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Một phần của tài liệu Step up to IELTS units 7-11 with key.pdf (Trang 27 - 30)

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EANIdaÌli VŸjl dï L ru IfdVE Ừ LalR đƯỪ/UDL đilÙ LHIE WIVE VU d IIIIiIDLI IEndữ đi Cai l2

Củ) 1 Take 1 minute to read the card below. Then turn it over and see if you can remember the

things you have to talk about.

a film that you particularly like. / lesf tịp

You should say: Tou mus† keep †0

the topic, otherwise you WIll lose mmarks. ® what type of film it ¡is and what it is about

® what happens in the film

® what sort of people you think would enjoy the film

`" explain why you particularly like this film. 27

k ) 2 Take 5 minutes to prepare your talk by making some notes similar to the notes below.

Name of film: The Mate TT

Tvpe of film: Sen fct@n / {futuret...

Storyline: _Robots have made hụmans no sLAv€s

© rạn theựư socc‡u / Ták€ norLd se Who would like it: ...U9und pe©pL, /_computer {ans...

My reasons for liking it: .99©d..speclaL cffeds... ..ood._pLot ~.tuiet at the end... ..ood._pLot ~.tuiet at the end...

- 3 Give your talk to a partner and also record it, if possible. Begin your talk:

“The film I have chosen Is ....

: đs you are speaking, practise looking at your notes to remind you of each main L point and remember to look directly at your partner.

: đs you listen to your partner's talk, time them and see if they have covered

b- everything on this checktlist:

¿ 1 : Pd vour parTnd.. N¿ | F VCAA | § TT là ^ FTMTTI | C | | SP E VỠ VN CƠVŒT w Y mm THỂ CIYO | l@t: —= =——= mưa — — — = „ tak cdcark: — - + + 4s | \ l% vvc. ĩ 1P t Tẻ

.= us£ apjtoprdaie vœabuluv †œ thể †ơpc:

Ề L “:

Unit 10 The silver screen


(TÌ1s task is dÌso suitable praciice for the Academic Afodule. See page 9Ï.)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic.

Some people warn that the era oƒ the siher sereen is C0mming to an end and that people MilÏ evenfWall' lose imferest in going to the cineia.


TT ŸẼˆẽˆỄỂ—Ể—_—

Đo you agree or disagree with thỉs view? Give reasons Jor your answer and include anp FeleVaHf eXaIHpÏGS ƒF0IH yOtF experience.

You should write at least 250 words,



® IÍvon are asked to agree or disagree it does not matter whether you argue [or or

qgainst a topic, as long as vour arguments are clear.

® The examiner shonld be able to identify vour main ideas and Your supporting pomIts. pomIts.

You need to inelude some examples to ilÏustrate your points.

It often helps to disenss the topic mì relation to your own euÏture or Society, A short introduetion and conelusion should be ineluded.

You will lose marks iŸ vou write fewer than 350 words.

® You will lose marks iŸ your answer is irrelevant to the topic.

® Your handwriting should be clear.

| Approach

® Take Íive minutes to pÏan vour €SSAV.

® VVrite in paragraphs and inelude a main point in each paragraph. ® se a range of vocabunlarv and trv to inelude phrases as welÏ as words. ® se a range of vocabunlarv and trv to inelude phrases as welÏ as words. ® Use a range of formal structures suitable for eSSa writing,

® Try to link your ideas well using đifferent words and phrases. ® Leave time at the end to check vour answer for errors in grammar,

spelling and punctuation.

'đn: he wrIffern word

ldentifying main and supporting ¡deas

[he bes† overall pnreparafton for lÈLTS Is to read a$ widely as possible, so that you develop your vacabulary

and your Ideas abouf ponular topics. Thịs will help you im ALL parts of the test. When you read a pasSage f0 IELTS, í† is important to nofe these things: the topic, the main tdea and the developimenf oÍ te mai tdea

IELTS Reading questtons offten tes† your understaridIng 0Í rainI ideas and supporfing poirif5s


e4) Ì Ask your partner which of the following things they enjoy reading. Tick the choices they make. Ask them why they enjoy these. Then ask them what they most like to read.

ficHon / non fiction plays ICWSDAD€TS

textbooks poetry picture books

guidebooks jourmmals cartoonS/comiecs

manuals Inagazines internet material

2 Look at the adjectives in the box. Which adjectives could you use with each type of reading material above?

Example: fiction - light, imaginative, challenging, dull, relaxing, well/badly written

Useful adjecfives

(Test tịp » X interesting challenging

light dull

Adjectives tell people more about _. straightforward relaxing

your feelings and opinions. They help realistic informative

you describe these in the Writing and illustrated well/badly written

the Speaking parts of the test and they help you understand 0ther pe0ple s 0pinions in the Reading and l Listening parts of the test.

Imaginative amusing

Đul 9 Ủst 0í useful A_ The wonder of being on holiday ¡s that you can read the

adjectives. : ki :

: things that vou dont have to read for work or study. A lawyer, S5 for instance, may have 16 boxes of files to read before lunch on

r^ the collapse of a business. For doctors, itS endless patients” notes

`.„ 3 Take 10 seconds to skim paragraph A and medical Journals. Literary Jjournalists are surrounded by

opposite and say what the topic is. towers of books to review, or press cuttings on the next author 4 Read the paragraph again and underline to interview. Thịís is not reading as it Once was; ít IS Information

cxtraction. ẠÌ year people read In a tttlitarian fashion, thinking how best to use the words in front of them. Ơn holiday, while

5 What do you notice about where the main the body begins to rest and recover, the mind can rediscover

idea comes in the paragraph? reading as it ought to be: as mental freedom.

6 The main idea is developed through i |

examples. List the examples:


the main idea.

Do you agree with the writer's view?


Unit 11 The written word 7 Take 1 minute to skim paragraph B and note down the topic, main idea and development.

B Logophilia is the name given to the love of word.

'Logo` means word and 'phiÏl” comes fom the Greek language and means love. Many people consider it an language and means love. Many people consider it an tÏness and adults who suffer from it are very easy to

recogmise. They regularly ask you what books vou are

reading; they lean over someone on a train in order to discover what they are reading; they cagerly take

up membership of every library in the area and they

linger in bookshops far longer than the average p€rson. Is anyone you know a logophile?

8 In the development of the main idea, the same grammatical structure is repeated in lines 5, 6, 7 and 9. This is one way of including the supporting points in a paragraph. What effect do you think it has?

Why is the present simple tense used?

9 Re-write paragraph A using the same technique of repeating grammatical structures. Does this improve the paragraph?


Một phần của tài liệu Step up to IELTS units 7-11 with key.pdf (Trang 27 - 30)

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