from initial database design to ops 13 2

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 2 Part 1 ppsx

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 2 Part 1 ppsx

... //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D – 178 – [35? ?24 8 /21 4] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D – 179 – [35? ?24 8 /21 4] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM Assembly systems //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D ... very slow, typically 0.0 025 –0.1 mm/min, but dependent on material //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D – 1 72 – [35? ?24 8 /21 4] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM 1 72 Selecting candidate processes ... Absence of a component due to inefficient feeding or exhausted supply //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D – 1 82 – [35? ?24 8 /21 4] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM 1 82 Selecting candidate

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 16:21

20 316 0
Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Part 2 docx

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Part 2 docx

... [F19][F20] [F 22 ] [F19][F20] [F 22 ] [W1] [W2][W8] [W11][W19] [B2] [W2][W11] [B2]... [F 12] [F13] [F 12] [F13] [F16][F18] [F21] [F18][F21] [W5][W 12] [W5][W 12] [F1][F2][F5] [F1][F2][A2] [F6] ... [B4][B6] [W2][W13] [B2] [S2][S6] [S8] [F23] [F23] [W13] [F23] [F23] [W1] [W1][W2] [W11][W13] [W14][W19] [B2][B6] [W8][W13] [W14][B2] [B4][B6] [F23] [W4][W13] [W14] [W13] [W1] [S1][S8] [F23] [F23] [W19] ... [W14][W16] [W20][B3] [W20][B3] [W18][W20] [W4][B3][B8] [W20][B3] [B8] [B4][B7][B8] [B3][B8] [B4][B5][B7] [B8][F9] [F19][F20] [F 22 ] [F 22 ] [W13] [S2][S6][S8] [W3][W9] [S2][S8] [W 22 ] [F 22 ] [W2][W13]

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:23

25 189 0
Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 1 Part 2 ppsx

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 1 Part 2 ppsx

... strategy 13 [...]... alloys to precious metals, as classified in Figure 1. 12 //SYS 21 / //INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_0 7-0 5-0 3/0750654376-CH0 02. 3D – 22 – [19 –34 /16 ] 13 .5 .20 03 ... emerging design or prototype. Any co nflict between customer needs and product functionality should be referred back to the PDS. The first step in the process is to analyze the design or prototype ... 7:43PM 22 Selecting candidate processes Fig 2 .1 General process selection flowchart //SYS 21 / //INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_0 7-0 5-0 3/0750654376-CH0 02. 3D – 23 – [19 –34 /16 ] 13 .5

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 16:21

20 351 0
Apress   beginning database design from novice to professional

Apress beginning database design from novice to professional

... implementation of data models, 21 5? ?22 1, 22 2 many -to- many relationships, 21 9? ?22 1, 22 3 one -to- many relationships, 21 6? ?21 9, 22 2 SQL aggregating functions, 174–176 CHECK IN keywords, 120 COUNT function, 174 ... 177–181 many -to- many relationship, 131 ? ?133 normal forms, 145–151, 153–155 normalization, 139 –155 one -to- many relationship, 129 ? ?131 one -to- one relationship, 133 ? ?134 primary keys, 122 – 126 choosing ... and getting information out 22 7 7699Conclusion.qxd 22 8 12/ 12/ 06 8 :20 AM Page 22 8 ■CONCLUSION How you get information out? Because you have been careful to design the database well, you can be confident

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2017, 10:44

267 795 0
Hands on database  an introduction to database design and development 2nd edition (2)

Hands on database an introduction to database design and development 2nd edition (2)

... Hoffer, Ramesh & Topi ? ?2 013 Database Systems: Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses Jukic, Vrbsky & Nestorov ? ?20 14 Database Concepts, 6/e Kroenke & Auer ? ?2 013 Database Processing, 13/ e Kroenke ... College.? ?2 [edition]   pages cm   Includes index   ISBN -13: 978-0 -13- 3 024 41-8 (alk paper)   ISBN-10: 0 -13- 3 024 41-5 (alk paper)   1.? ?Database design.   I. Title   QA76.9.D26C644 20 14  005.74’3 dc23 2 0130 11938 ... Organizations Wallace ? ?2 013 Essentials of E-Commerce Laudon & Traver ? ?20 14 DATABASE: Hands-on Database, 2/ e Conger ? ?20 14 Essentials of Database Management Hoffer, Topi, Ramesh ? ?20 14 Modern Database Management,

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 14:13

222 207 0
Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P1 ppt

Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P1 ppt

... Machining Automated Torch Brazing Automated Torch Soldering Chemical Machining... opportunity to exploit any benefits from alternative processes may be lost The greatest opportunity in design ... emerging design or prototype Any conflict between customer... customer needs and product functionality should be referred back to the PDS The first step in the process is to analyze the design ... is to promote the generation of design ideas and facilitate the matching and tuning of a design to a process, and The provision of methods and data to enable the exploration of design

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20

40 353 0
Tài liệu Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859, Vol. 2 docx

Tài liệu Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859, Vol. 2 docx

... Senior from 1834 to 1859, V FROM DECEMBER 23 , 1851 TO APRIL 20 , 1858 CONVERSATIONS PARIS, 1851 -2 [The _coup d'état_ took place on the 2nd, and Mr Senior reached Paris on the 21 st of December. ... history Letters in 1855-6 Tocqueville burns his letter Conversation of May 28 Amusing letters from the Army Enjoyment of home Fall of Sebastopol Cost of the war Russia dangerous to Europe How to ... My wish and Tocqueville's was to give the election to the Chamber We found Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859, V 113 that out

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

126 543 0
Chương 2 Thiết kế Cơ sở dữ liệu database design

Chương 2 Thiết kế Cơ sở dữ liệu database design

... %_or_MB ) 27 CREATE DATABASE Sales ON PRIMARY... optionspec [WITH termination] 31   Khi 1 CSDL bị xóa thì tất cả các file vật lý của nó sẽ bị xóa Cú pháp: DROP DATABASE database_ name 32  Query ... Actions\New Database - Hoặc nhấp phải chuột tại folder Databases, chọn lệnh New Database 34 ... MAXSIZE = 50, FILEGROWTH = 15% ), ( NAME = SPri2_dat, FILENAME = 'c:\program files\data\SPri2dt.ndf', ... Xác định các thuộc tính của các bảng trong CSDL Fairco  12 Các thực thể và thuộc tính 13 Ba loại  One -to- one  One -to- many  Many -to- many  Phụ thuộc vào bản chất của nghiệp

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 12:08

34 616 0
Biomedical Engineering From Theory to Applications Part 2 pdf

Biomedical Engineering From Theory to Applications Part 2 pdf

... & Shattock, R (20 10) Protease inhibitors darunavir, lopinavir and ritonavir as potential microbicides [Abstract no 24 ] Microbicides 20 10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 22 -25 May 20 10 ... Investigators (20 09) Vaccination with ALVAC and AIDSVAX to prevent HIV-1 infection in Thailand New England Journal of Medicine 361, 23 : 22 09 -22 20 Richens, R., Imrie, J & Copas, A (20 00) ... & Shattock, R (20 10) Combinations of maraviroc and reverse transcriptase inhibitors as potential microbicides [Abstract no 22 ] Microbicides 20 10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 22 -25 ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

30 698 0
Technical Analysis from A to Z Part 2 doc

Technical Analysis from A to Z Part 2 doc

... return to its average before continuing on its way. Figure 26 You can also use moving averages to smooth erratic data. The charts in Figure 27 show the 13 year history of the number of stocks ... Library Investment Bookstore Technical Analysis from A to Z by Steven B. Achelis INDICATORS Indicators An indicator is a mathematical calculation that can be applied to a security's price ... Library Investment Bookstore Partners Company Search Tips Technical Analysis from A to Z by Steven B Achelis MARKET INDICATORS Market Indicators All... Introduction to Technical Analysis

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20

24 364 0
Process Selection From design to manufacture P1 potx

Process Selection From design to manufacture P1 potx

... costing design solutions //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH000-PRELIMS.3D – 12 – [1–16/16] 13. 5 .20 03 7:42PM xii Preface to first edition The book is primarily intended to ... commenting that the designs coming out of the process tend to be more reliable and easier to manufacture. .. Computer-aided Design Design for Assembly Design for Manufacture Design of Experiments ... Automated Torch Brazing Automated Torch Soldering Chemical Machining... more business process orientated approach to product development.) The process defines what the enterprise has to

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 12:20

30 308 0
Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 1 Part 9 ppsx

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 1 Part 9 ppsx

... //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D – 1 52 – [35? ?24 8 /21 4] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM Economic considerations . Production rates range from 1 to 1000/h. . Lead times vary from ... //SYS 21 / //INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_0 7-0 5-0 3/0750654376-CH00 2 -1 .3D – 16 0 – [35? ?24 8/ 21 4 ] 9. 5 .20 03 2: 05PM //SYS 21 / //INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_0 7-0 5-0 3/0750654376-CH00 2 -1 ... 3/0750654376-CH00 2 -1 .3D – 16 2 – [35? ?24 8/ 21 4 ] 9. 5 .20 03 2: 05PM 16 2 Selecting candidate processes 5 .1 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Process description The tool, usually graphite,

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 16:21

20 328 0
Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 1 Part 8 doc

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Episode 1 Part 8 doc

... linking with CAD very high. Automatic and manual turning and boring 133 [...]... 13 5 – [35? ?2 48/ 21 4 ] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM Automatic and manual turning and boring 13 5 4.1CC Automatic and manual turning ... irregular section (see 4.2F) 4.2F Milling process //SYS 21 / //INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_0 7-0 5-0 3/0750654376-CH00 2 -1 .3D – 13 7 – [35? ?2 48/ 21 4 ] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM Milling 13 7 Materials All ... process capability chart. Powder metallurgy 127 //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH0 02- 1.3D – 128 – [35? ?24 8 /21 4] 9.5 .20 03 2: 05PM 3. 12 Continuous extrusion (metals) Process

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 16:21

20 298 0
Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Part 13 pot

Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture Part 13 pot

... shipping and storage could also increase this cost substantially //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH003.3D – 29 2 – [24 9–300/ 52] 8.5 .20 03 8:58PM 29 2 Costing designs Fig 3.37 ... //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH003.3D – 29 6 – [24 9–300/ 52] 8.5 .20 03 8:59PM 29 6 Costing designs Fig 3.41 Staple remover redesign A method for costing of designs, that can be used from concept to detail, has been ... – 29 0 – [24 9–300/ 52] 8.5 .20 03 8:58PM 29 0 Costing designs Fig 3.35 (b) Component insertion penalties ( Pfi ) (contd) //SYS21///INTEGRAS/B&H/PRS/FINALS_07-05-03/0750654376-CH003.3D – 29 1 – [24 9–300/ 52] ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:23

25 203 0


... plant utilizing ADSL2 /2+ and/or VDSL to deliver up to 12 megabits The SBC model of FTTN where fiber is brought to about 3,000 feet but copper capabilities are relied on to the customer premises The ... supported homes from that particular PON card to 28 The centralized approach would require a 1x16 splitter rather than a 1x 32 to reach those customers, reducing the number of customers served to 16 on ... THE BOOK ON FROM DESIGN TO DEPLOYMENT: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO FTTX INFRASTRUCTURE Edited by Steve Grady Forward by Sharon Stober, Editorial Director of Outside Plant Magazine...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:15

164 543 1
Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P2 pdf

Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P2 pdf

... [F23] [W1][W2] [W8][W11] [W13][W14] [W19][B2] [B4][B6] [W2][W13] [B2] [S2][S6] [S8] [F23] [F23] [W13] [F23] [F23] [W1] [W1][W2] [W11][W13] [W14][W19] [B2][B6] [W8][W13] [W14][B2] [B4][B6] [F23] ... [F2][A4] [A5] [F1][F2] [W 12] [F2] [F10][F14] [F13][F14] [A9] [F 12] [F13] [F 12] [F13] [F13][A9] [F 12] [F13] [F 12] [F13] F[15][F16] [F17][F18] [F21] [F15][F17] [F18][F21] [F16][F21] [F16][F18] [F21] ... [F18][F21] [F15][F16] [F21] [F2] [W 12] [F2] [F10][F14] [A4] [W 12] [F2] [F13][A9] [F14] [F14] [F15][F16] [F17][F21] [W 12] [F2] [F15][F16] [F18][F21] [F15][F18] [F21] [F13] [F16][F21] [F16][F21] [F2] [F21]...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20

10 383 0


... type of inventory (i.e initial inventory, long-term inventory, or shortterm monitoring) One way of storing this data is to add all of the ground cover and plot information items to one table ... Concepts of Creating a Database 2. 1 Tables 2. 2 Relationships 2. 3 Attributes .2 Creating a Database in Microsoft Access ... New toolbar button (see Figure 1) Figure 1: Database Window A new dialog will appear showing the new table options (Figure 2) Select the Design View option and click the OK button Figure 2: New...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

19 412 0
Web Designer Success guide: How to profit from Freelance Web Design - Kevin Airgid

Web Designer Success guide: How to profit from Freelance Web Design - Kevin Airgid

... always told you not to brag, well that is not going to get you anywhere in the freelance world You need to shout from the hilltops your successes, so that you can turn past projects into future ... KEVIN AIRGID WEB DESIGNER'S UIDE RVIVAL G SU WEB DESIGNER'S SURVIVAL GUIDE WEB DESIGNER'S SURVIVAL GUIDE WEB DESIGNER'S SURVIVAL GUIDE WEB DESIGNER'S WEB DESIGNER'S SURVIVAL GUIDE WEB DESIGNER'S SURVIVAL ... projects The best way to this is to broadcast it to all your past clients, and to as many news boards and Web designer portals as you can By having Web design portals you start to build link credit...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:39

81 375 1
process selection - from design to manufacture

process selection - from design to manufacture

... Concluding remarks 189 190 193 196 199 20 2 20 5 20 8 21 1 21 5 21 8 22 0 22 3 22 6 22 9 23 1 23 5 24 0 24 0 24 1 24 4 24 9 24 9 25 0 25 0 25 1 25 3 27 2 27 3 27 5 28 2 28 5 28 5 29 1 29 1 29 3 Sample questions for students 301 ... [F23] [W1][W2] [W8][W11] [W13][W14] [W19][B2] [B4][B6] [W2][W13] [B2] [S2][S6] [S8] [F23] [F23] [W13] [F23] [F23] [W1] [W1][W2] [W11][W13] [W14][W19] [B2][B6] [W8][W13] [W14][B2] [B4][B6] [F23] ... [F2][A4] [A5] [F1][F2] [W 12] [F2] [F10][F14] [F13][F14] [A9] [F 12] [F13] [F 12] [F13] [F13][A9] [F 12] [F13] [F 12] [F13] F[15][F16] [F17][F18] [F21] [F15][F17] [F18][F21] [F16][F21] [F16][F18] [F21]...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:25

333 486 0
Microwave and millimeter wave technologies from photonic bandgap devices to antenna and applications Part 13 doc

Microwave and millimeter wave technologies from photonic bandgap devices to antenna and applications Part 13 doc

... Control (433 MHz)  DVB (470 - 8 62 MHz)  GSM 900 / AMP ( 820 - 970 MHz)  GSM 1800 / DCS / PCS / DECT (1700 - 1950 MHz)  UMTS ( 1 920 - 22 00 MHz)  Bluetooth (24 00 - 25 00 MHz)  WLAN (4,5 - 6,0 GHz) ... material Fractal Antenna Applications Fig 21 Fig 23 363 Fig 22 Fig 24 Figure 24 shows a comparison between a conventional chaff cloud with regard to a fractal or multilevel structure chaff cloud ... Wave Technologies: from Photonic Bandgap Devices to Antenna and Applications 3 52 Fig Fig Applying the Koch generator to an equilateral triangle, after infinite iteration, converge to the Koch snowflake...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

30 222 0