6.1. Admin-Add Books
Sub-items Pre-condition SŠteps to Excute Expected output en
1. Login to e-Library Mangaement System by Admin
TC 01 Add book UI 2. Go to "Add book" section 1. Add book displaying
~ 3. Check all components in this 2. "Add book" section displaying
section to make sure it all match the |3. Allcomponents in this section design. will be matched the
2. Enter the correct value into Book [Book ID: numeric character
ID Title: alphabet and numeric
-Add book |Admin is logged in |3- Enter the correct value into Title character TC_02 validation sucessfully 4. Enter the correct value into Author|1. The book can be added Author: alphabet and
Positive test case) 5. Enter the correct value into Cost numeric character 6. Enter the correct value into |2. There is a poup up displayed, _ | Cost: numeric character Add books Quantity saying "The book add sucessfully" |Quantity: numeric character
1. Go to "Add book" section 2. Enter the incorrect value into Book ID
TC 0 Ac book Admin is logged in |. Enter the incorrect value into Title - (Negative testcase)|f97°55#fy 44. Enter the incorrect value into
Author Book ID: alphabet
5. Enter the incorrect value into Cost Title: blank 6. Enter the incorrect value into 1. The book cannot be added Author: blank Quantity 2. There is an error saying "Please | Cost: alphabet character
7. Click on "Add" button check the values in the fields’ Quantity: alphabet character
6.2. Admin-Book Search
Bho cuits Scalise Steps to Excute Expected output
1. Login to e-Library Mangaement System by Admin
Search book UI 2. Go to "Search bock" section 1. Search book page displaying 3. Check all components in this 2. "Search book" section displaying section to make sure it all match the |3. All components in this section
design. will be matched the design
Search books |Šeamhbook Admin is logged in |1- Go to "Search bock"” section 1. The book can be searched validation sucessfully 2 Enter the correct value into Book
|Positive test case) ID |2. There is a popup showing all
3. Click on "Add" button data of the book Book ID: numeric character Search book mã + |1.Go to "Search bock" section
validation — 2. Enter the incorrect value into _|1. The book cannot be searched
|(Negative test case) Book ID |2. There is an error saying "Please 3. Click on "Add" button check the values in the fields” Book ID: alphabet
6.3. Admin-Book Update
Book update Ul
6.4. Admin-View Order
Login to e-Library Go to “Book Update’
Check all components in section to make sure it all
Go to “Book Update”
Enter the correct value into
Enter the correct value into Enter the correct value into
Go to "Book Update”
Enter the incorrect value
Enter the incorrect value into Enter the incorrect value Enter the incorrect value Enter the incorrect value
canbe updated
The book cannot be
The book cannot be There is an error
Expected output
1. Login to e-Library Mangaement System by Admin
View Order UI 2. Go to "View Order" section 1. View Order page displaying 3. Check all components in this 2. "View Order" section displaying section to make sure it all match the |3. All components in this section
design. | will be matched the design
vi 1. Go to "View Order" section
iew Order in i in |2- Enter the correct value into Book |1. The book can be searched
View tgs | Admin is logged
View Order |validation sucessfully [Name Book ID: numeric character
|Positive test case) 3. Enter the correct value into Author |2. There is a popup showing the —_ | Author: alphabet and 4. Click on "Search" button order of the book numeric character 1. Go to "View Order" section
2. Enter the incorrect value into
View Order a :
validation Admin is logged in |Book Name
(Negative test case) | SUesstully 3. Enter the incorrect value into 1. The book cannot be searched
| Author 2. There is an error saying "Please |Book ID: alphabet 4. Click on "Search" button check the values in the fields” Author: blank
6.5. Student-Book Search
6.6. Student-View Data Info
View Data Info UI
6.7. Student-Return Book
6.8. Student-Place Order
Login to e-Library Mangaement Go to " section Check all components in this to make sure it all match the
Go to "Book Search" section one word of the book into Click on the "Search" button next Go to "Book Search" section
Go to "Book Search" section
Go to "View Data Info" section Book
Go to "View Data Info" section
Login to e-Library Mangaement
Goto section
Check all components in this to make sure it all match the
Go to "Return Book" section Book
Go to "Retum Book" section
The book cannot be searched
“Book Search’
components in this section
The Suggested popup displaying The popup shows a list of books contains the saerching word.
that, user can select the book
View Data Info page displaying
"View Data Info" section components in this section The book can be searched There is a popup showing the
of day that is late for book
Items Sub-items DVc uc cu 6à SAB Cu Expected output Parameters
1. Login to e-Library Mangaement System by Student
TC _25 Place Order UI |2. Go to "Place Order" section 1. Place Order page displaying 3. Check all components in this 2. "Place Order" section displaying section to make sure it all match the |3. All components in this section
design. will be matched the design
. 1. Go to "Place Order" section 1. The Suggested popup displaying TC 26 Book Name —_|Student is logged |> Enter one word of the book into |2. Thepopup showsalistofbooks
— Suggested Search |in sucessfully Book name that contains the saerching word.
3. Click on the "Search" button next |From that, user can select the book
Place Order ito Book name name
place Order 1. Go to "Place Order" section 1. The book can be ordered
ẳ |2. Enter the correct value intoBook successfully [Book name: alphabet and.
ae Student is logged
TC_27 validation in sucessfully IName |2. The screen will show the details |numeric character (Positive test case) 3. Enter the correct value into Author |of the order: Student ID, Student | Author: alphabet and
4. Click on “Place Order” button name, Issue date, and Expiry date _ [numeric character 1. Go to "Place Order” section
PI 2. Enter the incorrect value into
TC 28 valid Order Student is logeed Book Name
— (Negative test case) in sucessfully 3. Enter the incorrect value into 1. The book cannot be ordered
~ Author |2. There is an error saying "Please Book name: special character]
4. Click on “Place Order" button check the values in the fields" |Author: blank
P/s: File excel TESTCASE.xIxs chứa những thông tin testcase (loại testcase, chi tiết các bước thực hiện, dữ liệu) mà nhóm sẽ chạy kiểm thử trên trang web bằng phương phap Manual testing va Selenium IDE.