Tài liệu encyclopaedia of professional education pptx

Tài liệu basic of procedure builder pptx

Tài liệu basic of procedure builder pptx

... first level of subobjects of the currently selected object. Expand All Expands all levels of subobjects of the currently selected object. Collapse All Collapses all levels of subobjects of the currently ... object hierarchy. Create Creates a new instance of the currently selected object. Delete Deletes the selected object with confirmation. Expand Expands the first level of su...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15

50 390 0
Tài liệu Denial of Service DoS pptx

Tài liệu Denial of Service DoS pptx

... mắt. 4)Sử dụng các nguồn tài nguyên khác: Kẻ tấn công lợi dụng các nguồn tài nguyên mà nạn nhân cần đến để tấn công. Những kẻ tấn công có thể thay đổi dữ liệu và tự sao chép dữ liệu mà nạn nhân cần ... dữ liệu được chia nhỏ làm nhiều gói tin, mối gói tin có một giá trị offset riêng và có thể truyền đi theo nhiều đường để tới đích. Tại đích, nhờ vào giá trị offset của từng gói tin...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15

3 405 0
Tài liệu Contents Of Structure Drills pptx

Tài liệu Contents Of Structure Drills pptx

... insist on, insist on me/my 142 142 in spite of 143 143 look forward to 144 144 make a point of 145 145 there's no point in, what's the point of 146 146 succeed in + gerund, manage + infinitive ... Present and past continuous 48 48 Present simple and continuous, past continuous 49 49 Negative of the simple present, present continuous and simple past 50 50 Present and past con...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 00:15

5 336 0
Tài liệu Basics of Corporate Finance pptx

Tài liệu Basics of Corporate Finance pptx

... influence the level of interest rates. a) Investors' expected rate of return d) Preference of potential investors for consumption versus savings 5. The offered rate of interest reflects ... TIME VALUE OF MONEY INTRODUCTION We know that money has two general purposes: it serves as a store of value and as a medium of exchange. The term time value of money refers to all aspe...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 16:15

417 477 0
Tài liệu Handbook of Nanotechnology P1 pptx

Tài liệu Handbook of Nanotechnology P1 pptx

... member of the International Academy of Engineering (Russia), Belorussian Academy of Engineering and Technology and the Academy of Triboengineering of Ukraine, an honorary member of the Society of ... Tribologists of Belarus, a fellow of ASME, IEEE, and the New York Academy of Sciences, and a member of STLE, ASEE, Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi. Dr. Bhushan has previously worke...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 23:17

40 425 0
Tài liệu Scope of this document pptx

Tài liệu Scope of this document pptx

... safely get a gist of the mail, before your email client gets a glimpse of it. If your email client is crashing because of a particular email in your mailbox, you can safely get rid of it using this ... revive the black art of using a telnet screen to quickly and efficiently retrieve and send emails without any other software. There is another need to keeping knowledge of these...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 18:15

4 364 0
Tài liệu Emergency of solid goods pptx

Tài liệu Emergency of solid goods pptx

... documents M06.01.01 in-plant feed of materials M06.01.02 storage of water-endangering materials M06.01.03 filling of tanks PB-Nr: M06.01 Emergency of solid goods Doppelmantel- behälter Auffangwannen Catchtank Erdung Feste ... Doppelmantel- behälter Auffangwannen Catchtank Erdung Feste Stoffe Flüssige Stoffe Gasförmige Stoffe Kompromierte Gase in Flaschen Ölabs...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 15:20

5 461 0
Tài liệu Essentials of Social Research pptx

Tài liệu Essentials of Social Research pptx

... depicting a variety of information, including a typology. We could develop a typology of household division of labour with different categories. Table 4.1 presents five types of division of labour for ... century of social science research. But there is still more to be done. The improvement of existing methods and the development of new approaches remains one of the most ac...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 19:20

235 365 0
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