Communication skills Pronunciation
rJ Listening [db]
�\ Contact name:
<3.f.e.p.A..��i2; . . s..f.c�N ... . Name of company:
Ordering and supplying Clarifying i nformation Letter writing Contrastive stress
o Stephanie Strahl is a lawyer in Geneva. She wants some nel'l furniture for her office. She phones Laporta, a furniture company in London. Note her details on the pad below.
e The next day the brochure was sent with an accompanying letter. Read the letter and find three errors.
L A P O R T A 24 Southwark Street london SE I I TY
Ms Stephanie Strahl STRAHL & FIRONI 3D, Avenue de Frontenex CA- 1 207 Geneva
Dear Ms Strahl
14 October 200 I
Following our conversation please find enclosed our latest brochure.
You will see we have a full range of office furniture to suit all budgets. You will find the Literatura range on pages 23-25.
Thank you for choosing our company. We look forward to being of service to you.
Yours sincerely
Antonio L..Cl.poriCi.
Antonio Laporta
e Answer the following questions.
1 Why does Antonio Laporta write Ms Strahl and not Mrs Strahl? Why Yours sil/cerely and not Yo"rs fnithflllly?
2 vVhich expressions in the letter mean the following?
a I am sending ... , . . . . ... . . .... . . .
b a wide selection . . . .
I) Speaking
o Stephanie wants to compare products and prices before she places an order, so she asks her colleague to phone some other furniture companies. Complete the dialogue below with the following expressions. Then listen and check.
Sorry, that's Go ahead. That's right. Have you got that?
I've got that. Go on. I didn't catch . . . Can I read that back to you>
A: Would it be possible to send me a brochure?
B: Yes of course. Let me take your details.
A: Ready?
B: Yes ... ... '. A: My name's Daniel Aubert.
B: Sorry, ... . . ... . . ....... ..... . . ...... ...... .............. ....... 2 your last name.
A: Aubert.
B: Daniel Albert.
A: No, it's Aubert: A-U-B-E-R-T.
B: OK . . . ... . . ... . ..... . . ... . . . .... . . . .... . . .... ... . . ... . ... 3. . . . .... . . ... . . ... . . A: And my phone number's 00 4 1 22 78 . . .
B : ... ... 5 00 4 1 22 . . .
A: . . . 78 24 60 54 . .... . . ... . . . ... . . ... ... . . ..... . . ... ... ... ... . . 6 ? B: Yes, [ think so . . . .
... ... 7 ? 00 4 1 22 78 24 60 94.
A: 54.
B: Sorry, 54.
A: ... ... 8
e Now have similar conversations with a partner. Take it in turns to give:
- your name and telephone number
- a credit card or identity card number with expiry date or issue date the make of your car and the registration number.
Correcting and checking information
1 Here are some expressions we use on the telephone when we are noting i nformation.
Person giving information Ready?
Have you got that?
That's right.
That's all.
Person noting information Go ahead.
I've got that. Go on.
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
Can I read that back to you?
2 When we want to correct someone, we stress the word or part of a word we are correcting.
You work for IBM, don't you?
You were born in 1958.
She's German, isn't she?
No, I work for Compaq, actually.
No, in fact I was barn in fifty.-seven.
No she isn't, she's Dutch.
3 To show you have understood, use these expressions.
OK. I've got that. Right.
People at work 123
g Reading
. /,_ . • •
o Stephanie receives a quote fTom Laporta.
What items of furniture does she want?
2 What is the total price of these items?
3 What does she have to decide about them?
4 If she accepts the quote what does she have to do?
L A P O R T A 24 Soud1wnrk Street London SE I I TV
Customer: Strahl & Sironi
By Fax Quote Items
Grand total
I x Literawra desk 1 800mm x 1 500mm I x Two drawer filing cabinet
Available in beech or cherry
VAT Transport
Delivery time 4-6 weeks_
£3 1 0
£ 1 000
£ 1 75
We hope this offer suits you and we look forward to processing your order. Please confirm in writing .
e Work in pairs. Take it in turns to read the following information aloud and correct each othcr, if nccessary. When corrccting, don't forget to strcss the information you change.
Stephanie is a doctor . . . (".� .. . . >.':':,,:.'s:. .. a. . . la'�fJ,,:r: .. tl.C:.f.'1a.It:1.: ... . . 2 She livcs in Munich . ... : . . . .
3 She wants to buy some stationery . ... . 4 Laporta is in Penny Lane . ... . 5 The desk costs £790 . ... . 6 I t is one metre sixty . ... ..
7 The filing cabinet costs $310 . ... . 8 I t has four drawers . . . . .. . . .. . . .
[!) Listening
(I Writing
II Speaking
Stephanie caUs Laporta back. Listen and answer the following questions.
I How much of a discount does Stephanie get?
2 Why does she decide to order a chair?
3 Why does Laporta say he can't give her a discount for the transport' 4 When does she have to pay?
5 How will Stephanie confirm the order?
Stephanie sends Laporta an e-mail. Read it and put the sentences in the right order.
from: I I Stephanie Strahl to: II Antonio Laporta
subject: I I Furniture order II
1 Stephanie Strahl.
2 Thank you once again for improving your quote, and 3 Dear Mr Laporta,
4 and payment at thirty days from today.
5 I look forward to receiving the goods in due course.
6 The price agreed was £1 000 (ex VAl), with transport costs of £90 7 You promised delivery within thirty days.
8 Yours sincerely
9 I am writing to confirm my order for one Literatura table (1 80cm), a two drawer filing cabinet in cherry and one Clio chair.
1 0 Following our phone conversation today,
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Work in pairs. Student A use the sentences below. Student B turn to File AA on page 1 54. Take it in turns to read your sentences to each other, and correct any information YOll hear which is wrong. Nlake sure YOli stress the information YOLI are correcting. Use the expressions in the Language Note on page 123.
The legal age for voting in most countries is eighty.
2 New York is the capital of the USA.
3 There are 60,000 people in the UK.
4 Ferrari is a famolls French company.
5 The President of the USA lives in a greenhouse.
People at work 125