Basic conditions to attract and use FDI to promote shifting exports structure

Một phần của tài liệu impacts of foreign direct investment onrestructure of exports in the northerncoastal region of vietnam (Trang 138 - 146)



5.3.2. Basic conditions to attract and use FDI to promote shifting exports structure

Adequate understanding and thought about attracting FDI and solving social and economic problems arise from FDI in the region

According to national and international experts, the world economy and Vietnam’s economy will continue to face difficulties in 2013 and in the next few years.

The public debt situation in Europe shows no bright sign. Japan is continuing recovering from earthquake and tsunami. The U.S. economy has been recovered after the crisis but still weak when the basic economic indexes unstable. Meanwhile, the domestic economy is still facing great difficulties, prices of some commodities continue to rise, businesses stagnated, the level of employment and labor income are declining, many businesses were bankruptcy or closure. Therefore, the government must make policies and measures to promote, even "save" the economy and create the momentum for development.

Vietnam is not an exception. From this fact, investors are also more cautious and prudent in making and implementing investment decisions.

In this context, if Vietnam does not have correct and comprehensive measure to attract and use FDI, the bad consequences will be unpredictable and will be difficult to recover.

According to the Resolution of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the strategy of socio-economic development for 10 years from 2011 to 2020, Vietnam will become a modern industrial country by 2020. The objective of this strategy is to achieve the economic growth of 7% to 8% per year and gain the sustainable development.

Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the government’s management in attracting FDI and solving socio- economic problems

Strengthening the role of the government in the market economy and international economic integration is not only in the direction of increasing the level,

scope, areas of intervention, management but also improves the effectiveness and efficiency of management, regulation and intervention in the direction of liberalization and the implementation of international commitments. In order to meet this requirement, the State should implement the management by laws, policies and macroeconomic tools.

Along with the implementation of decentralization of activities to attract FDI, we should strengthen the inspection and supervision for attracting FDI and solving socio-economic problems arising from FDI. Also, it is vital to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of State’s management for this problem from the issuing of laws and policies to the implementation by listening and absorbing the extensive consultations of the socio- political organizations, businesses and people. On this basis, it is time to adjust policies in time, even give new policies to solve the problems in the harmonization of interests of the State, local, FDI enterprises and people. All benefits must abide by and be governed by the common goal of the nation. At the same time, policies and measures for performance must be directed at the implementation of the common objectives.

5.3.3. Proposals for further research.

Beside the results, the study also has limitations; they are:

- The author did not collect data of importing intermediate goods for the production of exports of FDI enterprises in North Coast region to assess the impact of these factors on improving the quality of exported goods. In a further study, if there is enough data, we can assess the rate between the export value and the value of industrial production of FDI in order to identify the contribution of FDI to the export of goods in North Coast region more precisely.

- The FDI data made by foreign companies for each commodity, commodity groups is incomplete and non systematical so the author can not calculate and build the test mode of performing FDI which affects on the export structuring with the independent variable (implementing FDI) and the dependent variable (the correlation

RCA of each sector of the northern coastal region). Therefore, in further researches we can study more, do the survey, collect primary data for calculation and evaluation of the indexes which the author has not done.

Besides, the impacts of FDI in depth of the export restructuring can be studied in more details such as:

- Consider the relationship between FDI and improving the quality of each item:

rice, tea, cashew, crafts.... regionally or nationally. We also calculate the value-added (VA) indexes, Intermediate costs (IC) of these items to evaluate the level of the exports restructure more deeply

- Analyze and evaluate the condition of the impact of technological factors of FDI on the exports restructuring for each sector; apply the model which tests the impact objectively.

- Further studies can assess the role of FDI capital in the form: 100 percent investment, joint ventures, etc… on the exports restructuring in the northern coastal area more clearly to make recommendations scientifically, realistically for policies to attract and use FDI in the investment form./.


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Một phần của tài liệu impacts of foreign direct investment onrestructure of exports in the northerncoastal region of vietnam (Trang 138 - 146)

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