The majority of result of this research is based on the data collected from domestic tourists joining festivals in Vietnam’s survey. However, demography problem in the survey is the first limitation of this research. There are hundred thousands of domestic tourists joining Vietnam festival, but only 162 people of them were interviewed. Besides, there is no obvious distribution of age, gender, social status of object of the survey. Next, the survey is made from 6 festivals, which is the most popular festivals in Vietnam whereas according to statistics of the Ministry of Culture and Information, there are more than 8000 festivals held every year. In other words, the scale of survey is still small. Therefore, future research would be expanded scale of survey by developing the knowledge about importance of satisfaction of tourists then encouraging festival organizers to collect comments of all tourists joining festivals across the country, and aggregate for exact data. This will help researchers as well as festival planners and managers easily monitor and control the quality of festivals, which affect the attitude related to the satisfaction of domestic tourists.
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