deterministic global optimization geometric branch-and-bound methods and their applications
... D. Scholz, Deterministic Global Optimization: Geometric Branch -and- bound Methods and Their Applications, Springer Optimization and Its Applications 63, 16 2 The geometric branch -and- bound algorithm 2.1.2 ... Scholz, Deterministic Global Optimization: Geometric Branch -and- bound Methods and Their Applications DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1951-8_1, © S...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 15:25
... of applications in NLP, including sequence labeling (Lafferty et al., 2001; Taskar et al., 2006), constituent and depen- dency parsing (Collins and Duffy, 2002; McDon- ald et al., 2005), and ... (Taskar et al., 2006) and SVM struct (Tsochantaridis et al., 2005) as well as online methods such as Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA) (Crammer and Singer, 2003) and the Online P...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
... as: Z 0 = µ ε = L l C l (1.6) v p = 1 √ µε = 1 √ L l C l (1.7) In Equations (1.6) and (1.7) L l and C l represent the inductance and capacitance per unit length of the line, and ε and µ are the permittivity and permeability of the transmission medium. Apart ... capacitance and resistance, and mechanical mass and friction, the constitutive relations for this device can be...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 20:18
Tài liệu RF MEMS And Their Applications P1 pdf
... (additive) RF MEMS and Their Applications 16 MEMS AND RF MEMS and much progress has been made (Cohen et al., 1999; Ikuta and Hirowatari, 1993; Jiang, Sun and Zhang, 1999; Takagi and Nakajima, 1993; ... years, and we are increasingly leaning towards their applications in microwave and millimeter wave systems, and even in optical systems. Apart from having the advantag...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 20:18
Determinants and their applications in mathematical physics vein r , dale p
... Theory 16 3.1 Cyclic Dislocations and Generalizations 16 3.2 Second and Higher Minors and Cofactors 18 x Contents 3.2.1 Rejecter and Retainer Minors 18 3.2.2 Second and Higher Cofactors 19 3.2.3 ... and will be used exclusively in this and later chapters. However, many properties of particular determinants can be proved by performing a sequence of row and column operations an...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:29
ammonia sensors and their applications — a review
... automatic analysis system, Anal. Chem. 74 (2002) 1256–1268. Sensors and Actuators B 107 (2005) 666–677 Ammonia sensors and their applications a review Bj ¨ orn Timmer ∗ , Wouter Olthuis, Albert ... interest to these different areas. Applications in the agricultural and industrial chemistry areas are discussed, as well as envi- ronmental, automotive and medical applications for...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:47
Báo cáo "The role of color luminescence centers Mn, Cu, Co in the semicondutors with wide band gap ZnS, ZnO and their applications " pptx
... include two wide luminescence bands at around 460 nm (blue band) and 515 nm (green band). These bands are characterized by the vacancies of Zn bonding to Cl (V Zn -Cl) and some impurities in ZnS ... in ZnS and Co in ZnO, the self-activated luminescence bands characterized by vacancies of zinc and oxygen are extinguished or their intensities decrease. In PL spectra of ZnS:Cu, ZnS...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20
Đề tài " Sum rules for Jacobi matrices and their applications to spectral theory " pdf
... right-hand side of (1.23) is finite, then the left-hand side is also finite and LHS ≤ RHS. Theorem 6. If µ is a probability measure that obeys the Blumenthal- Weyl criterion and the left-hand side ... (2003), 253–321 Sum rules for Jacobi matrices and their applications to spectral theory By Rowan Killip and Barry Simon* Abstract We discuss the proof of and systematic application o...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20
determinants and their applications in mathematical physics - r. vein, p. dale
... Theory 16 3.1 Cyclic Dislocations and Generalizations 16 3.2 Second and Higher Minors and Cofactors 18 x Contents 3.2.1 Rejecter and Retainer Minors 18 3.2.2 Second and Higher Cofactors 19 3.2.3 ... and will be used exclusively in this and later chapters. However, many properties of particular determinants can be proved by performing a sequence of row and column operations an...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:02
quadratic forms and their applications
... σ is an isometry) and thus gives rise to the definite positive Hermitian form Quadratic Forms and Their Applications Proceedings of the Conference on Quadratic Forms and Their Applications July ... isometric to their duals, [C-S2]). Isoduality also occurs in the setting of modular forms: Quebbemann introduced in [Q1] the modular lattices, which are integral and similar to th...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:06