dc motor speed control methods using matlabsimulink and their

DC bus control of variable speed wind turbine using a buck boost converter

DC bus control of variable speed wind turbine using a buck boost converter

... unity power factor and the load current is continuous [13] 3 tdcdc PVIVI== (3) Where, V dc , I dc are DC side voltage and current, respectively. The mean value of DC voltage is shown ... rectifier output and the DC bus. The control relationship between generator speed and the DC bus voltage is used to change the apparent DC bus voltage seen by the generator and thus the power ... V LL and phase voltage V, is shown as following, 3 2 dc LL VV π = (6) 3 6 dc VV π = (7) From (3) and (7), the equation of I dc and I, concisely expressed is obtained. 6 dc II π = ...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:15

5 576 1
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor

Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor

... α s V and β s V and currents α s i and β s i , then by using (1) and (4) q- and d-axis flux linkage are drived. Also, by usig (4) q- and d-axis current are calculated. Finally, by using ... conduction DTC of BLDC motor drive with six-switch inverter scheme. Keywords: Brushless dc (BLDC) motor, sliding mode observer, direct torque control (DTC), stator flux control, fast torque ... reported to control of BLDC motor using six-switch three-phase inverter (SSTPI). Direct torque control (DTC) scheme was first proposed by Takahashi [1] and Depenbrock [2] for induction motor drives...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45

5 618 2
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor

Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor

... well. A PPENDIX I S PECIFICATIONS AND P ARAMETERS OF THE BLDC M OTOR A PPENDIX II OZTURK AND TOLIYAT: DIRECT TORQUE AND INDIRECT FLUX CONTROL OF BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR 357 Fig. 7. Steady state and transient behavior ... Brushless DC Motor Salih Baris Ozturk, Member, IEEE, and Hamid A. Toliyat, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—In this paper, the position-sensorless direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless dc (BLDC) motor ... ratio, and simplicity in their control [1]–[3]. In many applications, obtaining a low-frequency ripple-free torque and instantaneous torque and even flux control are of primary concern for BLDC motors...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46

10 627 0
Tài liệu Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ppt

Tài liệu Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ppt

... well-behaved speed- torque characteristics, and adaptability to various types of control methods. DC motors are classified as either integral-horsepower motors (≥ 1 hp) or fractional-horsepower motors ... schematic diagram of a DC motor is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Schematic Diagram of a DC Motor Mechatronics Kevin Craig DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System 10 ã ... error, wearout, and related problems. Mechatronics Kevin Craig DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System 11 The DC motor/ tachometer system has a single input and a single output....

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

29 725 0
Direct control methods for matrix converter and induction motor

Direct control methods for matrix converter and induction motor

... overview and comparison. These methods are Direct Torque Control (DTC), Direct Current Control (DCC) and sliding mode control. After a short introduction to matrix converter principles and switching ... closed loop control of a drive system consisting of matrix converter and induction machine. Slip control and field oriented control are the basic methods applied for closed loop control [4]. ... Mode Control, as these methods use the same switch configurations of the matrix converter, and ending with Direct Current Control. In section IV similarities and differences of the control methods...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 509 1
Tài liệu Control Systems Simulation using Matlab and Simulink pptx

Tài liệu Control Systems Simulation using Matlab and Simulink pptx

... order system 6 “Hands-on” Design of Control Systems “Hands on Design systems” refers to directly working with the system to be controlled and trying a variety of controllers and control parameters. 6.1 ... (u)whichwillactuponthesystem and bring it nearer to the desired value. We are interested in three types of controllers: 6.2.1 Proportional Control (P -control) : This is the simplest type of continuous control law. The controller ... required. Control Systems Simulation Using Matlab and Simulink 1 Introduction In ME134, we will make extensive use of Matlab and Simulink in order to design, analyze and simulate the response of control...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 07:15

10 652 3
Tài liệu Speed Control of DC Manchines pptx

Tài liệu Speed Control of DC Manchines pptx

... B r e r v r B r I r F r B r v r e r B r I r F r Đặc tính cơ của động cơ DC kích từ nối tiếp Example 4: Example 5: Đặc tính cơ 4 phần tư...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

11 429 1
Tài liệu Control Systems Simulation using Matlab and Simulink doc

Tài liệu Control Systems Simulation using Matlab and Simulink doc

... amplitudes in bands less than ‘1X’ and ‘1X’ A1: the ratio of peak amplitudes in band ‘1X’ and its initial record (in good condition) A2: the ratio of peak amplitudes in bands ‘2X’ and ‘1X’ A3: ... applications such as medical diagnosis [Slowinski, 1992], control algorithm acquisition and process control [Mrozek, 1992], and structural engineering [Arciszewski and Ziarko, 1990]. However, most literature ... most popular. Using such a technique, Quinlan [1992] has successfully developed the Inductive Dichotomizer 3 (ID3), and its later versions C4.5 and C5.0 (See 5.0) in 1986, 1992, and 1997, respectively....

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18

21 513 0
Direct torque control of four switch brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF

Direct torque control of four switch brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF

... only the torque is controlled without speed control, the time range of control system under transient state is selected short. The motor speeds up to a very large value if the motor is run longer ... unpredictable and depends on several factors such as sampling time, dc- link voltage, hysteresis bandwidth, motor parameters especially the winding inductance, motor speed, snubber circuit, and the ... be controlled using hysteresis controllers, then those voltage space vectors cannot be used in two-phase BLDC motor drive. On the other hand, even though voltage vectors shown in Fig. 3(c) and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46

7 617 1
Pseudo vector control – an alternative approach for brushless DC motor drives

Pseudo vector control – an alternative approach for brushless DC motor drives

... conventional control system for BLDC motor (Fig. 2). The motor is fed by a PWM-controlled MOSFET inverter. As we can see in Figs. 2 and 3, the currents are controlled by 3 current controllers ... called PM synchronous motor (PMSM), is fed by sine-wave current supply; ã Square-wave PM motor that is fed by square-wave current and it is often called Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM). The main difference ... machine, Vector control, Pseudo-vector control, Torque ripple minimization. I. I NTRODUCTION A. Sine-wave PM Motor vs. Square-wave Motor: Vector Control vs. Phase Current Control With the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46

6 734 2
Jim ledin   embedded control systems in c and c++  an introduction for software developers using MATLAB 2004

Jim ledin embedded control systems in c and c++ an introduction for software developers using MATLAB 2004

... Control and Feedback Control In many control system designs, it is possible to use either open-loop control or feedback control. Feedback control systems measure the system parameter being controlled ... models Using root locus design and Bode diagram design Using the pole placement design method Using the Linear Quadratic Regulator and Kalman Filter optimal design methods Implementing and testing ... commanded behavior. A common example of a control system is the cruise control in an automobile: The cruise control manipulates the throttle setting so that the vehicle speed tracks the commanded...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:09

268 2,4K 0
Brushless DC Motor Control Made Easy potx

Brushless DC Motor Control Made Easy potx

... Setup ADC (bank1) movlw B’00001110’ ; ADC left justified, AN0 only movwf ADCON1 banksel ADCON0 ; setup ADC (bank0) movlw B’11000001’ ; ADC clock from int RC, AN0, ADC on movwf ADCON0 bsf ADCON0,GO ... reading ;********************************************************************** ;* ;* Main control loop ;* Loop call ReadADC ; get the speed control from the ADC incfsz ADC,w ; if ADC is 0xFF we’re at full speed - skip timer add goto PWM ; add Timer0 to ADC for PWM movf ... identified 4 tasks of the control loop: ã Read the sensor inputs ã Commutate the motor drive connections ã Read the speed control ADC ã PWM the motor drivers using the ADC and Timer0 addition results At...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 07:20

48 705 0
applied numerical methods using matlab - yang cao chung and morris

applied numerical methods using matlab - yang cao chung and morris

... mulaw_inv(y,mu(i),xmax); discrepancy = norm(x-x0) end 1.10 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Below are two ADC routines adc1(a,b,c) and adc2(a,b,c), which assign the corresponding digital value c(i) to each one ... minimum-norm solution (2.1.7) and the pinv() command to solve the following equations, find the residual error ||A i x −b i ||’s and the rank of the coefficient matrix A i ,and llin Table P1.14 with ... Approximation for Second and Higher Derivative / 216 5.4 Interpolating Polynomial and Numerical Differential / 220 5.5 Numerical Integration and Quadrature / 222 5.6 Trapezoidal Method and Simpson Method...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 09:58

520 626 0