We recall the basic definitions and properties of the fractional calculus. For a detailed presentation of these notions we refer to [300].
Leta, b∈R, a < b.Letf ∈L1(a, b) andα >0.The left and right-sided fractional integrals off of order αare defined for almost allx∈(a, b) by
Ia+α f(x) = 1 Γ (α)
x a
(x−y)α−1f(y)dy (A.13) and
Ibα−f(x) = 1 Γ (α)
b x
(y−x)α−1f(y)dy, (A.14) respectively. LetIa+α (Lp) (resp. Ibα−(Lp)) the image of Lp(a, b) by the op- eratorIa+α (resp.Ib−α ).
If f ∈Ia+α (Lp) (resp. f ∈Ib−α (Lp)) and 0 < α < 1 then the left and right-sided fractional derivatives are defined by
Dαa+f(x) = 1 Γ (1−α)
f(x) (x−a)α +α
x a
f(x)−f(y) (x−y)α+1 dy
, (A.15) and
Dbα−f(x) = 1 Γ (1−α)
f(x) (b−x)α+α
b x
f(x)−f(y) (y−x)α+1 dy
for almost allx∈(a, b) (the convergence of the integrals at the singularity y =xholds point-wise for almost allx∈ (a, b) if p= 1 and moreover in Lp-sense if 1< p <∞).
Recall the following properties of these operators:
• Ifα < 1
p andq= p
1−αp then
Ia+α (Lp) =Ibα−(Lp)⊂Lq(a, b).
• Ifα > 1 p then
Ia+α (Lp)∪ Ibα−(Lp)⊂Cα−1p(a, b), where Cα−1p(a, b) denotes the space of
-H¨older continuous functions of orderα−1p in the interval [a, b].
The following inversion formulas hold:
Ia+α Dαa+f
=f for allf ∈Ia+α (Lp), and
Da+α Ia+α f
for allf ∈L1(a, b). Similar inversion formulas hold for the operatorsIb−α andDαb−.
The followingintegration by parts formula holds:
b a
Da+α f
(s)g(s)ds= b
f(s) Dbα−g
(s)ds, (A.17) for anyf ∈Ia+α (Lp),g∈Ibα−(Lq), p1+1q = 1.
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