... a negative way; and avoid them by managing your money. If you ever get into a 8 About the Author Mark A. Wingo – Mr. Wingonomics is a financial expert, author, speaker, and on-air personality. ... 2010, Mark A. Wingo created Wingonomics a financial literacy program to help main street America expand their realities about life and money. Wingonomics is a com...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
... for financial excellence has only begun. In 2010, Mark A. Wingo created Wingonomics a financial literacy program to help main street America expand their realities about life and money. Wingonomics ... company specialties include: creating financial strategies that enables their clients to increase and protect their assets, increase their cash flow, eliminate their debt load, cr...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:22
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_5 pptx
... absent? There is in fact hardly an area of monetary behaviour where the exist- ence of faith is more essential and obvious than in international money transactions. No matter for what reasons, aesthetic, ... the household’s conception of an appropriate standard of living. 76 As the level of aspiration designates the gap between the actual and the desired level of con...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_1 potx
... LLC and of Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. Macmillan is a registered trademark in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries. Palgrave is a registered trademark in the European Union and other ... processes. The concept of social representations serves as a framework to inte- grate a variety of variables which have been discussed in the literature as determinants of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_2 pdf
... theory, 26 just as monetary and economic theory have already escaped from it. That this eman- cipation must be completed in view of the lack of adequate market transparency that is also apparent in value and ... into the influences of group standards and leads on the function of saving, as well as losing any chance of making forecasts on the behaviour of the savers. The...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_3 pdf
... confidence in the value of money and appreciation of the value of money; and on education to induce saving and to impart a knowledge of economics. The analysis of the reasons for a particular kind of behaviour ... entitled to draw on that account? An argument against that is the fact that even 63 per cent of the single-account households operate more than one...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_6 docx
... identifying the alien attitudes and values that play a part over and above the motives and other behaviours. Because they all exhibit a certain stability, one can largely explain the behaviours influ- enced ... income of the head of the household and the average level of ownership of durables are lower in the first and last phase than in the other phases; both reac...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_7 pot
... influence on the tax morale of the indi- vidual taxpayer; albeit that the underlying basis of that morality is firstly a general ‘attitude’, in this case the attitude of the taxpayer towards satisfying ... compliance means to assess, by voluntary cooperation of the taxpayers involved, the correct amount of their statutory tax obligation. Compared with the actual am...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_8 doc
... that they just said ‘contribute’ when they actually meant ‘take away’. At any rate, this group reveals a ‘more rational’ attitude to taxation than the others, although this does not at the same ... trade and commerce; in the name of that same justice, there are calls from the middle classes, from the national border areas and from the borders of the post-war zones of occ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20