Financial Frictions and Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for the Real Effects of Financial Crises pot

Financial Frictions and Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for the Real Effects of Financial Crises pot

Financial Frictions and Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for the Real Effects of Financial Crises pot

... κp M t M t (8) using the value of final goods, the sum of all value added and the total income in the economy respectively. The last term in equation (8) is the income of the intermediary in the current period and ... account for the sectoral reallocation. Including either one of the labor or capital frictions is not sufficient, since the other factor ca...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

45 505 0
ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal potx

ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal potx

... measure of the costs of climate change is the rising costs of extreme weather events, though these are also a function of and real estate and in- surance values. Overall, the costs of weather-related disasters ... estimates of the social cost of carbon the valuation of the damages due to emissions of one metric ton of car- bon, of $30/ton of CO 2 equiv...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

26 762 0
Men''''s Health Huge in a Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner in Record Time with the New Science of Strength Training_3 pot

Men''''s Health Huge in a Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner in Record Time with the New Science of Strength Training_3 pot

... pull them to the sides of your chest. Stand between the stacks, and split your stance (one leg ahead of the other). Lean forward slightly, with a tight core and your neck and head in ... amount of weight and adhere to the recommended form. The actual setup is easy enough: Find the appropriate bench (one with uprights for a barbell, or without them...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

98 452 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Quantitative Evaluation of Linguistic Tests for the Automatic Prediction of Semantic Markedness" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Quantitative Evaluation of Linguistic Tests for the Automatic Prediction of Semantic Markedness" potx

... properties of the words (number of different parts of speech). In fact, for these three variables, the hypothesis of ran- dom performance cannot be rejected even at the 5% level. Tests based on the ... set for comparison purposes. From these vec- tors, we estimate the density of the distribution of the scores for each method; Figure 1 gives these den- siti...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 06:20

8 442 0
Financial Forecasting, Risk, and Valuation: Accounting for the Future potx

Financial Forecasting, Risk, and Valuation: Accounting for the Future potx

... forecasting and accounting. Financial forecasting for valuation involves accounting for the future, for accounting both specifies what is to be forecasted and how the forecaster transitions from the ... seen as the province of the statitician. The paper makes the point that forecasting and accounting are so much linked that one can say that forecasting...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

18 598 1
Tài liệu The Economic and Social Effects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pptx

Tài liệu The Economic and Social Effects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pptx

... EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes)  T : Ta es  T : Ta x es  EBIT x (1- T)= Lợi nhuận sau thuế đối với nợ ø á å hà va ø vo á nco å p h a à n.  k a : Chi phí vốn trung bình theo trọng số  ... capital structure):  Cơ cấu vốn tối ưu là cơ cấu vốn mà ở tai đo ù chi phí vo á n trung bình theo trong ta ï i đo chi phí von trung bình theo tro ï ng số ở mức tối thiểu, qua đó tối đa hóa g...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 19:20

31 464 0
Accounting for the U.S. Earnings and Wealth Inequality by Ana Casta˜neda, Javier D´ıaz-Gim´enez and Jos´e-V´ıctor R´ıos-Rull∗ potx

Accounting for the U.S. Earnings and Wealth Inequality by Ana Casta˜neda, Javier D´ıaz-Gim´enez and Jos´e-V´ıctor R´ıos-Rull∗ potx

... allocation of time and consumption: We re- port the values of our aggregate targets for the U.S. and for the benchmark model economies 27 in the first five columns of Table 6; and the shares of hours ... between the resulting number of degrees of freedom and the accuracy in accounting for the U.S. earnings and wealth distributions. Table 8: The di...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

42 454 0
Public and Private Partnerships: Accounting for the New Religion pot

Public and Private Partnerships: Accounting for the New Religion pot

... inequalities, and strengthen democracy? Each of these concerns arises as governments blur the borders be- tween public and private, secular and religious, and nonprofit and for- profit ... and children in foster care placements waiting for help for their families or for new, permanent families offer further evidence of the scope of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

43 549 0