Lecture 4: Extending Classes pdf
... Narrowing conversion: convert a reference of a supertype into a reference of a subtype 1 Lecture 4: Extending Classes 20 Type conversion (2) • Explicit type casting: a type name within parentheses, ... 23 Abstract classes and methods (1) • abstract classes: some methods are only declared, but no concrete implementations are provided. They need to be implemented by the exten...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
... 23 Abstract classes and methods (1) • abstract classes: some methods are only declared, but no concrete implementations are provided. They need to be implemented by the extending classes. abstract ... Narrowing conversion: convert a reference of a supertype into a reference of a subtype 1 Lecture 3: Extending Classes Inheritance in Java 20 Type conversion (2) • Explicit t...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20
... A 0 1 s 2 s T A T A− 0 0 Tt )( 1 t ψ T 1 0 0)()()()( )()()(),( /)(/)()( )( 122 0 1212 1111 0 2 2 11 =−−= −=>=< == == ∫ ∫ tAtstd Adtttstts AtsEtst AdttsE T T ψ ψψ ψ 1 2 Digital Communications I: Modulation and Coding Course Period 3 - 2007 Catharina Logothetis Lecture 4 Lecture 4 20 Implementation of matched filter receiver )(tr 1 z )( 1 tT − ∗ ψ )( tT N − ∗ ψ N z Observation vector...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 08:20
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory pdf
... VLSI Design 4th Ed. 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory 19 Leakage What about current in cutoff? Simulated results What differs? – Current doesn’t go to 0 in cutoff Lecture 4: Nonideal Transistor ... DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory 16 Body Effect Cont. For small source-to-body voltage, treat as linear CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 4: No...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20