the python standard library by example

the  python  standard  library  by  example

the python standard library by example

... AND PACKAGES 1235 19.1 imp Python s Import Mechanism 1235 19.1.1 Example Package 1236 19.1.2 Module Types 1236 ptg The Python Standard Library by Example ptg Contents ... 1029 16.9 timeit—Time the Execution of Small Bits of Python Code 1031 16.9.1 Module Contents 1031 16.9.2 Basic Example 1032 16.9.3 Storing Valu e s in a Dictionary 10...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 17:19

1,3K 2,5K 0
Tài liệu The C++ Standard Library Second Edition pdf

Tài liệu The C++ Standard Library Second Edition pdf

... the general concepts and the utilities that the library uses. Then, I describe all the components, each in one or more chapters. The first compo- nent is the standard template library (STL). There ... presenting the contents of this book. One was on the order of the C++ stan- dard. However, this is not the best way to explain the components of the C++ standard...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

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Nicolai josutis   the c++ standard library  a tutorial and reference

Nicolai josutis the c++ standard library a tutorial and reference

... distributed by the national bodies of the ISO, such as the ANSI in the United States.[1] [1] At the time this book was written, you could get the C++ standard at the ANSI Electronics Standard ... regarding the C++ standard library. The individual components of the C++ standard library are independent of each other, to some extent, so after reading Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:11

642 408 1
Nicolai m  josuttis   the c++ standard library 2nd

Nicolai m josuttis the c++ standard library 2nd

... the general concepts and the utilities that the library uses. Then, I describe all the components, each in one or more chapters. The first compo- nent is the standard template library (STL). There ... presenting the contents of this book. One was on the order of the C++ stan- dard. However, this is not the best way to explain the components of the C++ standard...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:11

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VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition

VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition

... evaluate the value of sel computed earlier by the IF statement and then execute the appropriate statement that matches the value of sel . In this example the value of sel is 1 therefore the following ... after the other and in a specified order. The order of execution is determined by the order of the statements in the source file. Inside a VHDL architecture, t...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 08:46

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Đề thi Java By Example

Đề thi Java By Example

... Đề Thi Java By Example (27-6-2008) 1.Cho đoạn mã chương trình sau: For( int y=2 ; y= ){ System.out.print(x+ ““+

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 09:13

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The Countess of Escarbagnas by Moliere

The Countess of Escarbagnas by Moliere

... in![Footnote: Instead of naming the hotels (= mansions) of the great noblemen, Julia names the hotels (= inns) of the time. She thus shows where the countess had studied the aristocracy.] COUN. It ... tax-gatherer are but poor lovers for a great countess like you. COUN. They are men whom one treats kindly in the country, in order to make use of when the need arises. They...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13

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