challenging problemsin geometry - posamentier,salkind-dover
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 13:26
... as: if a c a-b c-d b = d then -b - = -d- ? They are essential to solutions of many problems. Triangles in Proportion 7 2-1 In 6.ABC, DE II BC, FE" DC, AF = 4, and FD = 6 (Fig. 2-1 ). Find DB. Challenge ... sides of an isosceles right triangle or a 3 0-6 0-9 0 triangle. 3-1 In any .6.ABC, E is any point on altitude AD (Fig. 3-1 ). Prove that (AC)2 - (CE)2 = (AB)2...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:51
... Reference Geometry. Được dùng để tạo các mặt phẳng (Plane), các trục Axis, và hệ trục toạ độ. Để tạo thanh công cụ Reference Geometry ta vào Tools > Customize > Toolbars > Reference Geometry. ... 2.1.1 Tạo mặt phẳng (Plane). Click chọn Plane trên thanh công cụ Reference Geometry, hoặc vào Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane. Xuất hiện hộp thoại (hình 2.2)....
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:32
Endface Geometry and Connector Reliability in the Outside Plant
... (Control) Average -1 09.9 nm -7 1.0 nm -1 64.3 nm -1 29.8 nm -4 2.8 nm -0 .2 nm Maximum -6 1.2 nm -1 4.6 nm -1 08.1 nm -3 1.7 nm -3 4.7 nm -3 .7 nm Minimum -1 04.9 nm -1 5.7 nm -2 91.3 nm -2 3.6 nm -6 2.6 nm -4 .5 nm Table ... values. Endface Geometry and Connector Reliability in the Outside Plant Page 10 IL vs. Ferrule Rotation (Apex=25...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 18:15
More Geometry
... G µν is given by (6.8) and T µν is the energy-momentum tensor, calculated to zeroth order in h µν . We do not include higher-order corrections to the energy-momentum tensor because the amount of energy ... pertur- bation. We define the “trace-reversed” perturbation ¯ h µν by ¯ h µν = h µν − 1 2 η µν h . (6.20) The name makes sense, since ¯ h µ µ = −h µ µ . (The Einstein tensor is simply the tr...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 20:20
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 2
... Set 7 (Answers begin on page 106.) The next two sets contain verbal classification ques- tions. For these questions, the important thing (as the name “verbal classification” indicates) ... closing – QUESTIONS – 14 Set 8 (Answers begin on page 123.) Here’s another set of classification questions. Remem- ber, you are looking for the word that does NOT belong in the same group as the others....
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 3
... function, part-to-whole, classification, proportion or degree, cause and effect, similarity or difference. In each of these verbal analo- gies, you will be given a set of two related words, fol- lowed ... working basic analo- gies, try these picture analogies, which will give you practice with nonverbal reasoning. Solve these picture analogies in the same way you solved the word analo- gies. F...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20