Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 2 pot

Optoelectronics Devices and Applications Part 2 potx

Optoelectronics Devices and Applications Part 2 potx

... ZA2009/04665, ZA2009/04666, ZA2009/0 524 9, ZA2009/08834, ZA2009/0915), ZA2010/08579, ZA2011/03 826 ; and PCT Patent Application PCT/ZA2010/00031 of 20 10” (Priority patents: ZA 20 10/ 020 21, ZA 20 10/0 020 1, ... PCT/ZA2010/000 32 of 20 10, (Priority patents: ZA2010/0 020 0, ZA2009/09015, ZA2009/08833, ZA2009/04508) ; PCT Patent Application PCT/ZA2010/00033 of 20 10 (Priority p...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

40 507 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 1 doc

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 1 doc

...  Preface IX Part 1 Noise and Echo Cancellation 1 Chapter 1 Applications of Adaptive Filtering 3 J. Gerardo Avalos, Juan C. Sanchez and Jose Velazquez Chapter 2 Applications of Adaptive Filtering: ... Adaptive Filtering Applications, Edited by Lino García Morales p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-306-4 Adaptive Filtering Applications 16...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 224 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 2 pot

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 2 pot

... Vol. 124 , 20 02, pp. 10–18. Gan, W. S. & Kuo, S. M. (20 02) . An integrated audio and active noise control headsets. IEEE Transactions Consumer Electronics, Vol. 48, No. 2, May 20 02, pp. 24 2 24 7. Guo, ... pp. 24 04 24 12. Sun, X. & Kuo, S. M. & and Meng, G. (20 06). Adaptive algorithm for active control of impulsive noise. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 29 1, No...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 220 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 3 pdf

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 3 pdf

... on low frequencies as well. Adaptive Filtering Applications 62 Fig. 14.a Relative Modeling Error Fig. 14.b Attenuation Level 4.1 .3 Case 3 Here we consider a motor signal ... System; Neutralization Adaptive Filtering Applications 78 Fig. 37 . MSE with “Street” reference signal: Hybrid System; Neutralization; Feedforward Fig. 3...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 272 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 4 pot

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 4 pot

... values for a new secondary path appear. Fig. 44 . MSE with 4 tones” reference signal: Hybrid System; Neutralization Adaptive Filtering Applications 88 fraction for a properly terminated ... +1 SPU-PNLMS 6M*B +1 4M*B -2 M*B +1 SP-PNLMS 6M*B +1 4M*B -2 M*B +1 S-PNLMS 6M*B +1 4M*B -2 M*B +1 Table 5. Comparison of computational complexity Adaptive Filtering Appli...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 213 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 5 pdf

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 5 pdf

... Processing, Hänsler, E.; Schmidt, G., Springer, pp 1 25- 153 , ISBN 978-3 -54 0-33212-1, Berlin Part 2 Medical Applications Adaptive Filtering Applications 130 Let (,1)xN   ()() () m m xx Adx x      ... Frequency-Domain and Multirate Adaptive Filtering, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 9, pp. 474–4 75, ISSN: 1 053 -58 88 Widrow, B.; Stea...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 388 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 6 pptx

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 6 pptx

... using near infrared and adaptive filtering. Available online from: ( Adaptive Filtering Applications 144 2.1.2 Adaptive algorithm In most adaptive systems, the ... from the non-pulsating arterial blood, venous blood and other tissues. Adaptive Filtering Applications 162 adaptive filtering, the Noise Reference is adjusted to the rea...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 333 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 7 docx

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 7 docx

... 0.9943 0. 976 0 16 0.9940 0. 972 7 32 0.99 47 0.96 57 64 0.9939 0.94 97 128 0.9912 0.9062 50% 8 0.9936 0.9426 16 0.9932 0.9393 32 0.9938 0.9326 64 0.9930 0.9 171 128 0.9902 0. 875 1 80% 8 0.9918 0. 873 9 16 ... EEG signal. L 3 Coherence Cross- correlation 4 0. 877 3 0.8014 8 0.8586 0 .79 79 16 0.8 579 0 .79 37 32 0.8584 0 .78 63 64 0.8586 0 .78 42 Table 3. Average values...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 367 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 8 pot

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 8 pot

... Standard P37, and P31 Potentials, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 116, No .8, pp. 185 8- 186 9. MacLennan, A. R. & D. F. Lovely (1995). Reduction of Evoked Potential Measurement Time ... Based Adaptive Matched Filter, Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 2 48- 256. McGillem, C. & J. Aunon (1 981 ). Signal Processing in Evoked Potential Research: Application...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 258 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 9 pot

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 9 pot

... Communications 9( 1): 186– 197 . MacKay, D. ( 199 9). Good error-correcting codes based on very sparse matrices, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(2): 399 –431. Proakis, J. G. & Salehi, M. ( 199 4). ... 438(70 69) : 785- 791 . Graybill, R. and R. Melhem (2002). Power aware computing, Plenum Pub Corp. Haykin, S. ( 199 6). Adaptive Filter Theory, Prentice Hall. Holden, D., C....

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 213 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 10 doc

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 10 doc

... as h k = βh k−1 + Gw k . (10) This model is similar to (4), but in (10) the excitation noise is correlated. 288 Adaptive Filtering Applications Adaptive Filtering Applications 284 11. References ... operator that 287 Adaptive Channel Estimation in Space-Time Coded MIMO Systems Adaptive Filtering Applications 276 tic; nb=512; ns=4; it=20; t=logspace(log10(0.02),lo...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 249 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 11 ppt

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 11 ppt

... affected by transmitter spatial correlation and that the 298 Adaptive Filtering Applications Adaptive Filtering Applications 310 110 represents the maximum. The 50 is typically the lowest ... (24a), which yields P k|k−1 = β 2 B k−1 P k−1|k−2 + σ 2 w R h . (28) 292 Adaptive Filtering Applications Adaptive Filtering Applications 314 GPS Infrared Ultrasound RSSI...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 240 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 12 pptx

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 12 pptx

... reduce noise content or to extract optimal features); Adaptive Filtering Applications 334 where T 1 = 12. 4 h, T 2 = 24.8 h and T 3 = 12 h. Then, we interpolated missing values using the ... Fig. 12. Spectrum after filtering (chunk 99 and downstream data). Fig. 13. Filtered downstream data. Adaptive Filters for ProcessingWater Level Data 337 5. Application...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 273 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 13 pptx

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 13 pptx

... V c (n)  T . 368 Adaptive Filtering Applications Adaptive Filtering Applications 356 likely when Arctic and Siberian winds occur from north, north-east. In the summer there are usually a few days of particularly ... to 374 Adaptive Filtering Applications A Modified Least Mean Square Method Applied to Frequency Relaying 9 The electrical system consists of a 13. 8 kV and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 217 0
Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 14 potx

Adaptive Filtering Applications Part 14 potx

... distribution of correlator, make adaptive filter rapidly estimate multipath parameter and cope with multipath signal at different time delay. Adaptive Filtering Applications 400 van Dierendonck, ... Distribution of five correlators. Fig. 5. Multipath delay is at the set correlator. Adaptive Filtering Applications 398 complexity receiver. In comparison, even thou...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

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