Summary of Clinical and Immunological Data used for Analyses

Một phần của tài liệu Investigating the 2005 singaporean dengue outbreak (Trang 70 - 73)

2.1.1 Collection and Preprocessing of Clinical Data Summary of Clinical and Immunological Data used for Analyses

Table 2.1: Overview of generated tables which were eventually used for analyses. 1=1st visit; 2=2nd visit; 3=3rd visit.

Table Name Cases Information included Description

EDEN_TOTAL 453 Clinical Data 1

DENGUE_TOTAL 133 Clinical Data 1, 2, 3

SEVERITY_TOTAL 125 Clinical Data 1, 2, 3 PLT_CLASS (low/high) EDEN_IMMUN_TOTAL 291 Clinical & Cytokine Data 1

DENGUE_IMMUN_TOTAL 95 Clinical & Cytokine Data 1, 2, 3

SEVERITY_IMMUN_TOTAL 89 Clinical & Cytokine Data 1, 2, 3 PLT_CLASS (low/high)

Table 2.2: Overview and explanation of the immunological parameters used for analyses. 1=1st visit;

2=2nd visit; 3=3rd visit.

Abbreviation Unit Explanation

IP_10 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interferon γ inducible protein 10 (IP-10)

I_TAC 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interferon inducible T cell α chemoattarctant (I-TAC) IFN_ALPHA 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interferon α (IFN-α)

GM_CSF 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM- CSF)

IFN_GAMMA 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interferon-γ (IFN- γ)

IL_1 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-1 (IL-1) IL_10 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-10 (IL-10) IL_12 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-12 (IL-12) IL_2 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-2 (IL-2) IL_4 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-4 (IL-4) IL_6 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-6 (IL-6) IL_8 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Interleukin-8 (IL-8)

TNF 1,2,3 [pg/ml] Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF- α)

Table 2.3: Overview and explanation of the clinical parameters used for analyses. 1=1st visit; 2=2nd visit; 3=3rd visit (NIH, 2007).

Abbreviation Unit Explanation

ID None Sample identification number

TEMP 1,2 °C Body temperature

PULSERATE 1,2 Beats per

minute Pulse rate

SYSTOLICBP 1,2 mmHg Systolic blood pressure DIASTOLICBP 1,2 mmHg Diastolic blood pressure

WBC 1,2,3 Cells/microliter


White blood cell count. It is almost always part of the CBC (complete blood count); Normal count is between 4,500- 10,000 white blood cells/àl.

RBC 1,2,3 Cells/microliter


Red Blood Cell count (varies with altitude):

Male: 4.7 to 6.1 million cells/àl; Female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/àl

HGB 1,2,3 Grams/deciliter Hemoglobin (varies with altitude):

Male: 13.8 to 17.2 g/dL; Female: 12.1 to 15.1 g/dL

HCT 1,2,3 Percentage [%]

The hematocrit is the percent of whole blood that is composed of red blood cells. The hematocrit is a measure of both the number of red blood cells and the size of red blood cells; (varies with altitude):

Male: 40.7 to 50.3 %; Female: 36.1 to 44.3 %

MCV 1,2,3 Femtoliter MCV is the mean corpuscular volume or the average size

of the red blood cells: Normal MCV: 80 to 100 femtoliter.

MCH 1,2,3 Picograms/cell

MCH is the mean corpuscular hemoglobin or the hemoglobin amount per red blood cell (MCH = HGB/RBC).

Normal MCH: MCH: 27 to 31 picograms/cell

MCHC 1,2,3 Grams/deciliter

MCHC is the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration or the hemoglobin concentration (hemoglobin amount relative to the size of the cell) per red blood cell (HGB/HCT).

Normal MCHC: 32 to 36 grams/deciliter

PLT 1,2,3 Number/microli

ter [x103]

PLT is the Platelet count or thrombocyte count.

Normal PLT: 150,000 to 400,000/àl

LYMPH_PCT 1,2,3 Percentage [%] The percentage of the WBC belonging to lymphocytes.

Normal LYMPH_PCT: 20% to 40% of the WBC

MXD_PCT 1,2,3 Percentage [%]

The percentage of the WBC belonging to monocytes, eosinophiles & basophiles.

Monocytes: 2%-8%; Eosinophils: 1%-4%; Basophils:


NEUT_PCT 1,2,3 Percentage [%] The percentage of the WBC belonging to neutrophiles.

Normal NEUT_PCT: 40% to 60% of the WBC LYMPH_NO 1,2,3 Cells/microliter


The absolute number of lymphocytes calculated by multiplying LYMPH_PCT with WBC. (LYMPH_PCT x WBC)

Table 2.3 (continued): Overview and explanation of the clinical parameters used. 1=1st visit; 2=2nd visit; 3=3rd visit.

Abbreviation Unit Explanation MXD_NO 1,2,3 Cells/microliter


The absolute number of monocytes, eosinophiles &

basophiles calculated by multiplying MXD_PCT with WBC. (MXD_PCT x WBC)

NEUT_NO 1,2,3 Cells/microliter [x103]

The absolute number of neutrophiles calculated by multiplying NEUT_PCT with WBC. (NEUT_PCT x WBC)

RDW_CV 1,2,3 Percentage [%]

Red blood cell distribution width is a measure of the variation of red blood cell volume that is reported as part of a standard complete blood count. Usually red blood cells are a standard size. It’s a coeffiecient of variation ((Standard deviation of red cell volume/mean cell volume)

× 100); Normal range: 11.5-14.5%

RDW_SD 1,2,3 Percentage [%] Standard deviation of RDW_CV.

PDW 1,2,3 Femtoliter Platelet distribution width.

MPV 1,2,3 Femtoliter Mean platelet volume is a machine calculated

measurement of the average size of the platelets.

P_LCR_PCT 1,2,3 Percentage [%] Platelet Large Cell Ratio

DV_PCR 1 None Detection of dengue Virus by PCR. (positive/negative) DV_IG_G 1 None Detection of dengue virus antibodies: marker for secondary

infection. (positive=secondary/negative=primary)

CT_COLLECTION 1 Number of cycles

The Ct-value is the number of cycles used to reach a specific threshold in the RT-PCR. High Ct-value means a low amount of template and a low Ct-value represents a large amount of template.

HOSPITALIZATION None Hospitalization status of dengue positive patients (yes/no).

PLT_CLASS None Severity classification of patients defined with regard to the platelet count (low/high); (For more details see Results;

Page 123)

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