... eliminated (de-repres- sion) and the general transcription factors at- tach to the so-called promoter sequence of the DNA molecule (T A T A in the case of poly- merase II). Once activated, it separates ... intensity of disturbance is reported to the controller before the value of the con- trolled variable has changed at all. Feedfor- ward control can be explained by example of physiologic th...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:36
... as fossil and non-fossil fuels; the former, formed from animal and plant matter over thousands of years, while the latter comprises radioactive-associated materials. Coal, oil and natural gas ... sophisticated equipment; and certain parts of nuclear and hydro plants may call for much higher than normal specifi cations and greater amounts than is found in fossil plants. Sea- sonal variation...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 22:44