4.5 Hypotheses assessment and discussion
H1: Altruism positively affects attitude toward participating in social networking sites
Altruism had positive standardized beta but its significant value was higher than 0.05. For this altruism factor, sharing, giving comments on social networking sites become more and more popular, many people pose their problems on the site and expect some helps from the others and most of those advisers do not need any benefits in return.
However, this action cannot be called altruism since it is simply the habits or favorites of each person. Mostly, people tend to talk or chat and express their own feelings on social networking sites rather than real sharing and helping. Some postings under the name of charity and helping are just on the site, not true and do not mean that they would help, so very hard to be seen as altruism.
We know that people like to giving advices, focus on it the managers can promote their brand, their company through asking ideas or opinions. Normally, there are a lot of
“advice needed status” pose on Facebook with some rewards together that should be called a competition, many people join in. However, each project has different level of importance, with the important or big scale project, asking advices with reward accompany is needed, with a not so big project, the managers should consider carefully to restrain cost. Obviously, the actions comply with benefits go against what we call altruism. Thus, it can be concluded that altruism insignificantly affected to attitude of using social networking site. Hypothesis H1 was not supported.
H2: Expected relationship positively affects attitude toward participating in social networking sites
Relationship also had a positive standardized beta with the significant p-value less than 0.05. From the facet of business, lots of organizations desire to have more and more connections from the beginning even it is not truly good relationship but it increases the chance to have new relationship and make some improvements. Therefore, expected relationship positively affects to the attitude of using social networking site. Hypothesis H2 was supported.
H3: Reputation positively affects attitude toward participating in social networking sites
For the reputation factor, in the real life, reputation is very important, everybody try to build up their good reputation, they want other people say good things about them even sometimes people do not know they are living for their reputation. In this research,
however, reputation was seen as unnecessary factor affect the attitude of participating in social networking site.
For those who are seeking a chance to be famous in the virtual life, the reputation means that they can do everything just to let everyone know about them. Most of people when they join in social networking site, the main purposes are to have fun, keep connect with their friends, make friends and update new things not because they want to be well- known. Hypothesis H3 was thus unsupported.
H4: Community identification positively affects attitude toward participating in social networking sites
Community identification was proved its significance with positive standardized beta. Affirming the existence of community, let people know who they are and what they do turn to important things of their participating on social networking sites. When people become familiar with everything on networking sites, they like to discover new things and have the attention and recognizing from the others. So, Community identification positively affects to the attitude of using social networking site. Hypothesis H4 was then supported.
In the comparison with previous studies, the author realized that the difference between studies was the ideas, the environment and the subjects it aimed to. As in chapter 1, the author indicated previous studies mostly mentioned about The United States market to serve for their purposes. This study was totally about Vietnamese market and with only Vietnamese people. The similarity was proved that Facebook is a very popular social networking site that wherever it is and it suits most of people‟s requirements.
Everybody, from teenagers to adults, is using Facebook even though Facebook was not the networking site that the author wanted to investigate. By all the figures and data, it also proved the effects of social networking sites in Vietnam and to Vietnamese people.
More than that, this study gave the answer for the question why people participate in social networking sites and what makes them really want to involve in which is different from previous ones. That was the willingness to have better relationships and make their identification in the community.