what to fully enjoy happiness and love (talk about sympathy, comfort, understanding, acceptance, improving yourself in relationships.,...)
After going through different emotional turns, each character's story in the previous two parts. Inside a relationship, there are also fragile people who are willing to be a shoulder of support for the other half in difficult times. Therefore, it must be understood and contain a greater expansion of sincere love. This section will focus on the main component of the relationship. The special format of the program emphasizes request but in
the 3 parts, there is no request word. That is the special feature of this talk show, it discusses love but does not focus on any request word. Requires delicate fitting into each part perfectly without needing to be mentioned.
Questions for this section - Do you need to improve yourself to have a more sustainable relationship?
- Is body acceptance related to the acceptance of others?
- How to stop applying the enemy with those architectures?
- Do you feel mature in love now?
GAME(3 minutes for this part)
After the end of the program, the Host will briefly introduce the game and give gifts to talk show viewers. Method of giving Valentine Durex gifts of the
game How to join:
-Step 1: Like Facebook Fanpage Durex Vietnam
- Step 2: Share livestream Talkshow + Tag 2 friends in the comment section. The owner of the gift set is worth the last 20 people to comment until February 16, 2024.
Combo qua tang COMBO 1: Crush landing on you
+ 1 pink love teddy bear as a Valentine's gift + 1 Set of scented candles
COMBO 2: HUG& KISS + 2 boxes of Durex have Durex Sensual Strawberry and Naughty Chocolate flavors COMBO 3: YOU ARE MINE
+ Thermal water bottle with pink
purple tone & 30%
discount voucher for orders over 150,000
8. Monitoring and Measurement
The highest maximum score for each member's task assessment is 10 points and the minimum score required is 5 points. Members who achieve the highest KPI score will be rewarded with an additional 20% of the month's salary
Time to review KPIs and give final results for rewards is from 20/1/2024 to 30/2/2024
Score Yes: | No: 0
Ordinal Number
Name Responsibility task
Note Measure
Not pass
Keep trying
Pass Excellent Result (max 10)
Quoc Minh
ProjectRun the program, monitor the talk show process, create scripts, control the timeline,
Gia Minh
Create relationships with guests and media parties Responsible for recording external expenditures
le Nhu
Logistics:Prepa re background talkshow.
Prepare cameras,
Bao Thien
PR: Post on social networking sites
Ngan Logistics:take
care of guests (clothes, drinks,...),prepa re for risks (if
Use the KPI teardown tool according to SMART principles
Specific: Achieve a maximum of 10 points to receive an excellent grade and a minimum of 5 points to pass
individuals in the team. During implementation, if there are any Measurable: Evaluated by scores on a 10-point scale Achievable: Work is agreed upon when assigned between
difficulties, members must always report and go through the team leader for support as soon as possible.
e Relevant: Members’ tasks are related, specific and can support each other. Logistics parties can exchange tasks with each other if the job the individual feels can be easily transferred
e Time Bound: 20/1/2024-30/2/2024
" . : —
Scoro Dashboard alendar Tasks ontacts Projects Reports = Planner os 2 fe Ạ vo n Smith „
Dashboard @satrgs @ Hei
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ky cram ar pị 017| 28.02. Bracket Ltd. 160.00
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Rlerwmeinn shout Gentiva mentant
Project name | Client Deadline Income Status
Project for Captive inc. 05.05. 10000.00 900.00 9.00%
Project for Concept LLG 05.05. 10 800.00 C=
600.00 50%
Project for Fracture Ltd. 0706. 1190000 C=
750.00 647%
Project for Grease Inc 06.05. 1200000 am
760.00 €.26%.
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24.5 (19.4%) Project for Luminous Group 06.05. 1020000
10500 10.20%
Figure 15. The software that uses the KPI evaluation group is Scoro
The software that uses the KPI evaluation group is Scoro. Each individual's specific information and goals will be arranged, stored, and evaluated in this software
9. Conclusion
Durex's marketing campaigns are aimed at breaking down taboos surrounding sex and promoting safe sex practices among all age groups. Whether you're single, in a committed relationship, or exploring your sexuality, Durex has a product range that caters to your needs. Expand positive information and promote sex education with influential content and partnerships to provide open and useful content to young audiences. Normalize sensitive topics to deliver engaging, authentic content that isn't
offensive. ProJect: Durex Sensual Strawberry and Durex Naughty Chocolate for the 2024 Valentine's season. “YÊU TRỌN VẸN” - The show ¡s talking about ways to increase love and look for a special expansion in Durex's new product line. The show chooses to talk about sex in an open, comfortable way with young people instead of using it as a convenient means of clickbait like some other sites have done. Through the media and the program talk about how to increase love and seek special extensions for Durex's new product line. Product Marketing Strategy with the main goal of attracting a large number of followers on the main social networking platforms that Durex operates on. Thereby improving and making the content Durex conveys to everyone more diverse. Increase the number of subscriptions to Durex's YouTube channel in Vietnam and create a trend on the TikTok platform. Furthermore, this campaign helps create an impression on young people about the flavorful product line through attractive word play messages and meaningful games for customers. It is expected that this campaign will increase revenue by 50% of the current level after applying this campaign within 2 months of the 2024 Valentine season.
1. Advertisingvietnam “Quangcdo Durex khuyên mợi người “Đừng tở lại bìnhtườởng như tước dịch
2. NEWS PROVIDED BY Reckitt Benckiser 26 Nov, 2012, 02:18 ET “Durex®
Joins in the Fight Against HIV and AIDS” https://www.prnewswire.com/news-
releases/durex-joins-in-the-fi ght-against-hiv-and-aids- 180874661 .html 3. May 29, 2019 | By Hitesh Bhasin “Marketing Strategy of Durex”
https://www.marketing9 | .com/marketing-strategy-durex/
4. Durex Page USUK: https://www.durex.co.uk/pages/history
5. Product of Durex invisible in website VietNam
6.Durex Website VietNam: https://www.durexvietnam.vn/collections/bao-cao-su?
MARKETING DUREX” https://edu2review.com/events/gap-go-client-agency-cua- chien-dich-content-marketing-durex-787.html
8. Written By
Adrienne Santos-Longhurst “Durex vs. Trojan: What’s the Difference?”
9. Thuốc Dân Tộc “TOP bao cao su cao cấp nhất hiện nay”:
10. LaoDongNews “Ông lớn nào đang chiếm lĩnh thị trường bao caosu của Việt Nam?”: https://laodong.vn/kinh-te/ong-lon-nao-dang-chiem-linh-thi-truong-bao-
11.By Rebecca Stewart | Trends Editor
“Selling safe-sex: why Durex doesn’t want to go ‘back to normal’ after coronavirus”
https://www.thedrum.com/news/2020/05/28/selling-safe-sex-why-durex-doesn-t-want- go-back-normal -after-coronavirus
12.Reckitt- DUREX AND (RED)® JOIN FORCES AND ASK THE WORLD TO HAVE SEX AND SAVE LIVES: https://reckitt.com/our-brands/health/durex/
13.Thanh Hương-nhipcaudautu “Nóng bỏng thị trưởng bao cao su”
14. Vietnam's counterfeit condom crisis Thenew humanitarian
https://www.thenew humanitarian.org/analysis/2014/06/09/vietnam-s-counterfeit- condom-crisis
A> ^^
15.Baochinhphu “Bức tranh tổng thể v`ềthực trạng mức sinh ở Việt Nam
“https://baochinhphu.vn/buc-tranh-tong-the-ve-thuc-trang-muc-sinh-o-viet-nam- 102273967.htm
16.Staruptalky “Durex Marketing Strategies: Unveiling the Brand's Success”
17.Tuoitrenews “Let's talk about sex: Vietnam's millennials on condoms, consent”
https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/lifestyle/20200608/let-s-talk-about-sex-vietnam-s- millennials-on-condoms-consent/54979.html
NHUNG DIEM DAC BIET CUA THUONG HIEU”: https://oriagency.vn/chien-luoc- marketing-cua-durex
19. Rubicmarketing “Chiến lược marketing của Durex”:
20.Thegioidienanh-Vu Lien “Tlinh trở lại trong hình tượng Cupid trong MV 'Nữ siêu anh hùng"