pfsense 2 cookbook

PfSense 2 Cookbook pdf

PfSense 2 Cookbook pdf

... requirements 21 4 Determining our interface requirements 21 7 Choosing a standard or embedded Image 21 9 Choosing a Form Factor 22 0 Index 22 5 Preface pfSense is an open source distribution of FreeBSD-based ... logs 1 92 Conguring an external syslog server 195 Viewing RRD graphs 197 Viewing DHCP leases 20 2 Managing services 20 4 Monitoring the packet lter with pfInfo 20 6 Moni...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

252 996 7
pfsense 2 cookbook

pfsense 2 cookbook

... Time zone and leave the default NTP time server as 0 .pfsense. 7. I'd recommend the default Theme, pfSense 2. 0's new pfsense_ ng. The top menus are now static and won't ... C:\ MyPrivateKey.ppk . pfSense 2 Cookbook Copyright © 20 11 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 12:00

240 383 0
Hướng dẫn cấu hình pfSense 2.0 Cluster sử dụng CARP pdf

Hướng dẫn cấu hình pfSense 2.0 Cluster sử dụng CARP pdf

... mạng: Firewall 1 WAN IP: 1 92. 168.100.1 SYNC IP: LAN IP: 1 92. 168.1 .25 2 Firewall 2 WAN IP: 1 92. 168.100 .2 SYNC IP: 10.155.0 .2 LAN IP: 1 92. 168.1 .25 3 Hai địa chỉ IP dưới đây ... chia sẻ giữa các tường lửa:  IP mạng WAN ảo: 1 92. 168.100 .20 0  IP mạng LAN ảo: 1 92. 168.1 .25 4 Hướng dẫn này giả sử rằng bạn đã cài đặt sẵn pfSense trên cả hai máy tính...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

4 665 2
OpenVPN 2 Cookbook ppt

OpenVPN 2 Cookbook ppt

... aecho command: aecho openvpnserver 22 bytes from 6 528 0.1: aep_seq=0. time =26 . ms 22 bytes from 6 528 0.1: aep_seq=1. time =26 . ms 22 bytes from 6 528 0.1: aep_seq =2. time =27 . ms A tcpdump -nnel -i tap0 ... 10 .20 0.0.1 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 \ dev tap 5. Then we launch the client-side OpenVPN process: [WinClient] C:\>"\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe" \ ifconfig...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20

356 493 0
wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook docx

wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook docx

... StatusBar 21 2 Making a tool window 21 5 Creating a SearchBar 21 7 Working with ListCtrl mixins 22 0 StyledTextCtrl custom highlighting 22 2 Creating a custom control 22 5 Chapter 11: Using Threads and ... Interfaces 23 1 Introduction 23 1 Non-Blocking GUI 23 2 Understanding thread safety 23 6 iv Table of Contents Threading tools 24 1 Using Timers 24 6 Capturing...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20

312 738 0
Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook docx

Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook docx

... 21 5 Storing an ordered dictionary in Redis 21 8 Distributed word scoring with Redis and execnet 22 1 Chapter 9: Parsing Specic Data 22 7 Introduction 22 7 Parsing dates and times with Dateutil 22 8 Time ... Datasets 20 1 Introduction 20 2 Distributed tagging with execnet 20 2 Distributed chunking with execnet 20 6 Parallel list processing with execnet 20 9 Storing a frequency dis...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 20:21

272 791 0
Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook doc

Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook doc

... 21 5 Storing an ordered dictionary in Redis 21 8 Distributed word scoring with Redis and execnet 22 1 Chapter 9: Parsing Specic Data 22 7 Introduction 22 7 Parsing dates and times with Dateutil 22 8 Time ... Datasets 20 1 Introduction 20 2 Distributed tagging with execnet 20 2 Distributed chunking with execnet 20 6 Parallel list processing with execnet 20 9 Storing a frequency dis...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

272 677 0
JavaFX 1.2 Application Development Cookbook doc

JavaFX 1.2 Application Development Cookbook doc

... 22 5 BuildingandpackagingyourappwithanIDE 22 7 Buildingandpackagingyourappwithjavafxpackager 22 9 PackagingyourapptobeWebStart(ed) 23 2 Packagingyourappasanapplet 23 7 PassingargumentstoJavaFXapplications 24 2 Makingyourappletsdrag-to-install ... 20 0 BuildingRESTfulclientswiththePullParserAPI 20 4 UsingtheFeedAPItocreateRSS/Atomclien...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 05:20

332 772 0
Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook pdf

Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook pdf

... jQuery 21 0 Getting started with the Toxiclibs.js library 21 6 Chapter 10: Exploring Android Mode 22 1 Introduction 22 1 Installing the Android SDK 22 2 Running your sketch in the Android Emulator 22 4 Running ... 4 ); point( 22 0, height /2 ); line( 27 0, 20 , 27 0, height - 20 ); strokeWeight( 8 ); point( 320 , height/3 ); line( 370, 20 , 370, height - 20 ); strokeWeight...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20

306 2,6K 1