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o'reilly - java web services

o'reilly - java web services

... 1.2 Web Services Adoption Factors Web services are new technologies and require a paradigm shift. The adoption of web services is directly impacted by the adoption of the paradigm of web services ... as illustrated in Figure 1-4 . Java Web Services 15 Figure 1-4 . SOA based on a J2EE backbone 1.4 What This Book Discusses This is a book on Java and...

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o'reilly - programming web services with xml-rpc

o'reilly - programming web services with xml-rpc

... for XML-RPC 32 Chapter 3. Client-Server Communication: XML-RPC in Java 34 3.1 Why XML-RPC for Java? 34 3.2 The XML-RPC Java Library 35 3.3 Building XML-RPC Clients 39 3.4 Building XML-RPC ... with XML-RPC - 1 - Programming Web Services with XML-RPC Simon St. Laurent Joe Johnston Edd Dumbill Publisher: O'Reilly First Edition June 2001 ISBN: 0-5 9 6...

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Java Web Services

Java Web Services

... distributor Resources  Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 dowload: http:/ /java. sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservice spack.html Tutorial: http:/ /java. sun.com/webservices/docs/1.3/tutorial/doc/i ndex.html Sample ... with JAX-RPC;  Message-Level Security security information is contained within the SOAP message. What’s in WSDP  Java WSDP Registry Server  The Java...

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O 'reilly java swing

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... management. Chapter 1. Introducing Swing Java Swing – O’Reilly - 100 - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java. awt.*; import java. awt.event.*; public class JButtonEvents ... also properties from DefaultButtonModel (xref linkend="SWING-CH-5-TABLE-6"/>). 5.1.7 The JCheckBox Class The look-and-feels for the JCheckBox [3] class are...

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Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java & XML, 2nd Edition ppt

Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java & XML, 2nd Edition ppt

... properties. Example 5-2 . The DOMSerializer skeleton package javaxml2; import java. io.File; import java. io.FileWriter; import java. io.IOException; import java. io.OutputStream; import java. io.OutputStreamWriter; ... PropsToXML class package javaxml2; import java. io.FileInputStream; import java. io.FileOutputStream; import java. io.IOException; import java. util...

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Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java Message Service doc

Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java Message Service doc

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Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java Swing docx

Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java Swing docx

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Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java Servlet Programming pptx

Tài liệu O''''Reilly - Java Servlet Programming pptx

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