Iinternational economics - 6ed

International economics - 6ed

International economics - 6ed

... models of balance-of-payments or exchange-rate determination 329 Learning objectives 329 Why the balance of payments (or the exchange rate) matters 331 Alternative views of balance-of-payments (or ... For a one-semester chapter emphasizing trade, Chapters 1 through 11 provide a compact, self-contained, unit. For a one-term course empha- sizing international finance and open economy macroeconom...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 15:45

545 157 0
Giao an "English for Economics and Business"

Giao an "English for Economics and Business"

... II: Multiple Choice - Ask students to do the exercise - Do the exercise - Call students to read aloud sentences and their choice. - Checks answers - Read aloud answers - Check with teacher ... answers: b. While-reading: - Ask students to skim the text to get general idea of the whole text - Skim the text a. Paragraph I: - Ask students to find out the main...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27

195 5,6K 198
Pinciples of economics

Pinciples of economics

... payments. The resulting lack of adjustment forced the aban- donment of the fixed-exchange-rate system and the establishment of a flexible-exchange-rate system. However, the system that is in operation today ... inter- section of aggregate supply and aggregate demand. In microeconomics, equilibrium price exists where quantity demanded equals quantity sup- plied. The supply and demand schedules i...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2013, 14:26

159 253 0
A contrastive analysis of metaphorical lexis and collocation in english and vietnamese economics discourse

A contrastive analysis of metaphorical lexis and collocation in english and vietnamese economics discourse

... of total increase,-es,-ed ,- ing NM* 64 28 rise, -es, -ing, rose, risen U 59 26 other: up, high, above U 17 7.4 grow, -ing, grew, grown, growth ORG 85 37.3 fast, -er wide, -r, -en SP 3 1.3 Totals 228 ... difficulties encountered by non-L1 students caused by specific features of economics discourse. The first three chapters of this collection all discuss aspects of non-literalness in eco...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:58

33 1,1K 3
Economics of Wireless Networks

Economics of Wireless Networks

... Channel (F-APICH), 172 Forward Broadcast Channel (F-BCH), 173 Forward Common Assignment Channel (F- CACH), 173 Forward Common Control Channel (F-CCCH), 172 Forward Common Power Control Channel (F-CPCCH), ... Physical Layer, 255 Nash equilibrium, 386 Near-far problem, 120 Near-field Intra-body Communication PAN (NIC-PAN), 300 Negative binomial, 349 Next-event time advance simulation model, 346...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

25 286 0
Ten Principles of Economics - Part 44

Ten Principles of Economics - Part 44

... more elastic, es- pecially in the long run when firms can adjust employment and production more fully. They also note that many minimum-wage workers are teenagers from middle-class families, ... services rather than cash are called in-kind transfers. Standard measurements of the degree of inequality do not take account of these in-kind transfers. Because in-kind transfers are received mostly...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

10 678 1