... 0.080 −9.93 6. 56 2.71 55 0.51 19.28 0. 060 6. 55 4.53 1.00 60 0.08 4.07 0.020 −2.05 1.44 0.21 65 0.01 0.54 0.003 −0. 36 0. 26 0.03 c04 JWBK147-Smith May 8, 2008 9:48 Char Count= 52 WHY AND HOW OPTION ... in foreign interest rates. This is only used in foreign exchange options. It has no impact on any other options. Foreign exchange options are affected by phi because options ar...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
... classic forecasting techniques, such as regres- sion analysis, time series analysis, and even classic chart patterns such as head and shoulders and trendlines. However, professional options traders will ... bullish or bearish on the implied volatility and therefore on the options. Figure 6. 2 shows the current situation with implied and historical volatility for IBM. I think...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_3 pptx
... Vega Oct 120 C −1.20 26. 24 −30 −.0 56 .0 766 −.0821 Oct 105 C 11.40 31 .67 .98 .0 06 −.0210 .0081 Net Position −$70 .68 −.050 .0 566 −. 064 c 06 JWBK147-Smith May 8, 2008 9:52 Char Count= 82 OPTION STRATEGIES receive ... −.0919 c 06 JWBK147-Smith May 8, 2008 9:52 Char Count= Selecting a Strategy 81 FIGURE 6. 3 October Calls We would pay $11,555 for the 100 shares and receive $2,500...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_4 ppt
... decline and the risk if there is no decline. Thus, for an excellent guide to the relative risk and reward of holding various options, take the implied or estimated volatility for each stock, esti- mate ... are trading for $4 and the out-of-the-money options are trading for $2. This means that you could have twice as many of the out-of-the-money options as you could of the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_5 pot
... down and forward—keep some of your original write, and roll down and for- ward some into the next expiration month. Note that rolling down and forward restricts the maximum profit potential for ... stock $1 96, 950 + Stock commissions +1,300 − Options premium received −5 ,68 8 + Options commissions +390 Net investment required $192,952 Example 10.2 Return-if-exercised–Commo...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_6 pdf
... The net price you want is $62 + $4, or $66 . Although unlikely, the net order could be filled at $65 and $1 or at $59 and $7. Your analysis has been pred- icated on getting $62 and $4. In most cases, ... roll up and forward—keep some of your original write and roll up and forward some into the next expiration month. Note that rolling up and forward restricts the maxi- mum profit p...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_7 doc
... maximum risk and the point where it occurs, 64 7 7 / 8 . Table 15.3 shows the same situation for a bull call spread with the 64 5 call purchased for 10 3 / 4 and the 65 0 call purchased for 7 7 / 8 . The ... Call Results Price Bull spread Long call 64 5 −2 7 / 8 −17 7 / 8 65 0 +2 1 / 8 −12 7 / 8 65 5 +2 1 / 8 −7 7 / 8 66 0 +2 1 / 8 −2 7 / 8 66 5 +2 1 / 8 +2 1 / 8 67 0 +2 1...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_8 pptx
... enough TABLE 16. 4 Bear Call Spread Results and Long Call Results Price Bear call spread Long call 64 0 +2 7 / 8 +1 7 / 8 64 5 +2 7 / 8 +1 7 / 8 65 0 −2 1 / 8 +1 7 / 8 65 5 −2 1 / 8 +6 7 / 8 66 0 −2 1 / 8 +11 7 / 8 c17 ... credit received. Table 16. 1 shows an example of the maximum risk and the point where it occurs, 65 0. Table 16. 3 shows the same situation for a bear call sp...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_9 ppt
... Therefore, you must continually adjust the ratio of the long to short options. For example, you are long 100 options on the S&P 500 futures contract with a strike of 530 and a delta of 0 .69 , and ... the options on Treasury- bond futures using the September and December 96 0 / 32 strikes when the price of the underlying futures contract is 96 5 / 32 . These options, being...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20
Learning Techniques for Stock and Commodity Options_10 doc
... debit is $6. The strike price, $60 , plus the net debit, $6, gives an up-side break-even of $66 . The strike price, $60 , minus the net debit, $6, gives a down-side break-even of $54. For another ... net credit For example, suppose you initiated a long straddle using options on Textron for December expiration. Textron is trading at 59 3 / 4 , so you buy the 60 call and the 60 put...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 17:20