4.1.1. Questionares
Living environment is one of the necessary factors, directly affecting the learning process. Living environment is especially important for language learners. Therefore, the level and knowledge of students will be easily determined by their habitat. The chart below depicts the percentage of participants’ residence.
@ Urban area‘city ® Rural area/ countryside
Figure 1: Participants’ living environment
Figure | shows that 74.4% of students come from rural areas, while only 25.6%
come from cities. Learning to write English is clearly difficult for many students in rural areas due to lack of equipment. Furthermore, lecturers in rural areas mainly focus on teaching grammar and reading subjects. As a result, it is expected that students will struggle with the writing process.
Table 4: Participants’ English learning years
Years of learning English Percentage (%)
Less than 7 years 30%
8-9 years 28.9%
More than 10 years 41.1%
Table 4 shows that the highest percentage in this table is 41.1% of students who have studied English for more than 10 years. The remaining 30% have less than 7 years and 28.9% have 8-9 years. That means the majority of sophomores majoring in English have been learning English since elementary school. Although many students are in primary school. spent more than ten years studying English in elementary, middle and high schools before entering university, but this was not enough to prepare them with good writing skills because they had to study many subjects. In addition to English.
Moreover, in most English classes, lecturers focus on teaching grammar and reading because they are very useful for tests.
Table 5: High school subjects and skills learned by students
Subjects/Skills Number
Listening 54/90
Speaking 59/90
Reading 90/90
Writing 48/90
Grammar 90/90
According to Table 5, the majority of participants (90/90) learned grammar and reading in high school. The remaining skills were speaking (59/90), listening (54/90) and writing (48/ 90). In fact, only 48 out of 90 participants learned to write English in high school. This shows that many participants will find it difficult to have good English writing skills because there is little time to learn. writing subjects in high school.
Figure 2: Participants’ opinions about the most difficult skill
As shown in Figure 2, 47.8% of students consider listening as their most difficult skill. Writing (27.8%), speaking (21.1%) and reading (3.3%) are the most difficult skills.
remaining points. This indicates that the second most difficult skill in learning English is writing.
= Practice = No practice
Figure 3: Participants’ confirmation about practicing writing skill
According to Figure 3, 59 out of 90 students (65.6%) regularly spend time at home practicing their writing skills. It is clear that the majority of students understand the importance of writing ability and are committed to improving their writing skills. their skills. In contrast, the remaining 34.4% admitted that they have not diligently practiced this skill at home.
Very bad ^ tence
—_ hemselves good
we fees hile 22.2% said
they wrote. very bad. Furthermore, 4.4% of the respondents had extremely poor writing
Bad - Normal `
skills. No one chose "very good." This is reliable evidence that sophomores majoring in English encounter a Therefore, they need to improve their writing skills as soon as possible because writing is an important and necessary part of any test or exam.
Moreover, good writing skills will give them more opportunities in their career.
Very dificult Difficult Normal Easy Vey
Figure 5: Participants’ opinions about writing argumentative essays
According to Figure 5, 87.7% of the participants chose “difficult”, 54.5% chose
“very difficult” and 33.3% chose “very difficult”. This implies that writing argumentative essays is a challenge.
From statement 1, it is clear that vocabulary is an important tool in writing argumentative essays, with 27.8% of students strongly agreeing and 65.5% agreeing.
Only 1.1% of participants disagreed and 5.6% had no opinion. In sentence 2, up to 90% of participants agreed that a lack of vocabulary would hinder their writing ability, with 31.1% strongly agree and 58.9% agree. Only 4.4% of students disagree with this statement and 5.6% do not comment. In the following statement, 28.9% of those who choose "strongly agree" ideas" and 55.5% of those who chose "agree" admitted that they could not easily express their ideas or opinions due to lack of vocabulary. Only 15.5% of them did not respond to this statement. Statement 4 shows that 66.6% of respondents do not know how to use words in the correct context when presenting (13.3% "strongly
agree", 53). .3% "agree". “In short, students' ability to write argumentative essays is hampered by a lack of vocabulary.
Table 6: Participants' problems with grammar
Statements Strongly Agree |Noidea |Disagree [Strongly
agree disagree
5. You make mistakes about
grammar in writing 11.1% 68.9% | 15.6% 3.3% 1.1%
argumentative essays regularly.
6. You often make a sentence 7.8% 57.7% | 26.7% 5.6% 2.2%
without considering the grammar.
7. Due to no grammar
knowledge, you always use 17.8% 45.6% | 22.2% 12.2% 2.2%
Google translate.
8. Since you're still translating
word-for-word, you frequently 17.8% 53.3% | 18.9% 10% 0%
make grammatical mistakes.
According to participants' responses to question 5, 11.1% chose "strongly agree"
and 68.9% chose "agree". These students admitted to making grammatical errors when writing. The essays are debated on a regular basis. Only 4.4% disagree, the rest 15.6%
have no opinion. For question 6, nearly 70% of respondents (7.8% strongly agree) and 57.7% agree) said they make sentences without thinking about grammar. 5.6% and 2.2%
of respondents respectively disagree and completely disagree with this statement. The remaining .26.7% chose “no opinion” on this issue. Accordingly, 63.6% of students, of which 17.8% "strongly agree” and 45.6% "agree", admit to using Google translate due to lack of grammar knowledge. However, 12.2% of students chose “disagree”, while 2.2%
chose "strongly disagree". Twenty students (22.2%) out of a total of 90 students had no opinion. 8,71.1% of students (17.8% completely agree and 53.3% agree) admit to making grammatical errors due to word-by-word translation. There are 18.9% no opinion and
10% disagree.
Table 7: Participants’ problem with coherence
Statements Strongly Agree | No_ | Disagree | Strongly
agree idea disagree
9. You often write without
subject matter, resulting in} 15.6% |36.7%| 30% 14.4% 3.3%
illegible writing.
10. You cannot connect ideas in
sentences and paragraphs. 8.9% 41.1% | 32.2% | 17.8% 0%
11. Transitions are often used in) 11.1% 55.5% | 26.7% 5.6% 1.1%
your writing to achieve
According to the results of the statement 9, 52.3% of the participants, of which 15.6% strongly agreed and 36.7% agreed, affirmatively wrote without sticking to the topic. However, there were 16 students. members (17.7%) out of a total of 90 students disagreed with question 9, the rest (80%) had no opinion. Accordingly, 8.9% of students chose "strongly agree” and 41.1% of students who chose "agree" said that they could not connect the ideas in sentences and paragraphs. Only 17.8% disagreed, the rest (32.2%) were silent. In the end, only 6.7% of students disagreed with question 11, including 5.6%
“disagree” and 1.1% “strongly disagree”, indicating that they did not use transition words in their writing. More than 60% of the students agreed with this statement, while 26.7%
were unsure. The results of the previous statements demonstrated that coherence is an issue. in student writing.
Table 8: Participants’ difficulties in term of background knowledge
Statements Strongly |Agree | No | Disagree | Strongly
agree idea disagree
12. You are unable to express your
thoughts or views on new topics or 15.6% | 54.4% | 20% 10% 0%
issues due to lack of background knowledge.
13. You lack sufficient information
ito express your opinion 15.6% |54.4% | 17.8% 10% 2.2%
14. The effect of mother tongue on
English writing is a huge obstacle 13.3% |54.4% |22.2% | 7.8% 2.2%
for you.
15. When writing English, the
influence of your mother tongue
causes you to make mistakes in 17.8% |52.2% |21.1% | 7.8% 1.1%
vocabulary, grammatical structure
land word order. | | | |
According to the participants' responses in question 12,70% agreed that they were unable to express their thoughts or opinions on new topics or issues due to lack of background knowledge (15.6% very agree and 54.4% agree). A total of 18 students (20%) have no opinion, while only 10% disagree with that opinion. Statement 13 shows 15.6 % of those who chose "strongly agree” and 54.4% of those who chose "agree" did not have enough information to express their opinions convincingly. In contrast to this statement, 11 students (12.2%) and no opinion were 16 students (17.8%). Accordingly, 67.7% of students agreed (13, 3% strongly agree and 54.4% agree). Only 10% of respondents had the opposite opinion, including 7.8% “disagree” and 2.2% “strongly disagree”’.22.2% of respondents did not have opinions. Analysis of the data in the previous statement shows that about 70% of the participants, including 17.8% completely agree and 52.2% agree, made mistakes in vocabulary, grammatical structure and word order when writing due to the influence of mother tongue .7.8% and 1.1% of the respondents respectively disagree and completely disagree with this statement. The rest (21%) chose “no opinion”. As a result, without prior knowledge, students may not be able to express their opinions convincingly. Furthermore, they are strongly influenced by language. native mother when writing in English.
Table 9: Participants’ difficulties in organization and development of an argumentative
Statements Strongly | Agree | No | Disagree | Strongly
agree idea disagree
16. Are you wondering how to make| 11.1% |37.8% | 38.9% | 11.1% 1.1%
an outline for an argumentative essay?
17. You lack the writing skills
ineeded to build a persuasive) 12.2% | 41.1% | 32.2% | 13.3% 1.1%
18. Your argument is often not
supported by evidence or sufficient] 16.7% | 50% | 22.2% 10% 1.1%
19. You find it difficult to brainstorm | 15.6% | 53.3% | 16.7% | 14.4% 0%
ideas for your writing.
20. Your inability to properly
organize your ideas will prevent you) 11.1% |47.8% | 30% 10% 1.1%
from developing them.
21. You often have difficulty in] 18.9% | 52.2% | 20% 6.7% 2.2%
writing counterarguments.
22. You do not often provide) 14.4% | 47.7% | 25.6% | 12.2% 0%
opposing arguments, even ignoring it.
23. You rarely restate your point
explicitly in the conclusion. 11.1% | 57.8% | 21.1% 10% 0%
According to the first observation in this table, students do not know how to make an outline for their argumentative essay. 12.2% of them (11.1% disagree and 1.1%
strongly disagree) no. agree with this statement, showing that they have understood how to outline for an argumentative essay. However, nearly 49% of students agree with this statement, while 38.9% are not sure. Statement 17 was not supported only with 13.3% of those who chose "disagree" and 1.1% of those who chose "strongly disagree”. The remaining students (32.2%) had no opinion. For the opinion number 18, 66.7% of the participants said that they did not provide enough evidence and evidence to clarify their argument. (16.7% strongly agree and 50% agree). The percentage of people who completely agree and disagree with this statement is 10% and 1.1%, respectively. The rest (22.2). %) choose “no opinion”. In sentence 19, 15.6 % of respondents chose “strongly agree” and 53.3% of respondents chose “agree” indicating that it is difficult to come up with ideas for the article. wrote their own. Only 14.4% disagreed, the rest (16.7%) said nothing. In question 20, 58.9% of respondents admitted that they could not develop ideas and did not know how to arrange them logically (11.1% of respondents "strongly disagree"). The percentage of people who completely agree and disagree with this statement is 10% and 1.1% respectively. The remaining 30% choose "no opinion.” In question 21, more than 70% of students agree. that they have difficulty writing reviews (17.8% strongly agree and 52.2% agree), while only 8.9% disagree. There are 18 students (20%) have no opinion. out of a total of 90 students. For question 22, 62.2% of the participants stated that they did not make opposing arguments, even if they ignored them.
There were 25.6% of the students who said that they did not make opposing arguments.
no opinion and 12.2% of students said they agree with this statement. Analysis of the data in the last sentence shows that, about 68.9% of the respondents, of which 11.1% strongly agree and 57.8% agree sharing that they did not clearly restate the point. in the conclusion. However, only 10% of students disagree with this statement, the rest (21.1%)
choose “no opinion”. In summary, the results of these statements prove shows that students have difficulty organizing and developing ideas.
Table 10: Participants’ obstacles in term of critical thinking
Statements Strongly | Agree| No | Disagree | Strongly
agree idea disagree
24. Critical thinking is an essential
component of writing 24.4% |57.8%|11.1% | 6.7% 0%
argumentative essays.
25. Your lack of critical thinking] 21.1% |47.8%| 25.6% | 5.6% 0%
leads to boring writing.
As evidenced by sentence 24, more than 80% of participants agree that critical thinking is an important and necessary component when writing argumentative essays (24.4% strongly agree and 57.8% agree). Only 6.7% of the participants disagreed and 11.1% had no opinion. In question 25, 21.1% of the respondents chose “strongly agree”
and 47.8% chose “agree” said their writing was boring due to lack of critical thinking.
Only 5.6% disagreed, the rest (25.6%) remained silent. In summary, critical thinking was identified as a factor. key to success when writing argumentative essays. However, students still lack critical thinking skills in the writing process.
4.1.2. Interviews Interview for students
The researcher obtained final results consistent with the results of the questionnaire after carefully analyzing the interview of sixteen sophomores. When all the interview participants thought an essay Debate is an official article, their answer to the first question
"What do you think of the argumentative essay?" are almost identical. It presents their opinions on a topic, this opinion must be stated clearly, by providing different views on the topic, supported by reasons do and examples. Furthermore, 12 out of 16 participants said that the argumentative essay was an opinion essay and that it was extremely difficult for them. Only four students said that writing an argumentative essay was simple.
When asked which part of an argumentative essay they thought was the hardest, 12 participants chose the body part. They explained that the body part was the hardest part because they didn't know how to write the topic sentence and couldn't easily give supporting ideas for topic sentences. Furthermore, they do not understand how to arrange supporting ideas correctly and logically and give examples. Three students chose the introduction because they couldn't think of a good hook sentence to grab the reader's
attention. Moreover, they took too long to think and write the thesis clearly. Only one student chose the conclusion because it is difficult to summarize the main ideas discussed in the body of the essay.
On the third question, "Do you find it difficult to write argumentative essays?""
What exactly are they?” All the students agreed that writing argumentative essays was difficult for them. Some students have difficulty in vocabulary, grammar, sentence transition, word connection, cannot find reasons and proofs, lack the background knowledge to present objections and objections. In addition, only a small number of students consider their writing boring and unconvincing due to the lack of critical thinking skills such as analyzing facts, generating and organizing ideas, defending points of view, etc. draw inferences, evaluate arguments, and solve problems. They claim that their critical thinking abilities are poor, and as a result they often have difficulty writing critical statements.
Most importantly, based on the results of the previous question, "What do you think is the most difficult aspect of writing argumentative essays?" It is clear that each student's greatest challenge is unique. students admitted that writing a critical paragraph was the most difficult part of the assignment. Furthermore, 5 students agreed that the most difficult aspect of writing argumentative essays was the lack of language competence and knowledge. background knowledge. The remaining participants agreed that organizing ideas was their main problem. Interview for lecturers
In addition to student interview results, the researcher looked at teacher interview results with two lecturers who taught students writing skills and subjects. First, when asked about their argumentative writing ability. Third-year English major students and the two lecturers have opposing views. The first teacher thinks that the student 's writing ability is good. On the other hand, the second teacher gives the opposite assessment implies note that students' writing ability is uneven and varies across grades. When asked about the difficulties that students often face when writing an argumentative essay, the lecturers said that students face difficulties such as poor ideas, not knowing how to organize their ideas, lack of vocabulary and Connecting words, difficult grammar. Finally, the first teacher said that the most difficult aspect of writing an argumentative essay is writing a critical paragraph. The second teacher said that the main problem was that students were not know how to explore and organize ideas.
4.2. Discussion
4.2.1. Students’ background
According to the results of the questionnaire responses, about 74.4% of the third-year English majors are from rural areas. Because of the lack of equipment and poor conditions, this is a disadvantage. Results is that they have very little opportunity to improve their English writing skills. Meanwhile, many students claim that they have spent about 10 years learning English at primary, middle, high and university levels, but this may not be enough for them to have good writing ability to present an argumentative essay because writing skills are not widely taught. Furthermore, most of the time in English classes is spent grammar and reading comprehension as they are very important to pass tests and exams.
Despite having little or no time to learn this skill before entering university, only 27.8% of students agree that writing is the most difficult skill. The majority of students agree that writing skills in English is the most difficult skill. English is necessary for their study and employment. Accordingly, nearly 65.6% of students claim to have practiced writing skills at home. However, when asked to rate their writing ability, 62 out of 90 students admitted that their writing skills were at a normal level. Meanwhile, one of the two lecturers interviewed said that the writing ability of the third-year English major students was still poor. More importantly, the results of the questionnaires and interviews show that the majority of students agree that writing argumentative essays is extremely difficult. As a result, it indicates that students' writing ability is extremely difficult.
Second-year students majoring in English are uneven and different between classes. In addition, students are not aware of their writing ability as well as their weaknesses when studying the subject of writing practice.
4.2.2. Students’ difficulties in writing argumentative essays
The results of analysis of necessary information from questionnaires and interviews show that writing essays is very difficult and most students have difficulties when writing essays. Language competence, background knowledge, organizing and developing an argumentative essay, and lacking critical thinking skills are the five challenges faced by students .
The first problem that students face when writing an argumentative essay is language competence, including vocabulary, grammar, and coherence 5/16 student interview responses confirm that difficulty Their biggest problem when it comes to writing argumentative essays is their lack of language competence. At first, vocabulary is the most difficult problem for students because most of them do not have a good
vocabulary and find it difficult to express their ideas and opinions when they do not have enough vocabulary. Moreover, they do not understand how to use words correctly in context. Accordingly, grammar is one of the primary concerns of students. They often construct sentences without considering grammar. They often make grammar mistakes because they use Google translate or translate word for word. The cause of these problems is because students do not understand grammar rules and lack grammar knowledge.
These findings are consistent with those of Kassem [18], who found that vocabulary and grammatical structure are significant barriers for students majoring in English. Thailand's EFL when writing argumentative essays. Finally, some students admitted that coherence was a significant barrier for them to produce quality argumentative essays. They could not connect ideas in sentences and paragraphs.
Moreover, they often write without sticking to the topic, resulting in illegible writing.
Similarly, Nunan [19] stated in his research that "Incoherence is a recurring problem in students’ writing and can be a major obstacle to their success in writing classes".
The second problem that students face is the lack of background knowledge. Due to the lack of background knowledge, many students are unable to express their thoughts and views on new topics and problems. also lacked sufficient information to express their opinions convincingly (more than 90% of respondents in the questionnaire said they had difficulty with background knowledge and 5/16 According to Kassem [18], “the lack of background knowledge will lead to students giving up background knowledge the most difficult is the lack of background knowledge. make unfounded assertions, which may or may not have a logical connection to the proposition, imperative or objection” (p.176).
More importantly, therefore, they often make mistakes in vocabulary, grammar structure, word order when writing.
Next, one of the difficulties in the writing process is the organization and development of the argumentative essay. Some students have difficulty presenting each part of the argumentative essay. The cause of this problem is because students do not clearly understand the nature of argumentative essays. Some students could not write their thesis clearly (nearly 54% of respondents agreed on this point). Some students answered questionnaires and interviews. Interviewers said they had trouble coming up with ideas for their articles. Furthermore, they have difficulty coming up with supporting ideas for topic sentences, and they are unsure of how to arrange supporting ideas and give examples correctly and logically, some students have difficulty in writing critical passages (about 71% of the respondents and 6/16 of the interviewees agree with this, and