... NHỮNG PHÁT HIỆN MỚI CỦA ĐỀ TÀI CŨNG NHƯ NHỮNG HẠN CHẾ CỦA ĐỀ TÀI NÀY, TỪ ĐÓ ĐỀ XUẤT NHỮNG ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU MỚI ĐỂ GIẢI QUYẾT NHỮNG HẠN CHẾ NÀY ? 6.1 Những phát hiện mới của đề tài Nghiên cứu tác ... hạn chế của đề tài này, từ đó đề xuất những đề tài nghiên cứu mới để giải quyết những hạn chế này ? Nhóm 4 –K20 Đêm 6 Trang 1 The “advantage of latecomer” in abating air-polluti...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2014, 14:53
... graph. (The existence of the curves σ 1 , γ 1 , γ 2 will be established in the next section.) First we need two lemmas. The first of these is the following: Lemma II.1.38. Given C 1 ,ε 0 > 0, there ... σ 2 . The next lemma bounds the area of a minimal surface with two sides and an interior boundary in a small ball in terms of the length of the sides, provided that...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " The resolution of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture " docx
... C u 2 (2.17) and the estimate (2.11), which completes the proof of Theorem 1.1. It remains to prove Proposition 2.5, which will be done at the end of Section 7. The proof involves the construction of a multiplier ... gradient of the imagi- nary part is nonvanishing, so that the zeroes form a smooth submanifold. The estimate uses a new type of weight, which measur...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 05:20
Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx
... Substituting these values of r, c into (2.6) yields the upper bound of Theorem 1.1. In the language of the beginning of this section, we have taken A to be Spec R Σ and the map F to be F Σ . The set ... in terms of ∆ L . There are only finitely many such polynomials, and counting them gives the theorem of [18]. The main idea of Theorem 1.1 is to count r-tuples of...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
Đề tài " The distribution of integers with a divisor in a given interval " ppt
... divisors of n, Ω(n) is the number of prime power divisors of n, π(x) is the number of primes ≤ x, τ(n) is the number of divisors of n. P(s, t) is the set of positive integers composed of prime ... author enjoyed the hospitality of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Finally, the author acknowledges the referee for...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
Đề tài " The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold I; Estimates off the axis for disks " doc
... GRAPHICAL OFF THE AXIS 35 In this part, we prove Theorem I.0.8 when the surface is in a slab, illus- trating the key points (the full theorem, using the results of this part, will be proved ... completed in the second paper. The third and fourth papers of this series will deal with how the multi-valued graphs fit together and, in particular, prove regularity of the set...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20
Đề tài " The diameter of the isomorphism class of a Banach space " pdf
... into Y . The proof is similar to, but simpler than, the proof of Theorem 7. First we recall the definition of certain canonical trees T α of order α for α<ω 1 (see e.g. [JO]). These form the frames ... Then c 0 embeds into X. We postpone the proof to complete first the Proof of Theorem 1. Assume that X is infinite dimensional and every isomorph of X is K-elastic. Then by...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Đề tài "The strong perfect graph theorem " pot
... either in one of the strips, or in one of the potatoes; and we can show that for any connected set of these “minor” vertices, the union of their neighbours in Z has the same property (they all lie ... use induction on the length of Q. If some internal vertex of Q is X-complete then the result follows from the inductive hypothesis, so we may assume not. If Q has lengt...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20