IDSA Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Children and Adults pot

IDSA Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Children and Adults pot

IDSA Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Children and Adults pot

... standard-dose IDSA Guideline for ABRS d CID d e19 at IDSA on March 21, 2012 from IDSA GUIDELINES IDSA Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis ... qualifying addi- tional characteristics in clinical presentation is inadequate in differentiating bacterial from viral acute rhinosinusitis. Howeve...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

41 967 0
Tài liệu Canadian clinical practice guidelines for acute and chronic rhinosinusitis pdf

Tài liệu Canadian clinical practice guidelines for acute and chronic rhinosinusitis pdf

... of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS) and include recommendations that take into account changes in the bacteriologic landscape. Recent guidelines in ABRS have been released by American and ... with industry was made during the guidelines development or review process. An English-language Medline ® search was con ducted using the terms acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (AB...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

38 1,3K 0
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis pptx

KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis pptx

... Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis (GN) aims to assist practitioners caring for adults and children with GN. Guideline development ... the reasons for such omissions are explained in the rationale in each chapter. There are, therefore, a number of circumstances in this guideline where treatments in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

143 2,3K 0
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) pdf

KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) pdf

... needed should guidelines be used to mandate specific medical practices with, for example, clinical performance measures. Methods for developing and implementing clinical practice guidelines are still ... meetings in Europe and in North America. The meetings included a formal instruction in the state of the art and science of guideline development, and training in th...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

140 778 1
Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of falls in older people doc

Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of falls in older people doc

... prepare clinical guidelines for the NHS in England and Wales for the assessment and prevention of falls, including recurrent falls in older people; with an associated clinical audit system. Clinical ... methods for measuring fear of falling. 1 Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of falls in older people This guideline was commission...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

284 2,4K 0
Respiratory Management Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals ppt

Respiratory Management Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals ppt

... MANAGEMENT FOLLOWING SPINAL CORD INJURY CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 5 S eventeen organizations, including PVA, joined in a consortium in June 1995 to develop clinical prac- tice guidelines in spinal cord ... et al., 1973). CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 9 Respiratory Management Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 15:20

62 497 0
Tài liệu Clinical practice guideline: Adult sinusitis pptx

Tài liệu Clinical practice guideline: Adult sinusitis pptx

... tomography, and testing for allergy and immune function. Secondary goals include creating a guideline suitable for deriving a performance measure on rhinosinusitis and training participants in guide- line ... acute rhinosinusitis. Guideline statements regarding acute rhinosinusitis will focus on diagnosing presumed bacterial illness and using antibiotics appropria...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

31 616 0
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults ppt

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults ppt

... 1—SETTING THE SCENE Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults 4 1—SETTING THE SCENE Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management ... duration. 85 SUMMARY Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults x SUMMARY Clinical Practice Guidelines for the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

288 1,6K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A pathway through interferon-c is the main pathway for induction of nitric oxide upon stimulation with bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mouse peritoneal cells pot

Báo cáo khoa học: A pathway through interferon-c is the main pathway for induction of nitric oxide upon stimulation with bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mouse peritoneal cells pot

... effective for inducing the binding of IRF-1toregion2,leadingtoiNOS gene expression. The important role of IFN-c in the pathogenesis of LPS- induced shock was confirmed using mice deficient for the IFN-c ... adding 0.18 M H 2 SO 4 and the absorbance was measured at 450 nm. Quantification of each cytokine (in ngÆmL )1 for IFN-c andinpgÆmL )1 for IL-12p70) was performed based on the s...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

10 396 0
The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

... alternative: levofloxacin; addition of vancomycin or clindamycin for suspected CA-MRSA Azithromycin (in addition to b-lactam, if diagnosis in doubt); alternatives: clarithromycin or erythromycin; doxycycline for children ... and interventional radiology were asked to review and provide feedback on the draft guidelines. Process Overview As with other clinical practice guideline...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

52 839 1