B. Read the passage and choose the best answers
Drought is a condition that results (1)___ the average rainfall for . a fertile area drops far below the normal amount (2) a long period time. In areas that are not irrigated, the lack of rain (3) farm
crops to wither and die. (4) _—_ than normal temperatures usually accompany periods of drought. They add to the crop damage. Forest fires (5) easily during droughts. The soil of a drought area becomes (6) ~ and crumbles. Often the rich topsoil is blown away by the hot,
dry winds. Streams, ponds, and wells often dry up (7) a drought, and animals suffer and may even die (8) the lack of water.
1. A. which B. when C. where D. in which
2. A. for B. since C. as D.from `
3. A. washes RB goes C causes D, does
4. A. Higher B. Lower C. High D. Low
5. A. end B. finish C. last D. start
6. A. wet B. dry C. poor D. cold
7A. during B. for C. until D. by
D. because 8. A. in spite of B. despite C. because of
C. Fill in each blank with one suitable word:
The Southwestern States of the United States suffered one of the world droughts in their history (1). 1931 to 1938. The drought affected the entire country. Few food crops could be (2) . Food became throughout the nation. Hundreds of
scarce, and prices went (3)
families in the Dust Bowl region had to be (4) ‘to farms in other areas with the help of the federal government. In 1944, drought brought great damage to (5) -_ all Latin America. The drought moved to Australia and then to Europe, (6) it continued throughout the summer of 1945. From 1950 to 1954 in the United States, the South and Southwest suffered a severe drought. Hundreds of cattle ranchers had to ship their cattle to other
regions (7)_____—~—=—_ pasture lands had-no grass. The federal government |
. .again conducted an emergency drought-relief program. ‘It offered farmers:
emergency credit and seed grains at(8)_________ me
VIII. Read the passage carefully and check True (T) or False (F):
A. .
In the 19th century, fishermen in Peru noticed something unuswal. They saw that the Pacific Ocean water was sometimes warm in December. The fishermen called this El Nino. The warm water caused problems. It kept many fish away.
The fishermen caught fewer fish, and their families were hungry. Today El Nino still causes problems. Every two to seven years, warm water off Australia’s coast moves east to South American. This changes the weather around the world. El
ATi. 8 we tle nae |
Nino sometimes causes hot, dry weather in Southeast Asia, parts of Sonth
American, and Australia. It can also cause very heavy storms and high tides in eastern Africa and on the western coasts of North America, Central America, and
South America. ,
T . -F
1. Fishermen in Peru gave El Nino its name.
2. The fishermen caught fewer fish because of the cold
3. El Nino cause changes in winter weather around the
ệ world.
4. El Nino can cause heavy rains and high tides in eastern
Africa and on the western coasts of North America,
Central America, and South America.
B. .
Every year earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and vast amount of destruction in various parts of the world. Most of these damaging earthquakes occur either in the narrow belt which surrounds the Pacific Ocean or in a line which extends from Burma to the Alps in Europe. Some of the 139
destruction is directly caused by the quake itself. An example of this is the collapse of buildings which results in vibration. Other damage results from
" landslides, tsunamis or major fires which are initiated by the quake. There are about a million quakes a year. Fortunately, however, not all of them are destructive.
i. A large number of deaths and vast amount of destruction in various parts of the world are caused by
earthquakes. oe
2. Most of these damaging earthquakes occur either in the
narrow belt surrounding the Pacific Ocean or in a line
which extends from the Alps to Burma in Europe. ———— ——
3. The collapse of buildings is an example of the destruction caused by the quakes.
4. Other damage results from landslides, tsunamis or major fires initiated by the quakes.
IX. Join these pairs. of these sentences. Make sure you put the commas in the right places:
Julius Caesar came to Britain in 55 B.C. He wasa powerful Roman general.
These dead flowers smell awful. You put them in the vase ten days ago.
The great fire of London destroyed a large part of the city. It broke out in 1966.
John Grisham is one of the world’s best-selling authors. He was a lawyer before he became a writer,
Swimming makes people strong. Swimming is a good sport.
George Washington never told a lie. He became President of the United States, Shakespeare was born in a little cottage. He is the world’s greatest dramatist.
My sister wants to speak to you. You met her yesterday.
oN nn
Bill wants to go out with me. We saw him at the dance.
10. Oxford University has many different colleges. It is one of the oldest in the world.
pr oaonragnrey
X: Add relative pronouns to the following,
Her father, has been to Paris, has just returned.
Air, we breath, is made up of many gases.
I’m afraid that’s all I’ve got.
My employer, I dislike, works in the next room.
All the people I have ever met have disliked him.
The London train, | should arrive at 2.30, is late.
My wife’s sister, I haven’t seen for a year, talks too much.
Bernard Shaw, had a long beard, was a very clever writer.
Beethoven, music you have just been listening to, was
one of the world’s finest composers. _ |
10. The chief of police, work is very important, takes care of the public safety.
XI. Match the half sentences. Then write the full sentences, using Relative pronouns :
A | B
1. Oleg had an iron box a. It has 500 inhabitants.
2. They livein asmalltown - | b. He stole $50,000.
3. The police haven’t found the robber c. It’s really interesting to read.
4. [lent her “Hamlet”
5. Idon’t remember the name of that man | e. He satisfied it.
6. Tom told me about his job f. Imet him at the bus stop. .
d. He kept his letters in the box.
Ex:1. Oleg had an iron box in which he kept his letters.
XII. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting:
1. The teacher asks me why am J learning Arabic.
A B Co D |
2. My grandmother put money in the bottom of her suitcase, under her clothes.
A B C ____D
3. You're tired although you stayed up too late to watch TV last night.
A. B C D °
4. He sighed bad when he heard that he failed the test.
5. The Tower of London, about that a lecture is to be given tomorrow, is a famous
A `: Cc ,
historic building.
_ U
6. Love, that is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in his life.
7. They will hold the staff meeting on Saturday which everyone is free to attend.
A B Cc D
8. The price of petrol, that rose only last month, is going up again.
9. The doctor is with a patient who leg was broken in an accident.
10. What is the name of the boy which you are talking about?
XIII. Rewrite each of the sentences so that the meaning stays the
1. Aman phoned and asked for you. He spoke with a foreign accent.
The man
. The Night-Manager was written by John le Carre.--- - It’s about a man who works in a hotel.
John le Carre
. Our party believes in that idea. I say this from the bottom of my heart.
That is an idea
. Atlanta is a city. The Olympic Games were held in Atlanta.
Atlanta |
. Both her sons work abroad. They ring her up every week.
Her sons,
. Itold you about a person. She is at the door.
The person
. dack’s car had broken down. He had to take a bus. . Jack,
. I bought a new computer. It cost me a lot of money.
The new
. I got on a train. I wanted to go to a station. The train didn’t stop there.
The train I
10. This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it.
¢ This is the bank from