Sau mot thdi gian thuc hien dk tai, chiing toi da thu dugc mot s6 kk
qua nhu sau:
- Da xay dung va van hanh t6t he thiSt bj hip thu khi hydro trong nhiet do
cao (he thiet bi HDDR).
- Su dung he thiat bi HDDR xay dung dugc dk khao sat cac hgp kim va
cac dieu kien cdng nghe trong quy trinh HDDR va da che tao thanh cdng ca hai loai hot HDDR khdng di hudng va di hudng.
- Mot quy trinh nhiet vdi nhiet do cao hon va thdi gian dai hon da dugc lira chon thich hgp cho cac vat lieu cd pha tap mot lugng nhd Zr (0.1% Zr).
f f f
- Ket qua la da che tao dugc nam cham ket dinh tren co sd hot hgp kim Nd|6Fe75 9Zro.iB8 di hudng ch6 tao bang phuong phap HDDR dat tich nang lugng cue dai (BH)max = 9.95 MGOe.
Tai lieu tham khao
Tieng Viet
1. Luu Tuin Tai (2005), Gido trinh Vat lieu Tie cung. 2. Vu Dinh Cu (1995), Tir hoc
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Tieng Anh
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10. E Estevez, J Fidler, C Short and I R Harris (1996), "Microstructural study of hot pressed HDDR Nd-Fe-B magnets", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29(1996)951-956.
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