With the scale of businesses in the market and operating mainly in the field of build- ing and services. Van Phat Hung Co., Ltd has achieved relatively positive results. In my opinion, in order to continually improve these achievements, a business should promote the following strengths:
• Sending messages to target customers.
• Reaching customers by minigame or Sale-off.
• Using advertising tools.
In addition to given solutions to optimize the company's deficiencies, it is also neces- sary to provide solutions to overcome the weaknesses that the company was.
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This chapter will first begin with a reflection of the internship after two months of in - ternship at Van Phat Hung Co., Ltd., I felt and understood the aim of organizing in - ternships. In the classroom, we had only theoretical knowledge but do not have actual experience. Therefore, the internship will help students have a realistic vision and are a perfect stepping stone to help students approach the work they will do in the future and guide the future orientation for themselves. Thanks to the enthusiastic guidance of the work and duties of a sales staff employee in the sales process office worker at Van Phat Hung Co., Ltd, I have gained considerable experience and learned some valuable lessons. This is not only a useful internship experience but also an opportu- nity for me to apply the knowledge learned at school such as communication skills, teamwork skills, office informatics in practice. Moreover, there are wishes that stu- dents expect to be received and considered by the school so that the report can be completed in the most convenient way.
Under the enthusiastic guidance of the instructor, I have a better understanding of the sales’ process. First of all, I have learned how to find a potential customer. I was taught how to negotiate to sell a product and how to respond to mail more profession- ally. Besides that, I also got a lot of professional compliments when I received in- quiry letters, which helped me improve my communication skills. Furthermore, I also learned how to solve questions. More importantly, I have the opportunity to work with very professional colleagues. They are very enthusiastic and always ready to help me when I have difficulties during practices. From them, I have learned many skills, such as effective time management and responsibility at work. I also learned a professional, fast, and accurate working style. Moreover, I can experience great team- work skills. I trained to be patient and listened to the opinions of my team members. I
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usually gave my opinion and listened to my colleagues’ suggestions. That made ev- eryone understand each other better and solve problems more effectively. Besides, I have changed my perception of the work that I am doing. On the other hand, I must be in a new environment to complete the worksheet at the company and report the fields.
During the course of the internship, after learning hard and making a determined ef- fort, the intern has achieved the following successes: First of all, I can apply the knowledge learned from school to practical work at the company. It also helps me to acquire knowledge and skills, has a clear understanding of my current internship, and choose a future career that suits my abilities. Second, I have a chance to experience the work that I have learned in theory. It helps me accumulate a lot of experience and improve my soft skills. In addition, I have improved the skills I am not good at, such as office informatics, communication skills, and effective time management. For in- stance, in the past, I lacked confidence in communication. However, since my intern- ship at the company, I have become stronger, which allows me to talk to colleagues to learn more about the job. The internship is a memorable time, and I will always appreciate the valuable lessons that it has brought for me.
As well as with the College of foreign economic relations, I think the COFER intern- ship is great, but to improve it, I would like to share a few of these ideas with the school. First, the internship time is quite short so that students can complete their pro- fessional careers as well as be able to write good internship reports, especially writ- ing Chapter 2. Limiting the time to complete the report also plays partly puts pressure on students, the report will not be completed most perfectly. So, I think the college should extend the internship from one to two weeks and the time it takes to complete the report so that students can better complete their training. Second, COFER needs
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to help students take a report writing course because their capacity to write essays is still weak. The creation of topics for students to make reports on is really necessary.
Through the topics, students are thoroughly equipped with the necessary knowledge and interesting things to partly help the report become more professional. Eventually, the intern thinks an internship diary at the company is not necessary because during the working process, the intern must work as an office worker, so we do not have time to note-taking what the intern does to that diary. They believe that the school just needs to concentrate on its internship report. They hope that the school is going to receive our opinions and perhaps improve the internship process better and better.
In short, an internship is an important preparation and accumulation step for students to perfect themselves. Feedback from colleagues in the workplace helps students see mistakes in their work for a more complete solution. This is an opportunity for stu- dents to have an objective view of themselves, prepare and improve. Through the in- ternship process in such a professional working environment, students can learn and draw for themselves practical and in-depth experiences, advanced knowledge about the major.
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Official website of the company:
Sales process:
https://www.bravo.com.vn/vi/Tin-tuc/Quan-tri-doanh-nghiep/So-do-quy-trinh-ban- hang-cua-doanh-nghiep-chuyen-nghiep
Simon Sweeney (2013), English for communication, the Edinburgh building, Cam- bridge CB2 8RU, UK
Robert J, Calvin ( 2004), Nghệ thuật quản trị bán hàng, Phan Thăng biên dịch, NXB Thống kê.
Phạm Thị Thu Phương (1995), Nghiệp vụ và quản trị bán hàng, NXB Thống kê.
Sales profile of Van Phat Hung Co., Ltd in 2017 from Sales department of Van Phat Hung Co., Ltd
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(PhFn dành cho Doanh nghiIp)
H v t n: ...
L p:...MSSV: Kh a: ... Ni n kh a: 20...-20...
Gi ng vi n h ng d!n: ...
C# quan th&c t(p: ...
Đ*a ch+ c# quan:. ...
Đi,n th ai: ...
TuF n
TL ngày đOn ngày
NPi dung thQc tRp
Xác nhRn cTa đUi diIn đơn vị thQc tRp (K. v ghi ro
h t n)
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Đ2 vi,c th&c t(p c3a sinh vi n đ6t k7t qu t8t, Khoa Ngo6i Ng; k<nh nh= Qu. C?ng ty k. xBc nh(n cho sinh vi n v o giCy n y sau mEi tuFn th&c t(p. SV ph i nGp bVng gốc phi7u n y vH khoa sau đIt th&c t(p (nGp cJng BC TTTN).
NHẬT Kj THỰC TẬP (Phln dành cho Giảng viên hưmng dnn ) H v t n: ...
L p:...MSSV: Kh a: ... Ni n kh a: 20...-20...
Gi ng vi n h ng d!n: ...
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C# quan th&c t(p: ...
Đ*a ch+ c# quan:. ...
Đi,n th ai: ...
tháng NPi dung gWp GVHD
Xác nhRn cTa GVHD (K. v ghi ro h
t n)
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