- Dich Next hop
b. He thong m8 phong cung cap cho ta cac thanh phan sau
0.7 0.6 0.5 I 0.4 I 0.3 0.2 0.1 a 'Noe re -•11- 3n: —B- . OUR .0•400a 0 0 . . so 100 in zoo 250 300 pan-11510(0)
JBnh 4.7 Ming itrong dein cud! - dJu cudi
Qua bieu de th8ng luqng <hinh 4.8> to nhan thtty thong Itryng tS , lg thu'an yeti gen nhan.
➢ Th8ng luqng cua DYMO la cao nhat do DYMO la giao that djnh tuyen hoot dOng theo you cliu hoGc theo bang dieu khien, la sy t6i tat cua DSR vi AODV. Khi cac nut mang chuyen Ong lien toc, thong luqng cia DYMO van rat cao
➢ Thong luqng cua OLSR cao han AODV vi DSR vi OLSR ci the dip ung khi topo mang thay d6i, no cho phep khim phi tuyen nhanh chong ten cic hang xim vi cic MPR cis chin de thitt lop ket not veri cic nut khac
➢ Khi 'TICK de di chuyen tang (giiun pausetime) thi th8ng luqng dm 3 giao thic DSR, AODV, OLSR giim rb ret vein mile giam Wang dtrcmg nhau. Trong khi di thi DYMO the hien di:cc sv On djnh ciut minh khi ci thong luqng khi cao. OLSR co thong luqng cao hon AODV vi DSR
4.2.4 Minh gill in) kit luOn
Trong mei tru?mg kich cer trung binh vi so luqng nut nh6, khi m#t dg di chuyen, hay ilk dg phit gen Ling dttn thi DYMO la giao thic hoot den khi An djnh khi ci if lg gen nha'n cao hon so veri cic giao tithe khic. Tuy nhien, theo met s6 kit qui nghien ciru cho they DYMO Iii to ra khi nhieu bin tin djnh tuyen so vai AODV vi DSR. Do viy, khong the khang djnh DYMO la met giao thic tei tru.
Hien nay chua co met giao thic nio c6 the dip ting day du yeu can veri met giao thic djnh Wyatt trong MANET. Cac giao attic can dtrqc cii tien han Tao de co the dap Crng duqc cho MANET ding than he) trq multicast, QoS, bao mat_
MANET hien dang tham gia vao mQi met dm cu(ic sting vi him hgn se phat then monk me trong Prong lai. Do Ii met phan ding nghe dm mang khOng day nen MANET duoc thira huemg nhieu uu diem dm mpg khong day hien nay vi long thoi ding co nhOng uu the dee biet ma cAc mpg khac khong co. Chuyen deli sv thin then tong quan ve MANET. Ngoai ra, chuyen de ding Cep trung vao nghien elm cac giao that djnh tuyen MANET hien nay, cv the 11 him giao thirc DYMO, DSR, AODV, OLSR. DOng thoi sit dog ding cv m8 pheing OMNET++ de phan tich dart gia chit Itromg giao that djnh tuyen MANET (DYMO, DSR, AODV, OLSR). Qua do, chung to they duqc the moth vi Nut the cue tang lovi giao thirc; kh8ng co giao that nao dap irng du tieu chuan MANET ve met QoS, bito met.
MANET van con IA met cong nghe mei trong vii nem gim day 6 Viet Nam vi chua co !Mien ket qua thir ng,hiem, danh gift ve no. Do de, viec tham gia rat hart che, veri ngueri nghien elm chi co each dimg m8 pheng. Chinh vi voy, djnh Wong phat tri'e'n cila em la ngoAi viec nghien tiro li thuyet, se tim hien situ han ve ding cv me pherng OMNET++ de co ket qui me pheng chinh 'the va day do. D'Ong then em se di situ tim hieu ve kha nang trien khai MANET vao thvc tien tai Viet Nam. Trong tuang lai, em mong mu& se tiep toe nghien eau ve van de nay ding nhu phat then mer rOng no.
Cling do thoi gian nghien dm nen kh8ng tranh khai thieu set, em rat mong then ducm sv nhon xet, demg gap y kien dia the they co trong be mon ding nhu trong khoa de chuyen de cua em duce holm thien hen nth.
MOt Ian naa em xin char thath dun an they Hoang Trong Minh da nhiet tinh twang clan, chi brio vA djnh htremg cho em thvc hien thanh cong chuyen de.
HA N0i, thing 7 nam 2013. Sinh vien
Trap Van Tuan
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