Một phần của tài liệu Giải đề Mozilge New Toeic (Trang 155 - 165)

Less money and more of what you want, like superb Internet connection, great computer interface, excellent collaboration features, simple workflow, and a rock solid server __________ offers outstandingreliability. We even offer free upgrades and free support.


(A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) what

Giải thích:Vì danh từ “server” chỉ đồ vật nên ---> Đáp án là BBBB

DỊCH:Với số tiền bỏ ra ít hơn và được nhiều hơn những gì bạn muốn, như kết nối Internet tuyệt hảo, giao diện máy tính tuyệt vời, tính năng cộng tác xuất sắc, công việc đơn giản, và một máy chủ chắc chắn như đá cung cấp độ tin cậy vượt trội.

J&W also takes less time __________ . One disk.One push. Three minutes. You’re done.


(A) be installed (B) to install (C) installing (D) install

Giải thích: Sau danh từ + động từ nguyên mẫu --> Đáp án là BBBB. Ngoài ra bạn cũng cần biết cấu trúc sau đây:

* take something to do something It takes about half an hour to get to the airport.

- That cut is taking a long time to heal.

- The official seemed to take hours to examine my passport.

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 158 DỊCH: J & W cũng mất ít thời gian để cài đặt.

Before you know it, you'll have a rich, fully-featured messaging system up and running for much less ________________ comparable groupware. So, if you’re looking for a system the


(A) else (B) whereas (C) rather (D) than

Giải thích: Khi đọc câu này đến chữ less thì lập tức trong đầu các bạn sẽ hình dung ngay đến dạng so sánh kém hơn của tính từ dài ---> Đáp án là DDDD

DỊCH: Trước khi bạn biết điều đó, bạn sẽ có một hệ thống tin nhắn đầy đủ tính năng phong phú và tốn ít thời gian hơn nhiều so với phần mềm nhóm tương tự khác.

whole company can use, get BotoNC from Jennifer & Wilson Inc. It costs less, it offers more. And that says it all.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following article

The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Economic Progress has issued a business _________


(A) sense (B) practice (C) license (D) leader

Giải thích: Khi đọc đến chổ trống, nhìn xuống bốn chọn lựa, mắt của chúng ta sẽ bắt gặp cặp danh từ rất hay đi chung với nhau, đó là Business license (giấy phép kinh doanh) --->

Đáp án là CCCC

DỊCH: Bộ Ngoại thương và Tiến bộ Kinh tế đã ban hành một giấy phép kinh doanh cho Tập đoàn Ping Trading Corporation, công ty liên doanh thương mại nước ngoài đầu tiên của Thái Lan.

Ping Trading Corporation, Thailand's first joint-venture foreign trade company. The Bangkok-based venture was set up through an agreement between the Eastern Trading Company of Bangkok, which ___________ a 52% share in the new venture; the Fidushi 145.

(A) expands

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 159 (B) publishes

(C) divides (D) holds

Corporation of Daegu, a 27% share; and the Detroit-based Global Agro Company, 21%.

Giải thích: Khi đọc câu này đến khoảng trống sau đó là 52% share (cổ phần) thì động từ nhảy ngay vào đầu chúng ta là nắm giữ (cổ phần) ---> Đáp án là DDDD. Các chọn lựa còn lại không hợp nghĩa.

(A) expands - expand (v) = to become greater in size, number or importance; to make something greater in size, number or importance (mở rộng)

- Metals expand when they are heated.

- Student numbers are expanding rapidly.

- A child's vocabulary expands through reading.

(B) publishes - publish (v) = publish something to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the public (xuất bản/ phát hành)

- The first edition was published in 2007.

- He works for a company that publishes reference books.

- Most of our titles are also published on CD-ROM.

(C) divides - divide (v) [intransitive, transitive] to separate or make something separate into parts

* synonym split up

* divide (up) (into something) The cells began to divide rapidly.

* divide something (up) (into something) A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.

(D) holds - hold (v) [transitive] hold somebody/something (+ adv./prep.) to carry something; to have somebody/something in your hand, arms, etc.

- She was holding a large box.

- I held the mouse by its tail.

- The girl held her father's hand tightly.

- He was holding the baby in his arms.

DỊCH: Liên doanh có trụ sở tại Bangkok đã được thiết lập thông qua một thỏa thuận giữa Công ty Thương mại phương Đông của Bangkok, nắm giữ cổ phần 52% trong liên doanh mới; Tổng công ty Fidushi của Daegu, nắm 27%; và Công ty Agro toàn cầu Detroit, 21%.

The new venture is being capitalized at $11.5 million and will trade in consumer and industrial electronics and machinery for both light and heavy manufacturing.

This venture company is a direct result of a pledge made by Thailand’s Minister of Finance in Seoul at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in 1961. According to one economic analyst, foreign companies will benefit from this new venture company

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 160 because of a 3% lowering of tariffs on goods exported to Thailand, while Thailand will have an ________ to


(A) action (B) opportunity (C) overview (D) accordance

Giải thích: Chọn đáp án dựa trên nghĩa từ thôi nhé ---> Đáp án là BBBB (A) action (n) (hành động)

1. [uncountable] = the process of doing something in order to make something happen or to deal with a situation

- The time has come for action if these beautiful animals are to survive.

- Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading.

- What is the best course of action in the circumstances?

- She began to explain her plan of action to the group.

2. [countable] = a thing that somebody does - Her quick action saved the child's life.

- Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions.

(B) opportunity (n) (cơ hội) = a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something

* synonym chance

* opportunity (to do something)You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end.

- This is the perfect opportunity to make a new start.

* opportunity (for something/for doing something)There was no opportunity for further discussion.

- There’ll be plenty of opportunityfor relaxing once the work is done.

* opportunity (of doing something)At least give him the opportunity of explaining what happened.

- Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men).

- an equal opportunities employer - career/employment/job opportunities

- The offer was too good an opportunity to miss.

- I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support.

- He is rude to me at every opportunity (= whenever possible).

- They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity (= as soon as possible).

- a window of opportunity (= a period of time when the circumstances are right for doing something)

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 161 (C) overview (n) (cuộc khảo sát) = a general description or an outline of something

*synonym survey

(D) accordance (n) (theo như)

* in accordance with something (idiom) = (formal) according to a rule or the way that somebody says that something should be done

- in accordance with legal requirements

- We acted in accordance with my parents’ wishes.

DỊCH: Theo một nhà phân tích kinh tế, các công ty nước ngoài sẽ được hưởng lợi từ công ty liên doanh mới này vì giảm thuế nhập khẩu 3% cho các mặt hàng xuất khẩu sang Thái Lan, trong khi Thái Lan sẽ có một cơ hội để học hỏi từ phong cách quản lý nước ngoài.

learn from foreign management styles.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter September 29,1993

Paul Bergstein, President Stone & Brick Contractors 423 Ridgewell Road Burbank, CA 91345 Dear Mr. Bergstein,

Because I have not been able to reach you by phone, I am resorting to registered mail. On May 2 of this year, I signed a contract with your Mr. Alan Stevenson for a five-foot high stone wall. It had an arched entrance with fittings for a particular black swinging metal gate. Completion was ____________ for September15 and the agreed-upon price was



(A) appointed (B) convinced (C) scheduled (D) represented

Giải thích: Dựa vào nghĩa của từ, sau đó dùng biện pháp loại suy ---> Đáp án là CCCC (A) appointed - appoint (v) (bổ nhiệm)

(B) convinced - convince (v) (thuyết phục) (C) scheduled - schedule (v) ( theo lịch trình) (D) represented - represent (v) (đại diện)

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 162 DỊCH: Thời gian hoàn thành được dự kiến ngày 15 tháng 9 và giá đã thỏa thuận là $ 5,500.

Enclosed is a copy of the contract.

Although the work began and ended as scheduled and the wall itself is a constant source of compliments from the neighbors, it turns out that the fittings for the gate were

incorrectly placed. Not only that, but the bill was $400 over the quoted price.

I, therefore, _________ request that you refund at least $400 as soon as possible. As I had 148.

(A) relatively (B) noticeably (C) accordingly (D) respectfully

Giải thích: Dựa theo nghĩa của từ ---> Đáp án là DDDD (A) relatively (adv) tương đối

(B) noticeably (adv) đáng chú ý (C) accordingly (adv) cho phù hợp (D) respectfully (adv) trân trọng

DỊCH: Vì vậy, tôi trân trọng đề nghị bạn hoàn trả ít nhất $ 400 càng sớm càng tốt.

such difficulty in trying to reach you by phone, I am somewhat concerned about your willingness to account for this __________ . While I would prefer not to, I will not hesitate to


(A) advice (B) error (C) statistic (D) right Giải thích:

- account for something = to be the explanation or cause of something (giải thích)

* synonym explain

- The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.

- Oh well, that accounts for it (= I understand now why it happened).

- The differences in achievement between the pupils are partly accounted for by differences in age.

(A) advice (n) (lời khuyên/ tư vấn)

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 163 (B) error (n) (lỗi)

(C) statistic (n) (sự thống kê) (D) right (n) (quyền lợi)

DỊCH: Bởi vì tôi đã gặp khó khăn trong việc cố gắng để tiếp cận với bạn bằng điện thoại, cho nên tôi hơi lo ngại về sự sẵn sàng của bạn trong việc giải thích cho lỗi này.

refer this matter to my attorney if I don’t hear from you in the coming week.

Sincerely, Ingrid Baum

Questions 150-152 refer to the following notice.

Brighton County Education Workshop

Welcome to the 14th annual meeting of Brighton County educators and administrators.

The county board of education organized this event for the presentation and discussion of effective teaching methods among participants. If you are a scheduled speaker at this workshop, please proceed __________the hotel's third floor conference room, where a secure


(A) with (B) in (C) to (D) at

Giải thích:Vì nghĩa của động từ proceed là di chuyển về phía trước ---> Đáp án là CCCC - proceed + adv./prep. (formal) = to move or travel in a particular direction

- The marchers proceeded slowly along the street.

- Passengers for Rome should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding.

DỊCH: Nếu bạn là một diễn giả dự kiến tại hội thảo này, xin vui lòng đến phòng hội nghị tầng ba của khách sạn, nơi một tủ bảo vệ đã được sắp xếp cho việc lưu trữ các thiết bị trình bày cho đến khi cần.

cabinet has been arranged for the storage of presentation equipment until required. The keys to open it can be obtained from any workshop organizer. All other attendees are asked to sign in at the registration booth, located in the lobby, to receive an ID tag, the agenda, a complete list of participants and their schools, and the official workshop evaluation form. It will be greatly appreciated if all attendees ________ with the following suggestions:

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 164 151.

(A) follow (B) comply (C) observe (D) obey

Giải thích: Ngoài chọn từ theo nghĩa ra chúng ta còn để ý đến chi tiết là từ nào có thể đi với giới từ with ---> Đáp án là BBBB

(A) follow (v) - follow (somebody/something) to come or go after or behind somebody/something (theo sau)

- He followed her into the house.

- Follow me please. I'll show you the way.

- I think we're being followed.

- (figurative) She followed her mother into the medical profession.

- Wherever she led, they followed.

- Sam walked in, with the rest of the boys following closely behind.

(B) comply (v) - comply (with something) = to obey a rule, an order, etc. (tuân thủ/ làm theo)

- They refused to comply with the UN resolution.

- When requested to leave, they refused to comply.

- What sanctions can they take against us if we fail to comply?

(C) observe (v) = to see or notice somebody/something (quan sát)

* observe somebody/somethingHave you observed any changes lately?

- All the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life).

- I want you to observe all the details.

* observe somebody/something do somethingThe police observed a man enter the bank.

* observe somebody/something doing somethingThey observed him entering the bank.

* observe that…She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.

* be observed to do somethingHe was observed to follow her closely.

(D) obey (v) - obey (somebody/something) = to do what you are told or expected to do (tuân theo/ vâng lời)

- to obey a command/an order/rules/the law

- He had always obeyed his parents without question.

- (figurative) I tried to run but my legs just wouldn't obey me.

- ‘Sit down!’ Meekly, she obeyed.

* opposite disobey

DỊCH: Nó sẽ được đánh giá cao nếu tất cả những người tham dự thực hiện theo những gợi ý sau đây:

* Do not arrive at scheduled events after their official start time.

*_________ from interruptions until the designated discussion period begins.

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 165 152.

(A) Retain (B) Resume (C) Retire (D) Refrain

Giải thích: Ở đây chúng ta chú ý đến động từ nào có thể đi với giới từ from đằng sau --->

Đáp án là DDDD chọn theo nghĩa của từng động từ.

(A) Retain (v) - retain something = to keep something; to continue to have something (Giữ lại)

* synonympreserve

- to retain your independence

- He struggled to retain control of the situation.

- The house retains much of its original charm.

- She retained her tennis title for the third year.

(B) Resume (v) if you resume an activity, or if it resumes, it begins again or continues after an interruption (Phục hồi)

* resume (something)

- to resume talks/negotiations

- She resumed her career after an interval of six years.

- The noise resumed, louder than before.

- There is no sign of the peace talks resuming.

* resume doing somethingHe got back in the car and resumed driving.

(C) Retire (v) = to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill/sick; to tell somebody they must stop doing their job (Nghỉ hưu)

* retire (from something)She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health.

- He is retiring next year after 30 years with the company.

- The company's official retiring age is 65.

* retire to somethingMy dream is to retire to a villa in France.

* retire as somethingHe has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine.

* retire somebodyShe was retired on medical grounds.

(D) Refrain (v) to stop yourself from doing something, especially something that you want to do (Tránh)

* synonymdesist

* refrain (from something) - Please refrainfrom smoking.

- They appealed to the protesters to refrain from violence.

* refrain (from doing something)He has refrained from criticizing the government in public.

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 166 DỊCH:Tránh làm gián đoạn cho đến khi giai đoạn thảo luận được bắt đầu.

* Contribute suggestions and information to the best of your abilities.

* Return your evaluation cards to the front desk immediately upon completion.

Thank you all for your cooperation and participation.

Location: Omni Hotel Time: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Đồng hành chinh phục Toeic 990 Page 167

Một phần của tài liệu Giải đề Mozilge New Toeic (Trang 155 - 165)

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