access database design & programming, ed 2 1999

access database design & programming, ed 2 1999

access database design & programming, ed 2 1999

... Sleepy 321 - 321 -1111 9 Smith 123 -22 2 -22 22 11 Snoopy 321 - 321 -22 22 7 Spenser 777-777-7777 Table 1.4. The PUBLISHERS Table from the LIBRARY_FLAT Database PubID PubName PubPhone 1 Big House 123 -456-7890 ... Hamlet 2 $20 .00 0-55- 123 456-9 Main Street 3 $22 .95 1 -22 -23 3700-0 Visual Basic 1 $25 .00 0- 12- 333433-3 On Liberty 1 $25 .00 0-103-45678-9 Iliad 1 $25 .00 1-...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 09:06

363 266 0
Access Database Design & Programming, 3rd Edition pot

Access Database Design & Programming, 3rd Edition pot

... Moby-Dick 2 Melville 22 2 -22 2- 22 22 3 Small House 714-000- 0000 $49.00 0- 12- 333433-3 On Liberty 8 Mill 888-888- 8888 1 Big House 123 -456- 7890 $25 .00 0- 321 - 321 32- 1 Balloon 13 Sleepy 321 - 321 - 1111 ... Sleepy 321 - 321 -1111 9 Smith 123 -22 2 -22 22 11 Snoopy 321 - 321 -22 22 7 Spenser 777-777-7777 Table 1-4. The PUBLISHERS table from the LIBRARY_FLAT...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:20

416 1,8K 0
o'reilly - access database design & programming 3rd edition

o'reilly - access database design & programming 3rd edition

... PRESENTS 20 2 Melville 22 2 -22 2 -22 22 8 Mill 888-888-8888 4 Roman 444-444-4444 5 Shakespeare 555-555-5555 13 Sleepy 321 - 321 -1111 9 Smith 123 -22 2 -22 22 11 Snoopy 321 - 321 -22 22 7 Spenser ... Moby-Dick 2 Melville 22 2 -22 2 -22 22 3 Small House 714-000-0000 $49.00 0- 12- 333433-3 On Liberty 8 Mill 888-888-8888 1 Big House 123 -456-7890 $25 .00 0- 321 - 32...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:39

415 1,5K 0
Chương 2 Thiết kế Cơ sở dữ liệu database design

Chương 2 Thiết kế Cơ sở dữ liệu database design

... dụng  !(SDT-- U-V>(&-1D5$ <K(  !(SPW- U-VE!(SD4'X >%5(%&,Y >#$4'%&  --U-V&> %5(%&%5(Y ><Z#4'D%&<F%[ <K( 16  Để thực thi 1 CSDL  &1F...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 12:08

34 617 0
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams

Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams

... retired. The "players" in the software development life cycle can placed into two camps, often referred to as the "user" and the "analyst." Software is designed ... phases) are required. The steps ensure that a process of thinking precedes action — thinking through "what is needed" precedes "what is written." Further, the "thinking .....

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15

321 494 0