δδ Matched filter outputs at the sampling time ISI-no noise, No equalizer ISI-no noise, DFE equalizer ISI- noise No equalizer ISI- noise DFE equalizer Lecture 6 9 Pulse shaping to reduce ISI  Goals and ... sweeps the system response to a baseband signal at the rate 1/T (T symbol duration) time scale amplitude scale Noise margin Sensitivity to timing error Distortion du...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 06:15

30 469 0
If I do … and If I did… & If I knew… I wish I new

If I do … and If I did… & If I knew… I wish I new

... đề if hay sau wish: If I were rich, I would have a yacht. (không n i ‘If I would be rich’) Nếu t i giàu có t i sẽ có một chiếc du thuyền. I wish I had something to read. (không n i I wish ... I d go out if it weren’t raining hoặc if it wasn’t raining… T i sẽ ra ngo i nếu như tr i không mưa. I wish it were possible hoặc I wish it was possible. Ước gì i u đó có...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 22:15

5 604 2
I will and I am going to do & Will be doing and will have done

I will and I am going to do & Will be doing and will have done

... nằm viện.” “Ồ, thật ư? T i đâu có biết. T i sẽ i thăm cô ấy.” “Ann is in hospital.” “Yes, I know. I m going to visit her tomorrow.” “Ann đang nằm viện.” “Vâng, t i biết. T i định sẽ i thăm ... mai.” B Tình huống và sự việc xảy ra ở tương lai (dự đoán tương lai) Đ i khi không có sự khác biệt nhiều giữa will và going to. Chẳng hạn bạn có thể n i: I think the weather will...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 22:15

5 702 0