modelling non-perturbative effects in quantum chromodynamics



... constraining QCD as a part, It should be noted, in the theory without ultraviolet divergences the renormalization group equations turn into iden tities and have no any physical information including ... arrangement resolution [12]. InQCDwehavenosuchajustification. Moreover, the including of the gluon fields (6) may be justified by the nonlinearity of the theory and the strong coupling of fields...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20

7 349 0


... 1 F ∑ = −+ + M j jj 1 σσ [min] = 2 F ∑∑ −+ + ji ijij SS under the constraints all the constraints of LP (6) all the constraints of LP (8) (10) In a Mulltiobjective problem it is pointless to try to find out ... Solution of the following linear program min] = ∑ 1 F = −+ + M j jj 1 σσ under the constraints all the constraints of LP (6) all the constraints of LP (8) (11) Stage B:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 11:54

18 621 2
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... learning. Should children be educated at home or in school? Home Schooling: The Right Choice? Are parents really helping their children by teaching them at home? In most countries in ... change will be in the way people think about work as a place or an institution. Instead, they will focus on the task or product. Workers may feel less loyal to a company and more inclined...

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... (2008) Mapping alpha-helical induced folding within the intrinsically dis- ordered C-terminal domain of the measles virus nucleo- protein by site-directed spin-labeling EPR spectroscopy. Proteins 73, ... B, Finet S & Longhi S (2005) The intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of the measles virus nucleoprotein interacts with the C-terminal domain of the phosphoprotein via two distinct...

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... percent in 1990-91. Accordingly, FDI in India continues to be motivated by serving local markets in the first place. But the increasing export orientation may have favorable effects on India’s ... increasingly transferred foreign technologies which may support India’s industrial upgrading. In 1990- 91, such transfers were largely confined to FDI in engineering. They still figur...

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... neighboring environment. Taking into account the influences of the nearest atomic neighbors the Einstein effective interaction potential for single vibrating atom is given by (ignoring the ... possible, i.e., we would in principle like to determine the position, type, and number of the central atoms and their neighbors in a cluster and to determine such interesting properties as the...

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... play a role in this spatial variati on, as some chemicals or com- binations of interacting chemicals may be present in one area but not in others. Regions to examine for these effects include the ... non-c arcinogens having a stron- ger relat ionship with cancer mortality than carcinogens. These regions, highlighted in red, are in the intermoun- tain west and in parts of the Mid...

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... the initial increase in rate with increasing pH and the relative invariance of the K m values over the same pH range (in which the concentration of the neutral form of the substrate would be insignificant ... was in the range 6.5– 9.5. The rate of enzymatic activity was determined by moni- toring the initial linear increase in absorbance at 250 nm due to the production of benzaldehyde,...

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... Manufacturing. Tech LicThesis , KTH Bhartiya , Dufour and Doyle ( 2001) : Thermal- Hydraulic modelling of a continuous pulp digester, in proceedings from Conference on Digester modelling in Annapolis, ... to include uncertainties in model structures. In general, it is di¢ cult to des cribe uncertainties in the model structure. Parametric uncertainties can either be determinis...

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