Card sharemarket of Vietcombank in years

Một phần của tài liệu Xây dựng chiến lược kinh doanh thẻ tại ngân hàng vietcombank (Trang 69 - 75)

(Source: Vietcombank card center)

From the above analysis, we see that Vietcombank is currently the leading bank in card operation in Vietnam market, but most of activities of Vietcombank have the trend to decree. Only the operation of issuance of international card still remains stably so Vietcombank has to encounter with the risk to lose the position and sharemarket.

Therefore, if there is no good development strategy, Vietcombank will have risk to decree.

4.4. SWOT matrix










2006 2007 2008 2009

Sharemarket of international card payment Sharemarket of card use sales

Sharemarket of domestic card issuance Sharemarket of issuance of international card

SWOT MATRIX Strong point (S)

S1. Prestige in trademark of Vietcombank

S2. Experience in business operation

S3. Exclusive in Amex card trademark

S4. Be the bank with the biggest card acceptance unit net in Vietnam

S5. Advanced technology foundation

S6. The system capable to accept the most several of international card types

S7. The bank leads the online payment with the international and domestic card

S8. The first bank is successful in connecting with 3 biggest card transfer organizations (Smartlink, Banknetvn and VNBC)

S9. The bank has the leading sharemarket in issuance and payment of card

S10. The bank has the most card product in the market

Weak point (W)

W1. Cost policy for units which accept is not flexible

W2. Procedures of card issuance is not short

W3. Marketing operation of VCB is not active and flexible

W4. Number of human resource for card operation is not equal to the development speed of the card service

W5. Management of operation of ATM machines is not good

W6. The process of shortcoming handling, claim of the customer is not short, wasting time

W7. The personal customer information system of the bank is inadequate

Opportunity (O)

O1. Crowded and young population and improved educated people

O2. Stabilization in politics – society of Vietnam

O3. Continuous

development with high speed of Vietnam economy

Combine S - O O1,3,4 + S1,2,9,8

Develop more product diversifying

O2,3,4,6 + S4,8,10

Remain the leading position in the market in issuance and payment of card

O1,2,3,5 +S1,2,4,9,6

Combine W - O O4,5,6 + W4,5,6,7

Improve service quality and attach with customer with bank products

O4,5,6 + W2

Simplify procedures in card issuance

O4,5,6 +W1,3

international economy integration

O5. Legal documents in financial, bank field have been completed more and more.

O6. Information technology has been developed quickly .

Expand cooperation with international card organization to issue more new card types.

Work as agent for several international card organizations O 4,6 +S5,10

Strengthen modern technology investment to meet more and more demand of customer and increase competition capability with other banks.

O1,2,4,6 + S5,9,4

Open Pos net of payment for domestic card, focusing on uncompetitive payment fields (health, education, bridge, etc).

Expanding online payment service..

Compete in cost policy and improve marketing operation O1,4,6 + W4,7

Attract, train and educate development of human resource to meet development of the bank.

Standardize the filing system and update information of customer.

Strategy (T)

T1. Proportion of population using card is low.

T2. Inflation rate is high T3. Increase in competition pressure in bank field:

T4. Collection of ATM transaction fee meets obstacles.


T5. Criminal in

international credit card has trend to increase

T6. Technology link is the same

T7. Habit of using card is popular

T8. Loyalty of customer is

Combine S – T S1,3,4 + T3,9

Remain the exclusive position in card issuance and Amex card payment

S1,2 + T1,5,8

Continue to develop EMV standard chip card to ensure the safety and confidentiality of card products

T1,7,9 + S1,2,5,6,8

Remain the issuance

sharemarket, using and payment of card

T3,9 + S1,2,4

Focus in units which accept card with high sale, not dead units

Combine W – T T3,7,8 + W1,2,3,4,6

Innovate management work in order to make the best of management process to reduce operation cost

T2,3,8 + W2,4,5,6

Keep more than 4 million customers who use Connect 24 products of Vietcombank with the sale of more than 100,000 billion dongs/year. This is the noble property source of Vietcombank.

T9.Power of supplier is great

Develop value added service attached with card products in order to improve competition of card products.


S – T Combination creates


Combination between S-O and S-T creates

 DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY Combination between W-O and S-O creates


W-T Combination creates


After combining SWOT Matrix, we suggest 4 strategies as follows:

Focus strategy (Strategy 1): Renovate managerial works in order to optimize the management process. Use all available resources with the aim of maintaining above 4 million clients who used card products of Vietcombank, holding the share-leading position of revenue on card issuance, revenue on card usage and revenue on card payment. Hold the exclusive position for Amex card.

Differentiation strategy (Strategy 2): Strengthen to invest in modern technology in order to satisfy higher and higher needs. Develop VAS, increase utilities, improve the quality of customer services with products of the bank.

Continue to develop EMV in order to ensure the safety and enhance the security for card products.

Development strategy (Strategy 3) : Diversify products in order to satisfy all clients. Expand and strengthen cooperation, act as agents for international card organizations with the aim of issuing more types of new cards. Widen POS network. Attract, train and cultivate human resources to meet the development demand of the bank. Standardize archive system and update customers’ details.

Cost-leadership strategy (Strategy 4): Cut down expenses

Select strategies according to weight method:



Replaceable strategies

Basis of attractive points Differentiation


Cost-leadership strategy


Internal factors

1. Prestigious on the market 4 4 16 4 16 Advantage

2. Modern technology basis 3 4 12 3 9 Advantage

3. Effective distribution channel system 3 4 12 3 9 Advantage

4. Rich products and services 3 4 12 3 9 Advantage

5. Always take the lead on card share 4 4 16 3 12 Advantage

6. Low Charter capital 2 2 4 2 4 Disadvantage

7. Low marketing efficiency 2 2 4 3 6 Disadvantage

8. Lack of human resources 2 2 4 1 2 Disadvantage

9. Low quality of banking products and services 2 2 4 1 2 Disadvantage

External factors

1. Political – social stability 4 3 12 3 12 Advantage

2. Ceaseless growth and high speed of the economy 4 3 12 3 12 Advantage 3. Globalization and international economic integration 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage 4. Legal documents in the field of finance, banking are

more and more perfect 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage

5. Population scale and structure is favorable for banking

services development 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage

6. IT develop very fast 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage

7. Perform international commitments in the field of

banking 3 3 9 2 6 Disadvantage

8. Competition between banks and financial institutions

is more and more severe 2 3 6 3 6 Disadvantage

9. Cash habit is still popular 2 3 6 3 6 Disadvantage

Total attractive points 165 147


Replaceable strategies Basis of attractive

points Development

strategy Focus strategy


Internal factors

1. Prestigious on the market 4 3 12 4 16 Advantage

2. Modern technology basis 3 3 9 4 12 Advantage

3. Effective distribution channel system 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage

4. Rich products and services 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage

5. Always take the lead on card share 4 3 12 4 16 Advantage

6. Low Charter capital 2 2 4 2 4 Disadvantage

7. Low marketing efficiency 2 2 4 2 4 Disadvantage

8. Lack of human resources 2 3 6 2 4 Disadvantage

9. Low quality of banking products and services 2 2 4 2 4 Disadvantage

External factors

1. Political – social stability 4 4 16 4 16 Advantage

2. Ceaseless growth and high speed of the economy 4 4 16 4 16 Advantage

3. Globalization and international economic integration 3 4 12 4 12 Advantage

4. Legal documents in the field of finance, banking are Advantage

5. Population scale and structure is favorable for banking

services development 3 3 9 3 9 Advantage

6. IT develop very fast 3 3 9 4 12 Advantage

7. Perform international commitments in the field of

banking 3 2 6 3 9 Advantage

8. Competition between banks and financial institutions

is more and more severe 2 2 4 2 4 Disadvantage

9. Cash habit is still popular 2 4 8 2 4 Disadvantage

Total attractive points 158 169

4.5. Select card business strategies of Vietcombank under QSPM Matrix:

Through the above table of QSPM Matrix, we find that the focus strategy (strategy 1) gets 169 points; the differentiation strategy (strategy 2) gets 165 points; the development strategy (strategy 3) gets 158 points; the cost-leadership strategy (strategy 4) gets 147 points. Due to human resource limit, the business can’t concurrently pursue many different strategies. In the viewpoint of our group, Vietcombank should select the most appropriate strategies in accordance with its condition in order to earn the highest economic efficiency. Based on achieved points from QSPM Matrix, our group suggests that Vietcombank should select 03 of 04 mentioned strategies; strategies are arranged under the following order of preference:

Focus strategy (Strategy 1): Renovate managerial works in order to optimize the management process. Use all available resources with the aim of maintaining above 4 million clients who used card products of Vietcombank, holding the share-leading position of revenue on card issuance, revenue on card usage and revenue on card payment. Hold the exclusive position for Amex card.

Differentiation strategy (Strategy 2): Strengthen to invest in modern technology in order to satisfy higher and higher needs. Develop VAS, increase utilities, improve the quality of customer services with products of the bank.

Continue to develop EMV in order to ensure the safety and enhance the security for card products.

Development strategy (Strategy 3) : Diversify products in order to satisfy all clients. Expand and strengthen cooperation, act as agents for international card organizations with the aim of issuing more types of new cards. Widen POS network. Attract, train and cultivate human resources to meet the development demand of the bank. Standardize archive system and update customers’ details.

Selecting 03 above strategies creates conditions for VCB to develop towards

“Sustainable, safe and effective”, our group thinks that this is the strategy in conformity with the strengths and weaknesses of Vietcombank and in conformity with the trend of the current age.

Một phần của tài liệu Xây dựng chiến lược kinh doanh thẻ tại ngân hàng vietcombank (Trang 69 - 75)

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