the mit press global justice and transnational politics apr 2002

the mit press global justice and transnational politics apr 2002

the mit press global justice and transnational politics apr 2002

... imagination, the contrast between these rival con- ceptions can have far-reaching implications for the way we see global justice. The formulation of the demands of global justice as well as the identification ... of the agencies charged with meeting these demands are influenced by the choice of the appropriate concep- tion of the original position and the correspond...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:46

327 330 0
the mit press environmental justice and sustainability in the former soviet union jun 2009

the mit press environmental justice and sustainability in the former soviet union jun 2009

... designed and managed nature parks and, by doing so, to assert their rights to these lands. 17 The Law as a Source of Environmental Justice 35 and 21,000 words, and the Forest Code to 109 articles and ... either help or hinder the protection both of the lands inhabited by indigenous peoples and of their rights to those lands and the resources on them. Many observers of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:37

306 360 0
the mit press real natures and familiar objects apr 2004

the mit press real natures and familiar objects apr 2004

... individuation, and (presumably) the utter- ances and thoughts that implement these conventions. Our making these utterances and having these thoughts create in us the impression that there are in the world ... at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, one microparticle in the star Sirius, and the entirety of the Navy’s latest Ohio-class submarine. Neither folk the- ories...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

217 284 0
the mit press knowledge possibility and consciousness apr 2001

the mit press knowledge possibility and consciousness apr 2001

... anything. There is a state that zombies go into when they cut themselves or stub their toes. This state makes them do the things we do when we are in pain. They curse and jump up and down and hold the ... on there. I have the sensation of pain. The question is not whether their visual sensations and my pain sensation are sensations of the same thing. It is rather whether my...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

238 288 0
the mit press poverty inequality and policy in latin america feb 2009

the mit press poverty inequality and policy in latin america feb 2009

... between 1870 and 1914) are adversely distributed to the landowners at the expense of the landless, the purchasing power of the landless remains limited. The more the growth of middle-class demand for ... inequality increased in the north and the northeast regions and decreased in other regions of the country. They use Moran’s indices and Moran scatterplots to ana-...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:48

333 297 0
the mit press preference belief and similarity selected writings dec 2003

the mit press preference belief and similarity selected writings dec 2003

... c, then a and c cannot be very dissimilar from each other. Thus, it sets a lower limit to the similarity between a and c in terms of the similarities between a and b and between b and c. The ... merely revealed, in the elicitation process, and their construction depends on the framing of the problem, the method of elicitation, and the valuations and attitudes t...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:10

1K 788 0
the mit press women art and technology oct 2003

the mit press women art and technology oct 2003

... supported each other at confer- ences and exhibitions, and she strives to improve the perception and understanding of the work, reexamining the nature of their art through dialogs and statements: ... Malloy for her dedication to the project and the book; to Doug Sery of the MIT Press for his recog- nition of the importance of the topic for the Leonardo Book Ser...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:13

573 374 0
the mit press microeconomics of banking 2nd edition apr 2008

the mit press microeconomics of banking 2nd edition apr 2008

... good, p denotes the price of C 2 , P f and P b represent respectively the profits of the firm and of the bank (distributed to the consumer-stockholder at t ¼ 2), and r and r D are the interest rates paid ... Gurley and Shaw (1960), and more recently by Benston and Smith (1976) and Fama (1980), banks (and also mutual funds and in- surance companies) are there to tr...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:10

385 1K 0
the mit press brain-wise studies in neurophilosophy dec 2002

the mit press brain-wise studies in neurophilosophy dec 2002

... capacities. Hypothesis 3 It is necessary to understand the brain, and to understand it at many levels of organization, in order to understand the nature of the mind. Hypothesis 1 is a front -and- center ... Posner and his colleagues.15 These involve subtracting the level of activity in the ‘‘rest’’ condition from the level in the task condition, to reveal the di¤erence mad...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 15:18

486 214 0
the mit press governing global electronic networks international perspectives on policy and power dec 2008

the mit press governing global electronic networks international perspectives on policy and power dec 2008

... calls. Other countries and the EU enacted their own reforms, and soon member compliance and the dominance of the ITU-based system waned. The net effect of these developments has been to push the ... Rev- olution and Global Politics. It is certainly true that good analysts of the information revolution must master the basics of the technology, and the ways they l...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:09

681 267 0
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