Cronbach's Corrected
Alpha if Item-Total
Item Correlation
CLHHOI 724 772
CLHH02 MÙH 781
CLHH03 695 ,„/86
CLHH04 65 840
Table 4.7: Results of testing the reliability of the goods quality scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.929 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor analysis.
4.2.2 Results of testing the reliability of the scale of customer service and friendliness.
Corrected | Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
DVCSOI ./5S .797
DVCH02 .739 .302
DVCS03 .639 828
DVCS04 587 840
DVCS05 .611 .334
Table 4.8: Table of results of testing the reliability of the scale of customer service and friendliness.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.839 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis.
4243 Results of testing the reliability of the payment policy scale.
Item-Total Statistics
Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
CSTTOL 742 .780
CSTT02 .666 850
CSTT03 .770 751
Table 4.9: The table of results of testing the reliability of the goods quality scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.854 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis.
4.2.4 The results of testing the reliability of the scale of the arrangement of goods and trading premises.
Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
SBT0I .30 873
SBT02 741 895
SBTO3 825 865
SBT04 £782 880
Table 4.10: The table of results of testing the reliability of the scale The arrangement of goods and trading premises
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.906 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor analysis.
4.2.5 Results of testing the reliability of the safety scale.
Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
DATO1 757 879
DAT02 .803 .862
DAT03 815 858
DAT04 £737 887
Table 4.11: Table of results of testing the reliability of the safety scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.901 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis..
4.2.6 Results of testing the reliability of the scale of reputation and brand.
Corrected | Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
UTTHO!1 .756 .760
UTTH02 .681 830
UTTH03 .729 ./85
Table 4.12: The table of results of testing the reliability of the reputation and brand scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.851 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis.
4.2.7 Results of testing the reliability of the scale of the return and exchange promotion policy.
Corrected | Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
CSKMOI .650 .653
CSKM02 .590 718
CSKMO3 .59S 717
Table 4.13: Table of results of testing the reliability of the scale of the return and exchange promotion policy.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.775 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis..
4.28 Results of testing the reliability of the convenience scale.
Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
STLO1 .675 869
STLO2 £767 834
STLO3 .736 846
SIL01 777 829
Table 4.14: Table of results of testing the reliability of the convenience scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.879 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor analysis..
4.2.9 Results of testing the reliability of the price scale.
Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
GCOI £705 .697
GC02 585 819
GC03 .699 .703
Table 4.15: Table of results of testing the reliability of the price scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.812 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor analysis..
4.2.10 Results of testing the reliability of advertising image scales of two chain
Corrected | Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
HAQCOI .866 844
HAQC02 .329 .876
HAQCO3 .7S9 .907
Table 4.15: Table of results of testing the reliability of advertising image scales of two chain stores.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.914 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis.
4.2.11 Results of testing the reliability of the habit scale.
Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
TQO1 751 871
TQ02 781 846
TQ03 .822 810
Table 4.15: Results of testing the reliability of the habit scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.890 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis.
4.2.12 The results of testing the reliability of the scale of the ability to handle crisis information.
Cronbach's Item-Total
Alpha if Item Correlatio
Deleted n
KNXLO1 .689 .863
KNXL02 .803 820
KNXL03 .733 846
KNXL04 .730 847
Table 4.15: Table of results of testing the reliability of the habit scale.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.879 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis.
4.2.13 Results of testing the reliability of the customer satisfaction and satisfaction scale about the stores.
Corrected | Cronbach's Item-Total | Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted
STMHLO1 719 .768
STMHLO02 .682 802
STMHLO3 718 .768
Table 4.16: Table of results of testing the reliability of the customer satisfaction and satisfaction scale about stores.
Cronbach's Alpha values for the scale are 0.842 > 0.6; all total variable correlation coefficients are greater than 0.3, and there is no need to remove the observed variable. As a result, all observed variables are valid and will be used in the subsequent factor anal ysis..
4.3.1 Rotate the factor of the independent variable.
Cronbach's Alpha results suggest that there are 46 observed variables from 13 image factors.
Asa result, EFA evaluates the 36 observed variables of this scale. When assessing the Factor for 47 observed variables, the method of factor extraction Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation is used. When building the discovery factor for the first time, KMO is 0.928 > 0.5, but many independent variables have not met, thus after deleting them:
CLHH02, CLHH03, DVCS05, CSTT03, SBT02, SBTO3, SBT04, UTTHO1, UTTHO2, STLO1, GCO1, KNXLO1. We get the following result.
Table 4.17: Result table of independent variable discovery factor rotation.
KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. „
Approx. Chi-Square 708124
Bartlett's Test of 5
Sphericity df 465
Sig. .000
Rotated Component Matrix*
1 2 3 4
TQ03 831
HAQC02 .801
STLO3 .796
TQ02 .786
SIL01 .785
HAQCO3 ./83
TQO1 .776
KNXL03 .769
KNXL02 .740
GC02 .657
DVCS04 645
STLO2 .612
SBT0I .609
KNXL01 579
CSKM03 578
DAT03 .789
DAT02 781
DAT04 717
DAT0I .694
DVCS03 .327
DVCH02 .778
CSTT0I .690
CLHH04 .633
CSKM02 .708
UTTH03 .686
CSTT02 .668
GC03 553
(Source: The results are processed from the research team's survey data) 43.2 Rotate the factor of the dependent variable.
Table 4.18: Result table of factor rotation to discover dependent variable.
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling 5 Adequacy. 84.
Approx. Chi-Square | 436.182 Bartlett's Test of
df 10
Sig. .000
Initial | Extracti on
TMNC | 1.000 .779 KNDU | 1.000 820
HT 1.000 .682
HATH | 1.000 .673
(Source: The results are processed from the research team's survey data) 36
4.4.1 Correlation test.
Correlation analysis was carried out between the dependent variable and the independent variable.: satisfaction ( SHL), responsiveness ( KNDU), brand image ( HATH), formality ( HT), satisfy the need ( TMNC) using correlation analysis. After removing the
1.000 £734
unsatisfactory variable, brand image (HATH) and the final table of results.
Table 4.19: Correlation test results table.
SHL 1.000 £732 .724 .670
Pearson TMNC £732 1.000 .730 .600
Correlation KNDU | .724 .730| 1.000 718
HT .670 .600 ./718| 1.000
SHL .000 .000 .000
TMNC | .000 .000 .000
Sig. (1-tailed)
KNDU | .000 .000 .000
HT .000 .000 .000
SHL 130 130 130 130
TMNC 130 130 130 130
N KNDU 130 130 130 130
HT 130 130 130 130
(Source: The results are processed from the research team's survey data) 4.4.2 Test of model fit.
To assess the fit of the regression model, the coefficient of determination R2 must be changed by 0.642, which corresponds to a significance of 64.2 percent of the variation. of
satisfaction (SHL) May be explained by changes in three independent variables:
responsiveness (KNDU), satisfy the need (TMNC), formality (HT).
Table 4.20: Matching test results table.
Model Summary?
Change Durbin-Watson
Adjusted | Std. Error of Statistics Model] R_ |R Square
R Square | the Estimate Sig. F Change
1 8017) .642 634 454 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), HT, TMNC, KNDU
b. Dependent Variable: SHL
(Source: The results are processed from the research team's survey data) In the value analysis table of significance with Sig. = 0.000( < 0.05) means that the given linear regression model is consistent with the actual income data.
4.43 Multivariable regression.
Table 4.21: Table of results of Multivariable Regression.
Standardiz Unstandardized ed
Correlations Coefficients Coefficien
Model t Sig.
ts Std.
B Beta Zero-order | Partial | Part
Error (Consta
.075 224 336 | .737
TMNC | .405 .081 .394 4.993 | .000 .732 .406 .266
KNDU | .279 .098 258 2.843 | .005 .724 .246 151
| HT | 270 | 084 | 249 | 3.205 | 002 | .G70 | 2 | 171 |
a. Dependent Variable: SHL
(Source: The results are processed from the research team's survey data) The unnormalized regression has the form:
SHL= (0,075) + 0405*TMNC+ 0,279*KNDU+ 0,270*HT The normalized regression has the form:
SHL= 0405*TMNC+ 0,279* KNDU+ 0,270*HT
We can conclude from the above analytical results that the theoretical model is compatible with the research data and that there are three approved research hypotheses, namely Form, Satisfaction of needs, and Ability to meet the research needs.
Image 4.1: Model of factors affecting purchase intention at Co.op Food and Bach Hoa Xanh retail systems.
General form.
<Compare the advantages Satisfy your
and disadvantages of Coop need.
Food and Bach Hoa Xanh retail systems in Ho Chi
Minh City= Ability to