nhu dp doc dien cue, khoang tuyen tinh vd he so chpn Ipc ion doi vai ede anion gay anh huang tai qua trinh phdn tich cua dien cue
2. Khdo sdt cdc dieu kien lam viec cua dien cue trong dong chdy ve ede yeu to nhu thanh phdn, nong dp, pH vd toe dp eita dong chdỵ phdn, nong dp, pH vd toe dp eita dong chdỵ
3. Chétqo bp tham tich khi tren ca so cdc vat lieu trong nuac diing két hap vai he FIẠ phuc vu cho qua trinh phdn tich ion nirit. phuc vu cho qua trinh phdn tich ion nirit.
4. Tren ca sa he FIA-ISE chpn Ipc ion nitrat. da khdo sdt cdc dieu kien chuyen hod NO2 -^ NOx -^ NÔ thong qua qua trinh trung gian chuyen hod thanh NOx. -^ NOx -^ NÔ thong qua qua trinh trung gian chuyen hod thanh NOx.
5. Che tqo duac dien cue chon loc ion amoni mang Idnq tren af so ionophore nonactin/monactin nonactin/monactin
6. Khdo sdt cdc dieu kien lam viec cua dien cue amoni trong he FIA ket hap vZ/i ho (ham tich khi (dong chuyen hod NH/ -^ NHj Id dung dich NaOH, pH=I2: dong chuyen tich khi (dong chuyen hod NH/ -^ NHj Id dung dich NaOH, pH=I2: dong chuyen hod NHj-^ NH/ id dem Tns pH = 7.2) de tang dp chon loc ciia phep phdn tich. tir do ma rpng khd nang dp dung eiia dien cue eho xdc dinh ion amoni trong nuac thdị Dien cue lam vice tuyen tinh trong khodng tic W' den 10'^ moll I NHA ^'<^^ do doc Id 53.2 mVldec
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Compiled by David Dundas and Brian Salter-Duke
9- 14 JULY 1995 ISBN 0 909589 84 4 ISBN 0 909589 84 4
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