The analysis was based on data collected from 92 respondents. This rather small scale may lead to low population validity. However, the weakness is restricted to some extent, since the samples were collected from customers of two well-known real-estate agents who serve a wide-range of customers. The demographic profiles of the respondents also reflect the features of typical buyers of condominiums in Hanoi, which may somewhat improve the sample’s representativeness.
For further research, many directions can be proposed for a better understanding of homebuyers’
preference in Vietnamese urban areas. One direction can be the extension of conjoint analysis that takes in more attributes to measure the preference of different demographic groups of condominium buyers in urban areas. Another direction can involve the examination of group preference, i.e. the joint-preference for housing attributes of dual-earner households, which is the dominant family set-up in Vietnam. The author also see the possibilities to combine revealed and stated preference approaches to come up with a more realistic estimation of homebuyers’
preference on condominium properties in local market.
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This questionnaire is part of a research on preferences of young households for condominiums in Hanoi, Vietnam. The research aims for a better understanding of homebuyers’ needs, which may contribute to better planning of condominium projects in new urban areas.
Please fill in the box to answer the following questions:
Age groups Under 25 25-30 30-35
Marital Status Single Married Divorced
Divorced Widowed
Reasons for buying new homes (you can choose more than 1 option)
Preparation for marriage/Newly wed Family extension
Change of jobs
Change for a better home Good time to buy Investment
Other (please specify):
Homeownership status Parental home Own home Rented home
Number of residents in the new home 1-2
3-4 5-6 More than 6
Please rate the importance of the following attributes to your purchasing decision:
A factor is HIGHLY IMPORTANT if it is significant to your purchasing decision and you will NOT buy the property if it is missing.
A factor is IMPORTANT if it is important to your purchasing decision but can be sacrificed if other benefits are satisfied.
A factor is NOT IMPORTANT if it is of some important but does not have large effect on your purchasing decision if missing.
IMPORTANT Condominium
Developers’ price policy (price, installments, mortgage rate, etc) Time of completion
Developers’ reputation and credibility Convenient for daily activities Nice design and appearance Orientation
Materials and construction quality Basic furniture
Large bedroom (in comparison with sitting room) Large sitting room ( in comparison with bed room) Building
Management fees Safety and security Car parking lots
View and access to green space Unpolluted environment Water and power supply Layout of the surroundings Apartment level
Local amenities and services Food and groceries stores Restaurants and cafes
Kindergarten, day-care services and playgrounds Swimming pools and sport facilities
Infrastructure of the neighborhood (the NUA in general) Location and accessibility
Good access to public transport Good access to central districts
Good access to communal centers, public services and facilities Proximity to recreational facilities and services (cinema, restaurants and café, etc)
Proximity to kindergartens and schools
Proximity to shopping centers and large retail stores