... space in terms of three angles between axes that are either fixed in space or are attached to symmetry planes of the body’s motion. The three Euler angles, , and θ are generalized coordinates ... the reduced system. The trajec- tories on the sphere in Figure 1.3.1 are the reduced trajectories for the rigid body problem. We saw that steady rotations of the rigid body correspond to fixed...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:49
chorin a., marsden j.e. mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics
... forces acting on a piece of material are of two types. First, there are forces of stress, whereby the piece of material is acted on by forces across its surface by the rest of the continuum. Second, ... w 2 )isthe square length of the vector function u. We assume that the total energy of the fluid can be written as E total = E kinetic + E internal where E internal is the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:46
marsden j.e., ratiu t.s., scheurle j. reduction theory and the lagrange-routh equations
... a key role in the stability theory of relative equilibria (see, for example, Marsden [1992] and Marsden and Ratiu [1999] and references therein and for references and a discussion of the relation ... center of buoyancy to the center of gravity is denoted l , where l is the distance between these centers. We shall now formulate the structure of the problem in a form relevant f...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:49
La stratégie de lancement D'un nouveau service chez J.E.R
... normaliser les offres des différents fournisseurs d’un même service ou même d’établir une certaines similitude des services offerts par un même vendeur. Par exemple, un coiffeur ne coupe jamais ... services. Cela s’explique en partie par le caractère intangible des services. Souvent, une entreprise de services n’a pas à se soucier de stockage, de transport et de contrôle des stocks: elle...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:26
Small particle chemistry reasons for differences and related conceptual challenges d r baer and j e amonette
... in eyeglasses that work like bifocals. While one hemisphere of the lens is unaffected, the other is connected to networks of information, providing the ultimate in virtual reality for users. ... Wireless Computing Strategies • Effects of Nanotechnology over Wireless Communication • Molecular Nanotechnology • Research in Wireless Devices using Nanotechnology • Future prediction o...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:53
The foundations of celestial mechanics g w collins
... identity element is zero and the operation that generates inverses is subtraction so that the negative integers represent the inverse elements of the positive integers. However, they do not form ... the divergence of a second rank tensor, which is clearly a vector. In hydrodynamics, the divergence of the pressure tensor may reduce to the gradient of the scalar gas pressure if the m...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:33
Bibliographic guide to foundations of quantum mechanics a cabello
... (symme- tries, superselection rules, and decoherence ), [Giulini- Joos-Kiefer-(+3) 96] (review, almost exhaustive source of references, [Davidovich-Brune-Raimond- Haroche 96 ], [Brune-Hagley-Dreyer-(+5) ... phys- ical interpretation of which in the last resort requires a reference to a complete experimental arrangement” ), [Heisenberg 2 7, 3 0, 55 a, b, 5 8, 95] ([Heisen...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:41