Retransmission with Selective Acknowledgments

Một phần của tài liệu TCP IP illustrated volume 1 (Trang 710 - 716)

With the standardization of the Selective Acknowledgment options in [RFC2018], a SACK-capable TCP receiver is able to describe data it has received with sequence numbers beyond the cumulative ACK Number field it sends in the primary portion of the TCP header. As we mentioned before, gaps between the ACK number and other in-window data cached at the receiver are called holes. Data with sequence numbers beyond the holes are called out-of-sequence data because that data is not contiguous, in terms of its sequence numbers, with the other data the receiver has already received.

ptg999 The job of a sending TCP is to fill the holes in the receiver by retransmitting

any data the receiver is missing, yet to be as efficient as possible by not resend- ing data the receiver already has. In many circumstances, the properly operating SACK sender is able to fill these holes more quickly and with fewer unnecessary retransmissions than a comparable non-SACK sender because it does not have to wait an entire RTT to learn about additional holes. When the SACK option is being used, an ACK can be augmented with up to three or four SACK blocks that contain information about out-of-sequence data at the receiver. Each SACK block contains two 32-bit sequence numbers representing the first and last sequence numbers (plus 1) of a continuous block of out-of-sequence data being held at the receiver.

A SACK option that specifies n blocks has a length of 8n + 2 bytes, so the 40 bytes available to hold TCP options can specify a maximum of four blocks. It is expected that SACK will often be used in conjunction with the TSOPT, which takes an additional 10 bytes (plus 2 bytes of padding), meaning that SACK is typi- cally able to include only three blocks per ACK.

With three distinct blocks, up to three holes can be reported to the sender. If not limited by congestion control (see Chapter 16), all three could be filled within one round-trip time using a SACK-capable sender. An ACK packet containing one or more SACK blocks is sometimes called simply a “SACK.”

14.6.1 SACK Receiver Behavior

A SACK-capable receiver is allowed to generate SACKs if it has received the SACK-Permitted option during the TCP connection establishment (see Chapter 13). Generally speaking, a receiver generates SACKs whenever there is any out-of- order data in its buffer. This can happen either because data was lost in transit, or because it has been reordered and newer data has arrived at the receiver before older data. We consider the first case here and discuss the second one later.

The receiver places in the first SACK block the sequence number range con- tained in the segment it has most recently received. Because the space in a SACK option is limited, it is best to ensure that the most recent information is always provided to the sending TCP, if possible. Other SACK blocks are listed in the order in which they appeared as first blocks in previous SACK options. That is, they are filled in by repeating the most recently sent SACK blocks (in other segments) that are not subsets of another block about to be placed in the option being constructed.

The purpose of including more than one SACK block in a SACK option and repeating these blocks across multiple SACKs is to provide some redundancy in the case where SACKs are lost. If SACKs were never lost, [RFC2018] points out that only one SACK block would be required per SACK for full SACK functionality.

Unfortunately, SACKs and regular ACKs are sometimes lost and are not retrans- mitted by TCP unless they contain data (or the SYN or FIN control bit fields are turned on).

ptg999 Section 14.6 Retransmission with Selective Acknowledgments 673

14.6.2 SACK Sender Behavior

Although it is necessary for a SACK-capable receiver to generate proper SACK information to make full use of SACK, it is not sufficient for a TCP connection to benefit from SACKs. A SACK-capable sender must be used that treats the SACK blocks appropriately and performs selective retransmission by sending only those segments missing at the receiver, a process also called selective repeat. The SACK sender keeps track of any cumulative ACK information it receives (like any TCP sender), plus any SACK information it receives. It uses the SACK information it receives in ACKs generated at the receiver to avoid retransmitting data the receiver reports that it already has. One way it can do this is to keep a “SACKed” indication for each segment in its retransmission buffer that is set whenever a corresponding range of sequence numbers arrives in a SACK.

When a SACK-capable sender has the opportunity to perform a retransmis- sion, usually because it has received a SACK or seen multiple duplicate ACKs, it has the choice of whether it sends new data or retransmits old data. The SACK information provides the sequence number ranges present at the receiver, so the sender can infer what segments likely need to be retransmitted to fill the receiver’s holes. The simplest approach is to have the sender first fill the holes at the receiver and then move on to send more new data [RFC3517] if the congestion control pro- cedures allow. This is the most common approach.

There is one exception to this behavior. In [RFC2018], the current specification for SACK options, SACK blocks are considered advisory. This means that a receiver could provide a SACK to the sender indicating that some sequence numbers have been received successfully and then change its mind later (“renege”). Because of this, the SACK sender is not able to free its retransmission buffer of data it has received only a SACK for; it is permitted to free a block of data only once the regu- lar TCP ACK number of the receiver has passed by the highest sequence number of this data. The rule also affects what TCP is supposed to do when a retransmission timer expires. When a sending TCP initiates a timer-based retransmission, any information regarding out-of-sequence data at the receiver derived from SACKs is supposed to be forgotten. If out-of-sequence data remains at the receiver, the ACK for the retransmitted segment contains additional SACK blocks the sender can then use. Fortunately, reneging is rare and discouraged.

14.6.3 Example

To understand how the use of SACK alters the sender and receiver behaviors, we repeat the preceding fast retransmit experiment with the same setup (dropping sequence numbers 23601 and 28801), but this time the sender and receiver are using SACK. To get an immediate idea of what happens, we again use Wireshark’s TCP sequence number (tcptrace) plot function (see Figure 14-9).


Figure 14-9 is similar to Figure 14-6, but the SACK sender has not had to wait an RTT to retransmit lost segment 28801 after retransmitting segment 23601. This is a result of the SACK information contained in the arriving ACKs. We will look at those in detail later, but first we verify the negotiation of the SACK-Permitted option during connection setup. This can be seen in Figure 14-10.

As expected, the receiver indicates its ability to use SACKs with the SACK- Permitted option. The SYN packet from the sender, the first packet of the trace, also contains an identical option. These options are present only at connection setup, and thus they only ever appear in segments with the SYN bit field set.

Once the connection is permitted to use SACKs, packet loss generally causes the receiver to start producing SACKs. For example, Wireshark shows the contents of the SACK options when the first SACK is selected (see Figure 14-11).

First Retransmission Triggered by First Duplicate ACK

Second Retransmission Sent During Same RTT

Figure 14-9 Fast retransmit is triggered by the arrival of the first duplicate ACK containing SACK informa- tion. The arrival of the next ACK allows the sender to learn of the second missing segment and retransmit it within the same RTT.

ptg999 Section 14.6 Retransmission with Selective Acknowledgments 675

Figure 14-11 shows the series of events after the first SACK is received. Wire- shark indicates SACK information by indicating the left edge and right edge of the SACK range. Here we see that the ACK for 23801 contains a SACK block of [25201,26601], indicating a hole at the receiver. The receiver is missing the sequence number range [23801,25200], which corresponds to the single 1400-byte packet starting with sequence number 23801. Note that this SACK is a window update and is not counted as a duplicate ACK for the reasons discussed earlier. It does not trigger fast retransmit.

The SACK arriving at time 0.967 contains two SACK blocks: [28001,29401] and [25201,26601]. Recall that the first SACK blocks from previous SACKs are repeated in later positions in subsequent SACKs for robustness against ACK loss. This SACK is a duplicate ACK for sequence number 23801 and suggests that the receiver now requires two full-size segments starting with sequence numbers 23801 and 26601.

The sender reacts immediately by initiating fast retransmit, but because of conges- tion control procedures (see Chapter 16), the sender sends only one retransmis- sion, for segment 23801. With the arrival of two additional ACKs, the sender is permitted to send its second retransmission, for segment 26601.

Figure 14-10 The SACK-Permitted option is exchanged in SYN segments to indicate the capability to gener- ate and process SACK information. Most modern TCPs support the MSS, Timestamps, Window Scale, and SACK-Permitted options during connection establishment.


A TCP SACK sender uses the recovery point idea introduced with NewReno.

In this example, the highest sequence number sent prior to the retransmission is 43400, which is lower than in the NewReno example from Figure 14-5. For this implementation of SACK fast retransmit, three duplicate ACKs are not required;

the TCP initiates its retransmission earlier. The recovery exit is essentially the same, though. Once the ACK for sequence number 43401 is received at time 1.3958, recovery is complete.

It is interesting to note that the potential for better control of the sender using SACKs does not always lead to increased overall throughput performance. This fact is suggested by looking at the two examples we have seen. The NewReno (non-SACK) sender completes the data transfer of 131,074 bytes in 3.592s. The SACK sender completes it in 3.674s. These two measurements are not directly com- parable, however, because they did not face precisely the same network conditions (this was not a simulation but rather a live test), although the conditions were largely similar. The benefits of SACKs are more pronounced when the RTT is large and packet loss is severe. Under such circumstances, the benefits of being able to fill more than one hole per RTT are likely to be more significant.

Figure 14-11 The first ACK containing SACK information indicates an out-of-order block with sequence number range 25201 to 26601.

ptg999 Section 14.7 Spurious Timeouts and Retransmissions 677

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