Một phần của tài liệu Characteristics to complement requisite managerial and leadership attributes to effectively manage a multinational corporation a study based in the thai automotive industry (Trang 234 - 315)

One of the major aims of this study was to highlight the need for parent companies to pay more attention to better developing employees in their home country in an effort to provide suitable expatriates for assignments in their MNC’s host countries. However, no interviews were performed with operative level employees. Doing so may have provided an additional perspective on the key skills required of Japanese expatriate managers or need to be trained in order to successfully operate the subsidiary.

Interviews with Japanese expatriate and Thai managers provided evidence from those who have had experience due to length of employment in their role and experience in working, or cooperating, with expatriate managers. Because currently only male expatriate managers were available for interview, research findings relative to other questions (for instance those gathered via interview) were based on only male responses and therefore can be beneficial in understanding the issues from a male perspective only.

Questionnaires only asked the respondents about the length of time that they have been in their current position, but a question about length of time that they actually spent in the organisation has not been involved in this study. How long an employee has been in their current role may not indicate how long they have been with the company, or at the location they are currently at, with that company. Rather, it may indicate how well they perform and whether they are being promoted on performance. It could be a really good issue for discussion in other papers around the questions that may need to be asked in future research in relation to criteria upon which people are promoted in the automotive industry in Thailand. It may highlight inequities in the treatment of females and males, or maybe at some social strata level. These findings have significant implications for the development of promotion procedures which may warrant further investigation to learn whether employees are being promoted based on qualifications and ability to perform at the required level, or whether other factors, including gender, may be clouding good recruitment and promotion selection decision making.

Characteristics to Complement Requisite Managerial and Leadership Attributes Duangrat Tandamrong 215

There are numerous predictive factors leading to successful overseas assignments, such as personal characteristics and other factors related to the individual and their capabilities; organisational support factors, and cultural and environmental factors.

Depending on the particular situation, however, there is uncertainty about which factors can reliably predict successful outcomes in international assignments. In order to choose suitable overseas candidates, the Japanese parent company may wish to consider adjusting its selection process; it should consider using the Big Five personality test as mentioned in chapter 2, because it has been trialled by others for this purpose. Such testing could more accurately predict a candidate’s chance of success. This is important, because results obtained from the questionnaire highlighted the importance of personal characteristics, such as those measured by the Big Five personality test, as factors influencing an expatriate’s performance.

As the prior research on expatriate management showed that cross-cultural adjustment can lead the expatriates to possess different personal characteristics and better manage by applying suitable management and leadership capabilities, future studies should move beyond the requisite characteristics and personal attributes of expatriate managers, and to deeply appreciate the factors that were identified as influencing expatriate managers’ abilities to succeed in Thai business. Perhaps, it should focus to examine the effect of cross-cultural adjustment on possessing different personal characteristics and better managing by applying suitable management and leadership capabilities in Thai automotive operations.

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Một phần của tài liệu Characteristics to complement requisite managerial and leadership attributes to effectively manage a multinational corporation a study based in the thai automotive industry (Trang 234 - 315)

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