Nguyen Dac Vinh, Vu Thj Quyen, Tran Thu Hvong - Tong phenol va hoat tinh 1
chong oxy hoa ciia vo khoai tay va vo khoai lang a Viet Nam.
Total phenolic contents and antioxidant properties of potato and sweet potato peels in Vietnam.
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen Minh Thao, Nguyen Thj Thanh Phong - long 7
hgp mgt so [l-(4-nitrophenyI)-3-(7-hydroxi-4-metylcumarin-8-yl)-5- aryl]pirazolin.
Synthesized some of [l-(4-nitrophenyl)-3-(7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin-8-yi)-5- aryljpyrazolinẹ
Dao Sy Dire, Nguyen Die Vinh, Nguyen Van Noi, Doan Thj Phu-ang Lan, Le Xuan HuTig - Xu li ph4m nhuQm Reactive Blue 161 bSng phan irng Fenton vai
xuc tac Titan dioxit.
Treatment of Reactive Blue 161 by heterogeneous fenton reaction using titanium dioxidẹ
Nguyin Hihi Luong, Hoang Bich Trinh - Nghien cuu phan ung ether hoa giua 21
glycerol va tert-butyl alcohol tren xiic tac acid ran.
Etherification of glycerol and tert-butyl alcohol on solid acid catalysts.
Tong Thanh Danh, Joan Glowczyk Zubek - Nghien cuu phan ung thiiy phan 26
bing enzyme cac dan xuSt cua 4,5-dihydroisoxazol chua nhom ester. Study on the enzyme hydrolysis of esters of 4,5-dihydroisoxazol.
Pham Dinh Du, Nguyen Van Ly, Dinh Quang Khieu - Study on adsorption of 31
Cd(II) from aqueous solution by mercaptopropyl-diatomitẹ
Nghien ciiu qua trinh hSp phu Cd(II) tu dung dich nuoc bang mercaptopropyU diatomitẹ
Pham D.nh Du, Dinh Quang Khi^u, Trin Thai Hoa - So sanh mpt s6 each tinh 38
tinh chat xop cua v?t Meu p6m MCM-41.
Comparison of calculations of textural properties of p6m MCM-41 by x-ray diffraction and nitrogen adsorption.
uetermination ot ead in tho ụ jcc .• i .
voltammetry method. "^^'^ ^^ ^*^^'^'"^*'' P"'^^ ^^^^PP'^^S ^"<^^i^ ^ ' nh^r^^^^^ I " ^ f V . ^ ^ Thj Dung . T6ng hgp, nghien cuu cAu true cua cac
phuc chat dan va da phoi tu cua Cu(II) vai thiosemicacbazit va glyxin.
Synthesis, characzaterization of the single and mixed-ligand complexes of Cu(II) with thiosemicarbazite and glyxinẹ
62 Chu Ng9c Chau, Nguyin Thi Cue, Vu Thi Thu Hirong, Ta Thi Thao - Xac dmh mpt so vitamin B (Bl, B2, B3, B6, B12) trong dugc p h 4 m \ a sua bang dmh mpt so vitamin B (Bl, B2, B3, B6, B12) trong dugc p h 4 m \ a sua bang phuang phap sac ky long hieu nang cao pha dao (RP-HPLC).
RP-HPLC determination of vitamins B (B,, B,, B3, B^, B,:) in muihivitamin tablets and milk samples.